LBO France in short

LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors. Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.

Key figures

€6.6 bn
of capital raised
+ 60
+ 30 years
of experience
investments since inception
unrealised investments
> 1.6m sqm
acquired since 2003

Environmental, social and governance criteria


LBO France wins the ESG Sustainable Development Award


Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported

75% in an in-depth approach
25% in an annual process

In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.

For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.

http: //
Entry point: functions.php
Router detection: is_page_template()
Controller: TemplatesController homeAction()
View: views/templates/home.twig

Resolver scheme

Router Condition: is_page_template()
Controller: /controllers/TemplatesController.php
Method: homeAction()
View: views/templates/home.twig
  • Request resolved at functions.php which launches the AppKernel.
  • AppKernel registers all Managers and the App\Managers\RoutingManager.
  • The Router resolve the template condition is_page_template().
  • The Router retrieves the routing configuration in the template declaration file templates/home.php
  • The Router calls TemplatesController() homeAction() which renders the template views/templates/home.twig



path /controllers/TemplatesController.php
abs_path /var/www/


view views/templates/home.twig


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            +ID: 427716
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            +post_date: "2023-06-15 09:46:53"
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            +post_content: """
              <strong>Paris, June 13 – Six months after a change of ownership, Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes, announces the acquisition of Capel, the historic premium player in the sector. Supported by LBO France, Size Factory is accelerating its development strategy in a fast-growing market. The new Capel-Size Factory group brings together the complementary expertise of the two leading brands in men's plus sizes in France, both strongly committed to inclusive and responsible ready-to-wear. Its ambition is to become the benchmark player in Europe.</strong><strong> </strong>\r\n
              In the fashion sector, tall and overweight men are often forgotten, finding it very difficult to find products in their size in traditional ready-to-wear chains or brands. As a result, they tend to turn more to specialist players. Size Factory and Capel are the two main brands and stores in France exclusively dedicated to men who are not of the standard sizes: they dress tall and overweight men with sizes and cuts adapted to all morphologies: from 2XL to 10XL, and up to 2.20m. Inclusive by nature, they enable people who are often excluded from the clothing market to finally dress well.\r\n
              <strong>Capel, the premium brand and pioneer in plus-size fashion</strong>\r\n
              Founded in 1958, Capel is the pioneering brand in men's plus-size fashion in France. It offers tall and overweight men up to size 78 a complete, top-of-the-range and contemporary men's wardrobe, perfectly adapted to different morphologies thanks to its unique expertise in sizes and cuts. More than 55 different sizes are available for each model, offering the perfect combination of heights and widths to suit every exceptional stature.\r\n
              Over the years, the brand's reputation has been built on strong values: product quality with exceptional fabrics and materials, cuts designed to guarantee absolute comfort and elegance in all circumstances, and seamless service in its shops.\r\n
              Capel is committed to responsible fashion movement: the company develops products recognised for their quality and durability. It strives to locate its production in France and Europe to offer products that are more responsible and respectful of the environment: "Capel, fashion made in not far away".\r\n
              <strong>Creation of the Capel-Size Factory group</strong>\r\n
              With the acquisition of Capel, Size Factory achieves the initial development objectives formulated with LBO France, and creates the Capel-Size Factory group. This acquisition, entirely financed by Zencap, is a continuation of the impact financing put in place at the time of the LBO in December 2022. The achievement of ESG targets, determined in close collaboration with management and LBO France, will enable the group to accelerate its CSR strategy, with a consequent margin adjustment. The new group's ambition is to become the leading men's plus-size group in Europe, resolutely committed to inclusive and responsible fashion.\r\n
              Capel-Size Factory now operates two brands with complementary positioning: Capel, the sector's premium brand, distributed in its three shops located on the finest shopping streets in Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg; and Size Factory, the multi-brand chain dedicated to men's plus sizes, present in 30 shops on the cities’ outskirts. The new group now brings together the best men's plus-size offering in France and the most expert teams in the market. Capel-Size Factory will thus have the resources to pursue a broader objective of international expansion, alongside LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform.\r\n
              Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity:<em> "Six months after acquiring a stake in Size Factory, we have already reached a new step in our strategic development. We are particularly pleased to be supporting Capel-Size Factory on this new growth path and to be playing our part in reinventing the ready-to-wear sector, in favour of a more responsible and inclusive fashion."</em>\r\n
              Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Capel-Size Factory: <em>"The acquisition of Capel should enable us to create the reference group for men's plus sizes in France and Europe. It's an ideal marriage between Capel, the historic player that has developed a strong brand, and Size Factory, the leading specialist player in the sector. By combining the unique expertise of the two teams, we will be strengthening our group and our ability to provide even better clothing for tall and overweight men in France, and globally in the future.”</em>\r\n
              <strong><u>About Size Factory</u></strong>\r\n
              Size Factory is France's leading brand for men's plus sizes. With its e-commerce site and its network of 30 shops, the company exclusively distributes a wide range of major brands and own brands. Its digital and omnichannel strategy has enabled it to achieve steady growth in its business and very high levels of customer satisfaction. The company places CSR at the heart of its model and has already developed a second-hand clothing business. Founded in 2011 and now headed by Ambroise Fondeur, the company employs 100 people and has achieved a turnover of more than €20m during the 2021/2022 fiscal year.\r\n
