
Screening by category
LBO Mid Cap
LBO Small Cap
Real Estate
Venture Digital Health
LBO Mid Cap
LBO Small Cap
Real estate
Venture Digital Health
http: //preprod.lbofrance.com/en/portfolio/
Entry point: functions.php
Router detection: is_page_template()
Controller: InvestmentsController archiveAction()
View: views/investments/archive.twig

Resolver scheme

Router Condition: is_page_template()
Controller: /controllers/InvestmentsController.php
Method: archiveAction()
View: views/investments/archive.twig
  • Request resolved at functions.php which launches the AppKernel.
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  • The Router resolve the template condition is_page_template().
  • The Router retrieves the routing configuration in the template declaration file templates/portefeuille.php
  • The Router calls InvestmentsController() archiveAction() which renders the template views/investments/archive.twig



path /controllers/InvestmentsController.php
abs_path /var/www/lbofrance.com/docs/wp-content/themes/yagami/controllers/InvestmentsController.php


view views/investments/archive.twig


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          Alvest is the global leader in the production and distribution of airport Ground Support Equipment (GSE).\r\n
          LBO France acquired Alvest from Ardian and Equistone in March 2013 and sold the company in June 2015.\r\n
          Under LBO France’s ownership, Alvest obtained from Boeing and Airbus the certification for Taxiboat project (advanced tractor that allows aircrafts to taxi without using their engines). Over the two years, the company significantly increased sales for the military activity (+67%), especially with the US army.
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          Founded in the 1980s in Asti (Italy) and led by a management team in place since 2014, Astidental, owner of the Bquadro brand, has become one of the leading distributors of consumables and equipment for the dental sector.\r\n
          Recognized for its reliability and high value-added after-sales service with the implementation of tools and software specifically designed and adapted to each customer category it currently has more than 130 employees and has grown significantly since its inception thanks to (i) some strategic initiatives and (ii) the acquisition of two distributors, Athena in 2017 and Alpha in 2019, which, along with organic growth, have allowed the company to almost double its revenue since 2014.
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          Baobag is a pure distributor of Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (“FIBC”), commonly known as <em>big bags</em>.\r\n
          The company that operates throughout the value chain, including design, sourcing, transportation and storage, has grown into the leading player in the French FIBC market and has successfully penetrated the Moroccan and Spanish markets through organic growth.
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          Founded in 1985 and based in Lyon, Bexley is one of the most successful players in the distribution of men’s shoes, and more recently on men’s clothing.\r\n
          Its offer is focused on classic timeless menswear with an excellent value for money proposition.\r\n
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          Improve surgeon training and surgery safety with 3D printed organs.\r\n
          First investment: 2016 (Serie A).
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          Specialized in connected solutions for patients.\r\n
          BioSerenity is providing physicians and patients with continuous care services based on data retrieval and interpretation of electrophysiological signals.\r\n
          First investment: July 2017 (Serie A).
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          The group supples: (i) complete engine solutions, pressure and temperature sensors and wiring harness systems; (ii) integrated alarm, monitoring and control system; (iii) low-voltage switchboards for offshore drilling platforms. The group operates through seven locations, the largest of whic is in Tunisia.
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          Founded in in Italy (Rome), DEMAS is Italy's leading distributor of veterinary products for pets.\r\n
          Constantly adapting to the evolution of the sector, the company has become a major player in wholesale distribution of veterinary products (medicines, anti-parasitic products, food supplements, etc.) to pharmaceutical wholesalers, as well as in distributing a comprehensive range of veterinary equipment and products to veterinaries through its Foschi subsidiary.\r\n
          To strengthen its presence in the pet sector, the Demas group also developed Giulius, an innovative pet shop concept which now has 7 outlets in the Rome region.
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          Founded in 2015, Diabeloop, an Automated Insulin Delivery pioneer, offers AI-based personalized solutions to automate the treatment and the management of diabetes. Its highly sophisticated algorithms, integrated into easy-to-use products, contribute to facilitate chronic disease management impacting patients’ clinical outcomes and their quality of life.\r\n
          Diabeloop has seen impressive growth in the last few years with two products both CE-marked and being deployed on the European market: DBLG1 System, Diabeloop’s first medical device for automated insulin delivery (AID) and DBL-hu, its solution for highly unstable Type 1 diabetes management.
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          DIAM is the world leader in point-of-sale merchandising solutions, a partner of luxury brands, cosmetics and the general public.\r\n
          DIAM is a deal through privileged access made in July 2012 with an exit in September 2016.
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          Founded in 1982 and based in Alsace, the Dutscher Group is the leading independent European distributor of consumables and small laboratory equipment for scientific research and various industrial sectors. The group offers a wide range of products through 740,000 references which are shipped from France, the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy.\r\n
          In 2019, Dutscher had a turnover of 240 million euros.
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          Founded in 1957 and based in the Rhône-Alpes region, the Eurotab Group notably specializes in the design and production of tablet solutions from advanced technologies for the cleaning products industry.\r\n
          As Eurotab Group's main entity, Eurotab Tabletting is one of the pioneers of tabletting. The company designs, produces and markets innovative single-dose packaging in tablets mainly for dishwashers, washing machines and moisture absorbers.\r\n
          With a turnover of nearly €50m in 2018, out of which more than 65% is generated outside Europe, Eurotab Tabletting is the third independent player in this market at European level as of today.\r\n
          Its customer base is made up of private labels (for about 60% of its turnover) and of independent brands, in particular eco-friendly brands (for about 40% of its turnover).
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          Exxelia Group is the French leader and a key European player for customized high-tech passive components for markets such as aeronautics, defence, medical equipment, railway, telecom and oil prospecting.\r\n
          LBO France first approached the management in 2007 and acquired the company through a preemptive offer in December 2010 then sold the company in December 2014.\r\n
          Under LBO France’s ownership, Exxelia performed two successful acquisitions which have increased the footprint in America, Asia and Germany. Over the four years, the company opened a new production site in Vietnam and commercial offices in Singapore, India, China and Germany. Exports increased from 32% of sales at acquisition to 53% at exit.
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          FH Orthopedics ("FH") is a French orthopedic company which designs, manufactures and commercialises prosthesis and the associated instrumentation. The company covers: (i) joint replacement, i.e knee and hip; (ii) prosthesis for shoulder and foot; (iii) sport surgery especially ligaments; and (iv) spine.\r\n
          FH's sales are primarily generated in France where FH markets its products to hospitals/clinics through its direct sales force. Sales outside France are developing rapidly, relying on distributors managed from France, or from three subsidiaries in Poland, in the UK and in the US, the latter one managing over 20 distributors in the US.
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          Fine Sounds ("FS") comprises some of the best-known brands in high-end home audio. These include Sonus Faber, known for top-of-the-range loudspeakers, McIntosh for amplifiers, Audio Research for valve amplifiers and Wadia for CD players and DAC. The FS group was formed by successive acquisitions of these brands with Sonus Faber in 2007.\r\n
          The group has an international presence, with production sites in Italy and the USA and distribution to 67 countries, either directly in the USA and China or through distributors.
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