
Screening by team
See entire team
Board of Directors
LBO Mid Cap
LBO Small Cap
Real Estate and Proptech
Venture Digital Health
Public Equity
Administration & Finance
Operational Performance
Investor Relations
Screening by location
http: //
Entry point: functions.php
Router detection: is_page_template()
Controller: MembersController archiveAction()
View: views/members/archive.twig

Resolver scheme

Router Condition: is_page_template()
Controller: /controllers/MembersController.php
Method: archiveAction()
View: views/members/archive.twig
  • Request resolved at functions.php which launches the AppKernel.
  • AppKernel registers all Managers and the App\Managers\RoutingManager.
  • The Router resolve the template condition is_page_template().
  • The Router retrieves the routing configuration in the template declaration file templates/equipe.php
  • The Router calls MembersController() archiveAction() which renders the template views/members/archive.twig



path /controllers/MembersController.php
abs_path /var/www/


view views/members/archive.twig


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        +"text": "Philippe joined LBO France in early 2018 after a distinguished career in healthcare venture capital in the US. He started his business career in 1987 in the pharmaceutical industry, with Sandoz Pharmaceutical US affiliate and in 1993 he joined The Boston Consulting Group as a Manager. He has made numerous marquis name investments in the digital health sector over the years (such as ePocrates, Spotfire and Truveris) as part of his broader investments activities, first at The Sprout group which he joined in 1995, and then with New Leaf Venture Partners. In his role of Managing Director he led the spin-off of NLV from Sprout in 2005 and then the fundraising effort of 4 funds totaling over $1billion. He has investment and board experience across all stage of growth of companies, from start up to public and small buy-outs. Philippe earned an MDPhD degree from University Paris V and an MBA from Columbia University."
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        +"text": "Etienne joined LBO France in 2013. He started his career in 1987 with Bellcore in the United States, before joining McKinsey in Paris in 1992. Between 2001 and 2005, Etienne was a Partner at Ventech. He subsequently joined a division of Thomson as General Manager, before joining Alix Partners in 2007 as Senior Director, working on operational due diligences for private equity funds and leading the implementation of turn-around and operational performance plans. Etienne graduated from Ecole Centrale Paris. He holds a doctorate from Berkeley University in the United States. He also holds an MBA from INSEAD."
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        +"text": "Thomas joined LBO France in January 2016 after a 4 year experience as an analyst at Peru & Partners. He was a consultant in financial control for private equity firms (small & mid caps) as well as a transaction services and fundraising advisor. Thomas graduated from EMLV in Paris."
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          Dalila joined LBO France in July 2018.\r\n
          Previously she was an executive assistant for 8 years in different fields including the French Federation of Haute Couture and Pierre Yovanovitch's interior design firm.\r\n
          Dalila started her career as an events assistant.
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