              <strong><u>About Capel</u></strong>\r\n
              Capel is the pioneering premium brand for men's plus sizes clothes in France. Founded in 1958, Capel is recognised as the top-of-the-range brand for plus-size fashion. With its unique expertise, it offers its customers, whether tall or overweight a complete wardrobe with the most beautiful cuts, the most beautiful fabrics, the greatest comfort and an unrivalled quality of service in its shops. Capel: Elegance. Without limits.\r\n
              Capel had a turnover of €5m in 2022 and employs 20 people.\r\n
              <strong><u>About LBO France</u></strong>\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist and multi-country investment platform. Active in Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture and Listed Investment, the Company has been expanding for several years its activities in Europe, especially in Italy via its subsidiary Polis Fondi SGR, as well as on the African continent via its subsidiary CGF bourse. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
              <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
              <strong><em><u> </u></em></strong>\r\n
              <strong><em><u>Media contacts</u></em></strong>\r\n
              <em>Antoine Denry: +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>\r\n
              <em>Julia Paget: +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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              Paris, [May 23rd] 2023 – LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, announces the signature of a 9-year firm lease with CDC Informatique on the entire NETWORK 2 office building in Bagneux via its White Stone VII fund, the second phase of an office development program initiated by LBO France in 2018 with the acquisition of the neighbouring Network 1 building.\r\n
              Located at the entrance to the city of Bagneux, in the immediate vicinity of metro line 4 and RER B stations "Laplace" and "Arcueil Cachan", the NETWORK 2 building offers 16,000 sq.m of office space organised around 2 interior gardens, multiple spaces dedicated to services on the ground floor and an attic space with a roof-top of over 300 sq.m.\r\n
              At the forefront of this eco-district, which is about to complete its full redevelopment, NETWORK 2 offers CDC Group's IT services teams a new location with a strong architectural identity and exceptional visibility, where they will move into in S1 2024.\r\n
              Owned since the end of 2020 by LBO France (via its White Stone VII fund) and CDC Investissement Immobilier (on behalf of the Caisse des Dépôts) from the developers Codic and Nexity, this new complex, which is committed to an ecological and responsible approach, benefits from HQE ("Excellent" level) and BREEAM ("Excellent" level) certifications and environmental labels to offer an energy performance in line with RT 2012 - 30%, while also benefiting from a WiredScore "Platinum" level certification.\r\n
              In line with the ESG commitments of LBO France and CDC Investissement Immobilier, these certifications will be supplemented, in collaboration with the future user, by several initiatives in terms of accessibility for people with reduce mobility, equipment for electric vehicles, additional services and catering areas.\r\n
              Julien Rouillon, Managing Director, LBO France: "We are very pleased to welcome the CDC Informatique teams to NETWORK 2, of which the construction works have just been completed. This lease confirms our belief in the attractiveness of the Bagneux sector, which is currently undergoing a major renewal. It also rewards the particular attention paid by our teams and those of our partners to\r\n
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              the ESG issues that make up tomorrow's real estate and to the need to reinvent office spaces into sustainable and attractive places for users seeking quality and flexibility”.\r\n
              Philippe Jeanneau, Executive Chairman of CDC Informatique, said: "This new location represents a true opportunity for CDC Informatique to embody our values and thus reflect our technological expertise and our commitment to the CDC Group.”\r\n
              Within the framework of this sale, LBO France (Julien ROUILLON) was advised by ALLEN &amp; OVERY (Jean-Dominique CASALTA and Corentin DOLIVET) and ROM (Hervé ROUX), technical advisor and AMO of the operation.\r\n
              About LBO France\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
              Find out more: Press\r\n
              Agence Taddeo\r\n
              Antoine Denry : +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / Julia Paget : +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 /\r\n
              About CDC Investissement Immobilier\r\n
              CDC Investissement Immobilier is the real estate investment management subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts. It manages a portfolio of more than € 10 billion of assets on behalf of the Institution, mainly comprising offices, PRS residential, retail, hotels and logistic platforms.\r\n
              Active on the French and main European markets, CDC Investissement Immobilier invests mainly in value-creating transactions.\r\n
              The majority of the portfolio managed by CDC Investissement Immobilier consists of assets wholly owned by Caisse des Dépôts or in club deals.\r\n
              Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38 About CDC Informatique\r\n
              Informatique CDC, subsidiary of Group Caisse des Dépôts is a key player in IT services and digital trust\r\n
              Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38\r\n
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          2 => WP_Post {#7967
            +ID: 254080
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            +post_date: "2023-01-26 16:35:21"
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              <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
              <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
              <strong> </strong>\r\n
              <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
              hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
              With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
              <strong> </strong>\r\n
              <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
              With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
              Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
              Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
              <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
              The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
              This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
              hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
              <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
              Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
              Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
              “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
              <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
              <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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          <strong>Paris, June 13 – Six months after a change of ownership, Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes, announces the acquisition of Capel, the historic premium player in the sector. Supported by LBO France, Size Factory is accelerating its development strategy in a fast-growing market. The new Capel-Size Factory group brings together the complementary expertise of the two leading brands in men's plus sizes in France, both strongly committed to inclusive and responsible ready-to-wear. Its ambition is to become the benchmark player in Europe.</strong><strong> </strong>\r\n
          In the fashion sector, tall and overweight men are often forgotten, finding it very difficult to find products in their size in traditional ready-to-wear chains or brands. As a result, they tend to turn more to specialist players. Size Factory and Capel are the two main brands and stores in France exclusively dedicated to men who are not of the standard sizes: they dress tall and overweight men with sizes and cuts adapted to all morphologies: from 2XL to 10XL, and up to 2.20m. Inclusive by nature, they enable people who are often excluded from the clothing market to finally dress well.\r\n
          <strong>Capel, the premium brand and pioneer in plus-size fashion</strong>\r\n
          Founded in 1958, Capel is the pioneering brand in men's plus-size fashion in France. It offers tall and overweight men up to size 78 a complete, top-of-the-range and contemporary men's wardrobe, perfectly adapted to different morphologies thanks to its unique expertise in sizes and cuts. More than 55 different sizes are available for each model, offering the perfect combination of heights and widths to suit every exceptional stature.\r\n
          Over the years, the brand's reputation has been built on strong values: product quality with exceptional fabrics and materials, cuts designed to guarantee absolute comfort and elegance in all circumstances, and seamless service in its shops.\r\n
          Capel is committed to responsible fashion movement: the company develops products recognised for their quality and durability. It strives to locate its production in France and Europe to offer products that are more responsible and respectful of the environment: "Capel, fashion made in not far away".\r\n
          <strong>Creation of the Capel-Size Factory group</strong>\r\n
          With the acquisition of Capel, Size Factory achieves the initial development objectives formulated with LBO France, and creates the Capel-Size Factory group. This acquisition, entirely financed by Zencap, is a continuation of the impact financing put in place at the time of the LBO in December 2022. The achievement of ESG targets, determined in close collaboration with management and LBO France, will enable the group to accelerate its CSR strategy, with a consequent margin adjustment. The new group's ambition is to become the leading men's plus-size group in Europe, resolutely committed to inclusive and responsible fashion.\r\n
          Capel-Size Factory now operates two brands with complementary positioning: Capel, the sector's premium brand, distributed in its three shops located on the finest shopping streets in Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg; and Size Factory, the multi-brand chain dedicated to men's plus sizes, present in 30 shops on the cities’ outskirts. The new group now brings together the best men's plus-size offering in France and the most expert teams in the market. Capel-Size Factory will thus have the resources to pursue a broader objective of international expansion, alongside LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform.\r\n
          Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity:<em> "Six months after acquiring a stake in Size Factory, we have already reached a new step in our strategic development. We are particularly pleased to be supporting Capel-Size Factory on this new growth path and to be playing our part in reinventing the ready-to-wear sector, in favour of a more responsible and inclusive fashion."</em>\r\n
          Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Capel-Size Factory: <em>"The acquisition of Capel should enable us to create the reference group for men's plus sizes in France and Europe. It's an ideal marriage between Capel, the historic player that has developed a strong brand, and Size Factory, the leading specialist player in the sector. By combining the unique expertise of the two teams, we will be strengthening our group and our ability to provide even better clothing for tall and overweight men in France, and globally in the future.”</em>\r\n
          <strong><u>About Size Factory</u></strong>\r\n
          Size Factory is France's leading brand for men's plus sizes. With its e-commerce site and its network of 30 shops, the company exclusively distributes a wide range of major brands and own brands. Its digital and omnichannel strategy has enabled it to achieve steady growth in its business and very high levels of customer satisfaction. The company places CSR at the heart of its model and has already developed a second-hand clothing business. Founded in 2011 and now headed by Ambroise Fondeur, the company employs 100 people and has achieved a turnover of more than €20m during the 2021/2022 fiscal year.\r\n
          <strong><u>About Capel</u></strong>\r\n
          Capel is the pioneering premium brand for men's plus sizes clothes in France. Founded in 1958, Capel is recognised as the top-of-the-range brand for plus-size fashion. With its unique expertise, it offers its customers, whether tall or overweight a complete wardrobe with the most beautiful cuts, the most beautiful fabrics, the greatest comfort and an unrivalled quality of service in its shops. Capel: Elegance. Without limits.\r\n
          Capel had a turnover of €5m in 2022 and employs 20 people.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France</u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist and multi-country investment platform. Active in Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture and Listed Investment, the Company has been expanding for several years its activities in Europe, especially in Italy via its subsidiary Polis Fondi SGR, as well as on the African continent via its subsidiary CGF bourse. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
          <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
          <strong><em><u> </u></em></strong>\r\n
          <strong><em><u>Media contacts</u></em></strong>\r\n
          <em>Antoine Denry: +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>\r\n
          <em>Julia Paget: +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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          Paris, [May 23rd] 2023 – LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, announces the signature of a 9-year firm lease with CDC Informatique on the entire NETWORK 2 office building in Bagneux via its White Stone VII fund, the second phase of an office development program initiated by LBO France in 2018 with the acquisition of the neighbouring Network 1 building.\r\n
          Located at the entrance to the city of Bagneux, in the immediate vicinity of metro line 4 and RER B stations "Laplace" and "Arcueil Cachan", the NETWORK 2 building offers 16,000 sq.m of office space organised around 2 interior gardens, multiple spaces dedicated to services on the ground floor and an attic space with a roof-top of over 300 sq.m.\r\n
          At the forefront of this eco-district, which is about to complete its full redevelopment, NETWORK 2 offers CDC Group's IT services teams a new location with a strong architectural identity and exceptional visibility, where they will move into in S1 2024.\r\n
          Owned since the end of 2020 by LBO France (via its White Stone VII fund) and CDC Investissement Immobilier (on behalf of the Caisse des Dépôts) from the developers Codic and Nexity, this new complex, which is committed to an ecological and responsible approach, benefits from HQE ("Excellent" level) and BREEAM ("Excellent" level) certifications and environmental labels to offer an energy performance in line with RT 2012 - 30%, while also benefiting from a WiredScore "Platinum" level certification.\r\n
          In line with the ESG commitments of LBO France and CDC Investissement Immobilier, these certifications will be supplemented, in collaboration with the future user, by several initiatives in terms of accessibility for people with reduce mobility, equipment for electric vehicles, additional services and catering areas.\r\n
          Julien Rouillon, Managing Director, LBO France: "We are very pleased to welcome the CDC Informatique teams to NETWORK 2, of which the construction works have just been completed. This lease confirms our belief in the attractiveness of the Bagneux sector, which is currently undergoing a major renewal. It also rewards the particular attention paid by our teams and those of our partners to\r\n
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          the ESG issues that make up tomorrow's real estate and to the need to reinvent office spaces into sustainable and attractive places for users seeking quality and flexibility”.\r\n
          Philippe Jeanneau, Executive Chairman of CDC Informatique, said: "This new location represents a true opportunity for CDC Informatique to embody our values and thus reflect our technological expertise and our commitment to the CDC Group.”\r\n
          Within the framework of this sale, LBO France (Julien ROUILLON) was advised by ALLEN &amp; OVERY (Jean-Dominique CASALTA and Corentin DOLIVET) and ROM (Hervé ROUX), technical advisor and AMO of the operation.\r\n
          About LBO France\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
          Find out more: Press\r\n
          Agence Taddeo\r\n
          Antoine Denry : +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / Julia Paget : +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 /\r\n
          About CDC Investissement Immobilier\r\n
          CDC Investissement Immobilier is the real estate investment management subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts. It manages a portfolio of more than € 10 billion of assets on behalf of the Institution, mainly comprising offices, PRS residential, retail, hotels and logistic platforms.\r\n
          Active on the French and main European markets, CDC Investissement Immobilier invests mainly in value-creating transactions.\r\n
          The majority of the portfolio managed by CDC Investissement Immobilier consists of assets wholly owned by Caisse des Dépôts or in club deals.\r\n
          Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38 About CDC Informatique\r\n
          Informatique CDC, subsidiary of Group Caisse des Dépôts is a key player in IT services and digital trust\r\n
          Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38\r\n
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
          hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
          With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
          With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
          Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
          Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
          <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
          The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
          This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
          hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
          <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
          Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
          Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
          “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
          <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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      "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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      "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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        LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
        Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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      "numbers_5_text" => "achetés depuis 1985"
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      "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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      "crit_numbers" => "2"
      "_crit_numbers" => "field_5d0a3b545925a"
      "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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        Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
        Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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        En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
         \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
         \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
         \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
         \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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      "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
      "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
      "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
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      "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
      "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
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      "_testimony_items_0_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
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        In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
        For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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        Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
        <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
        <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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    +post_content: "HP FR"
    +post_date: "2019-02-20 18:06:39"
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    +"homepage_title": "Mon test en FR"
    +"_homepage_title": "field_5c6d8ddfae6fd"
    +"banner_titre": "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
    +"_banner_titre": "field_5d0a3dbceb04b"
    +"banner_text": "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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    +"intro_title": "LBO France in short"
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    +"intro_text": """
      LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
      Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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    +"numbers_1_text": "Professionnels répartis en 5 expertises"
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    +"numbers_3_text": "actifs entrés en portefeuille depuis 1985"
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    +"numbers_4_text": "actifs actuellement en portefeuille"
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    +"numbers_5_sup": ""
    +"_numbers_5_sup": "field_5d0a37dae1a02"
    +"numbers_5_text": "achetés depuis 1985"
    +"_numbers_5_text": "field_5d0a3826e1a03"
    +"numbers": "6"
    +"_numbers": "field_5d0a37c1e1a00"
    +"crit_title": "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
    +"_crit_title": "field_5d0a3b3b59259"
    +"crit_numbers": "2"
    +"_crit_numbers": "field_5d0a3b545925a"
    +"crit_subtitle": "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
    +"_crit_subtitle": "field_5d0a3b775925d"
    +"crit_text": """
      Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
      Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
    +"_crit_text": "field_5d0a3b885925e"
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      "title" => "En savoir plus"
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    +"_crit_link": "field_5d0a3ba65925f"
    +"testimony_title": "Témoignages"
    +"_testimony_title": "field_5d0a3beb59261"
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    +"_testimony_items": "field_5d0a3c0c59262"
    +"crea_title": "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
    +"_crea_title": "field_5d0a3ea4c3c26"
    +"crea_text": """
      En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
    +"_crea_text": "field_5d0a3eb9c3c27"
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    +"crea_image": "155"
    +"_crea_image": "field_5d0a3ee0c3c29"
    +"crit_numbers_0_number": "2018"
    +"_crit_numbers_0_number": "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
    +"crit_numbers_0_text": "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
    +"_crit_numbers_0_text": "field_5d0a3b685925c"
    +"crit_numbers_1_number": "XX%"
    +"_crit_numbers_1_number": "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
    +"crit_numbers_1_text": "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
    +"_crit_numbers_1_text": "field_5d0a3b685925c"
    +"testimony_items_0_image": "159"
    +"_testimony_items_0_image": "field_5d0a3c1e59263"
    +"testimony_items_0_name": "Lester Caldwell"
    +"_testimony_items_0_name": "field_5d0a3c3059264"
    +"testimony_items_0_post": "PDG et Fondateur"
    +"_testimony_items_0_post": "field_5d0a3c3759265"
    +"testimony_items_0_cat": "LBO MID CAP"
    +"_testimony_items_0_cat": "field_5d0a3c4659266"
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    +"_testimony_items_0_vimeo": "field_5d0a3c5359267"
    +"testimony_items_0_quote": "<p class="p1"><span class="s1"> Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper.Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper. aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue.</span></p>"
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    +"_testimony_items_1_image": "field_5d0a3c1e59263"
    +"testimony_items_1_name": "Lester Caldwell"
    +"_testimony_items_1_name": "field_5d0a3c3059264"
    +"testimony_items_1_post": "PDG et Fondateur"
    +"_testimony_items_1_post": "field_5d0a3c3759265"
    +"testimony_items_1_cat": "LBO SMALL CAP"
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      In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
      For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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      Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
      <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
      <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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    "banner_titre" => "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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    "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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    "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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      LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
      Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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    "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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    "crit_numbers" => "2"
    "_crit_numbers" => "field_5d0a3b545925a"
    "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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    "crit_text" => """
      Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
      Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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    "crea_text" => """
      En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
       \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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    "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
    "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
    "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
    "_crit_numbers_0_text" => "field_5d0a3b685925c"
    "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
    "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
    "crit_numbers_1_text" => "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
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    "_testimony_items_0_image" => "field_5d0a3c1e59263"
    "testimony_items_0_name" => "Lester Caldwell"
    "_testimony_items_0_name" => "field_5d0a3c3059264"
    "testimony_items_0_post" => "PDG et Fondateur"
    "_testimony_items_0_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
    "testimony_items_0_cat" => "LBO MID CAP"
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    "testimony_items_0_quote" => "<p class="p1"><span class="s1"> Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper.Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper. aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue.</span></p>"
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    "_testimony_items_1_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
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    "testimony_items_1_quote" => "<p class="p1"><span class="s1"> Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper.Dores quis nulla commodo, aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue. Cras ullamcorper. aliquam lectus sed, blandit augue.</span></p>"
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      In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
      For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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    "contenu_1_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France wins the ESG Sustainable Development Award"
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    "_contenu_1_numbers_1_number" => "field_5ddf921029388"
    "contenu_1_numbers_1_text" => """
      Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
      <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
      <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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  "post_content" => "HP FR"
  "post_date" => "2019-02-20 18:06:39"
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  "homepage_title" => "Mon test en FR"
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  "banner_titre" => "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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  "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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  "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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  "intro_text" => """
    LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
    Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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  "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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  "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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  "crit_text" => """
    Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
    Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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  "crea_title" => "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
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    En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
     \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
     \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
     \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
     \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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  "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
  "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
  "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
  "_crit_numbers_0_text" => "field_5d0a3b685925c"
  "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
  "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
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  "_testimony_items_0_name" => "field_5d0a3c3059264"
  "testimony_items_0_post" => "PDG et Fondateur"
  "_testimony_items_0_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
  "testimony_items_0_cat" => "LBO MID CAP"
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    In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
    For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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    Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
    <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
    <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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            "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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            "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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              LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
              Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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            "numbers_5_text" => "achetés depuis 1985"
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            "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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            "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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            "crit_text" => """
              Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
              Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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            "crea_title" => "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
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              En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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            "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
            "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
            "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
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            "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
            "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
            "crit_numbers_1_text" => "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
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            "testimony_items_0_post" => "PDG et Fondateur"
            "_testimony_items_0_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
            "testimony_items_0_cat" => "LBO MID CAP"
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              In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
              For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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              Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
              <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
              <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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          "banner_titre" => "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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          "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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          "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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          "intro_text" => """
            LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
            Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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          "numbers_0_text" => "de capitaux levés"
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          "numbers_4_text" => "actifs actuellement en portefeuille"
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          "_numbers_5_sup" => "field_5d0a37dae1a02"
          "numbers_5_text" => "achetés depuis 1985"
          "_numbers_5_text" => "field_5d0a3826e1a03"
          "numbers" => "6"
          "_numbers" => "field_5d0a37c1e1a00"
          "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
          "_crit_title" => "field_5d0a3b3b59259"
          "crit_numbers" => "2"
          "_crit_numbers" => "field_5d0a3b545925a"
          "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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          "crit_text" => """
            Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
            Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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          "crea_title" => "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
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          "crea_text" => """
            En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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          "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
          "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
          "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
          "_crit_numbers_0_text" => "field_5d0a3b685925c"
          "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
          "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
          "crit_numbers_1_text" => "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
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          "_testimony_items_0_image" => "field_5d0a3c1e59263"
          "testimony_items_0_name" => "Lester Caldwell"
          "_testimony_items_0_name" => "field_5d0a3c3059264"
          "testimony_items_0_post" => "PDG et Fondateur"
          "_testimony_items_0_post" => "field_5d0a3c3759265"
          "testimony_items_0_cat" => "LBO MID CAP"
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            In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
            For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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          "contenu_1_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France wins the ESG Sustainable Development Award"
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          "contenu_1_numbers_1_text" => """
            Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
            <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
            <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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        +post_content: "HP FR"
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        +"homepage_title": "Mon test en FR"
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        +"banner_titre": "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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        +"banner_text": "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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        +"intro_title": "LBO France in short"
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          LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
          Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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          Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
          Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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          En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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        +"_crit_numbers_0_number": "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
        +"crit_numbers_0_text": "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
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          <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
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            "homepage_title" => "Mon test en FR"
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            "banner_titre" => "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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            "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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            "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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            "intro_text" => """
              LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
              Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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            "numbers_1_text" => "Professionnels répartis en 5 expertises"
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            "numbers_3_text" => "actifs entrés en portefeuille depuis 1985"
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            "_numbers_4_sup" => "field_5d0a37dae1a02"
            "numbers_4_text" => "actifs actuellement en portefeuille"
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            "numbers_5_sup" => ""
            "_numbers_5_sup" => "field_5d0a37dae1a02"
            "numbers_5_text" => "achetés depuis 1985"
            "_numbers_5_text" => "field_5d0a3826e1a03"
            "numbers" => "6"
            "_numbers" => "field_5d0a37c1e1a00"
            "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
            "_crit_title" => "field_5d0a3b3b59259"
            "crit_numbers" => "2"
            "_crit_numbers" => "field_5d0a3b545925a"
            "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
            "_crit_subtitle" => "field_5d0a3b775925d"
            "crit_text" => """
              Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
              Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
            "_crit_text" => "field_5d0a3b885925e"
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            "crea_title" => "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
            "_crea_title" => "field_5d0a3ea4c3c26"
            "crea_text" => """
              En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
               \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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            "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
            "_crit_numbers_0_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
            "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
            "_crit_numbers_0_text" => "field_5d0a3b685925c"
            "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
            "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
            "crit_numbers_1_text" => "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
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            "testimony_items_0_post" => "PDG et Fondateur"
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            "testimony_items_1_cat" => "LBO SMALL CAP"
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              In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
              For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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              Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
              <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
              <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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          "homepage_title" => "Mon test en FR"
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          "banner_titre" => "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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          "banner_text" => "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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          "intro_title" => "LBO France in short"
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            LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
            Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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          "crit_title" => "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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          "crit_subtitle" => "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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            Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
            Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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            En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
             \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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          "crit_numbers_0_number" => "2018"
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          "crit_numbers_0_text" => "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
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          "crit_numbers_1_number" => "XX%"
          "_crit_numbers_1_number" => "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
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            In a world that has become aware of new challenges, the creation of value cannot be blind to the future of mankind and its environment. It must respect both. Investor-shareholders have a particular responsibility, since they have more power and means to influence and act than others.\r\n
            For LBO France, environmental, social and governance criteria frame and guide investment decisions and development plans and cement collective projects.
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            Private equity portfolio companies (LBO, Venture) supported\r\n
            <strong>75%</strong> in an in-depth approach\r\n
            <strong>25%</strong> in an annual process
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        +post_content: "HP FR"
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        +"homepage_title": "Mon test en FR"
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        +"banner_titre": "Une plateforme multi-expertise"
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        +"banner_text": "LBO France est un acteur multi spécialiste de l’investissement non coté qui propose un large éventail de placements à forte rentabilité."
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        +"intro_title": "LBO France in short"
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          LBO France has been a key private equity player in France and Italy over the last 35 years, operating on the business transmission market. It keeps a close eye on market changes and the potential for new opportunities, and over the years has broadened its scope to include other areas of illiquid investments, to which it applies the same key success factors.\r\n
          Its unique qualities are put to work across all its activities: the market knowledge of a local player, a high degree of selectivity and an overall emphasis on the value creation. Investors also benefit from the vision and convictions of a responsible player, and the analysis methods and human and financial resources necessary for their success.
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        +"_numbers_5_sup": "field_5d0a37dae1a02"
        +"numbers_5_text": "achetés depuis 1985"
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        +"crit_title": "Critères Environnementaux Sociaux et de Gouvernance"
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        +"crit_subtitle": "LBO France s’engage depuis 2011 pour un investissement responsable"
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          Dans un monde qui a pris conscience de nouveaux enjeux, la création de valeur ne peut être aveugle à l’avenir de l’homme et de son environnement. Elle se doit de respecter l’un et l’autre. L’investisseur actionnaire a une responsabilité particulière puisqu’il a plus que d’autres le pouvoir et les moyens d’influencer et d’agir.\r\n
          Pour LBO France, les critères environnementaux, sociaux et de gouvernance encadrent et orientent les décisions d’investissement, les plans de développement et cimentent les projets collectifs.
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        +"crea_title": "Création de valeur opérationnelle"
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          En partenaire complice mais exigeant, des équipes dirigeantes des entreprises, LBO France actionne la palette des leviers de la création de valeur :\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Ancrage local.</strong> Des équipes locales pour une connaissance fine du marché français ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li>Des collaborateurs séniors, pluridisciplinaires avec des expertises sectorielles et des expériences opérationnelles ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Intelligence collective.</strong> Une cross-fertilisation des équipes pour un partage efficace des bonnes pratiques ;</li>\r\n
           \t<li><strong>Implication opérationnelle.</strong> Un engagement individuel et collectif des équipes sur le terrain, aux côtés de la direction des entreprises, pour fournir une aide technique et financière.</li>\r\n
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        +"crit_numbers_0_number": "2018"
        +"_crit_numbers_0_number": "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
        +"crit_numbers_0_text": "LBO France remporte le prix ESG Développement Durable"
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        +"crit_numbers_1_number": "XX%"
        +"_crit_numbers_1_number": "field_5d0a3b5e5925b"
        +"crit_numbers_1_text": "Chiffre clé lié à l’ESG"
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