Investment Strategy
Operational Value creation
ESG and France Développement

Public Equity

Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy

The France Développement fund invests as a minority shareholder in French listed companies with a market capitalization of between €50m and €3bn. Our approach combines the expertise of listed equities management with those of the Private Equity. The goal is to create long-term value by being an active and constructive shareholder.

Our portfolio construction benefits from the combined expertise of a major private equity investor in French small and midcap companies as well as a recognized franchise in listed equities. All of our holdings are validated by an Investment Committee which brings together private equity experts and the head of the Fund, making our approach concrete.

Operational Value creation

Operational Value creation

With the support of LBO France’s operational performance team, France Développement invests in a limited number of companies with the aim of making them:

  • More readable and more visible, by helping them in their financial and extra-financial communication
  • More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management
  • More attractive, by encouraging constructive dialogue with management and the Board of Directors, particularly on ESG issues that are essential to the sustainability of the business

ESG and France Développement

The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.

Being a long-term shareholder in a company requires carrying out an in-depth review prior to the investment, based on the process developed by LBO France for its unlisted holdings.

The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.

The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.

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        Our portfolio construction benefits from the combined expertise of a major private equity investor in French small and midcap companies as well as a recognized franchise in listed equities. All of our holdings are validated by an Investment Committee which brings together private equity experts and the head of the Fund, making our approach concrete.
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        The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.\r\n
        Being a long-term shareholder in a company requires carrying out an in-depth review prior to the investment, based on the process developed by LBO France for its unlisted holdings.\r\n
        The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
        The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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        With the support of LBO France's operational performance team, France Développement invests in a limited number of companies with the aim of making them:\r\n
         \t<li>More readable and more visible, by helping them in their financial and extra-financial communication</li>\r\n
         \t<li>More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management</li>\r\n
         \t<li>More attractive, by encouraging constructive dialogue with management and the Board of Directors, particularly on ESG issues that are essential to the sustainability of the business</li>\r\n
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      Our portfolio construction benefits from the combined expertise of a major private equity investor in French small and midcap companies as well as a recognized franchise in listed equities. All of our holdings are validated by an Investment Committee which brings together private equity experts and the head of the Fund, making our approach concrete.
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      The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
      The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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       \t<li>More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management</li>\r\n
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      Our portfolio construction benefits from the combined expertise of a major private equity investor in French small and midcap companies as well as a recognized franchise in listed equities. All of our holdings are validated by an Investment Committee which brings together private equity experts and the head of the Fund, making our approach concrete.
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      The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.\r\n
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      The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
      The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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       \t<li>More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management</li>\r\n
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    Our portfolio construction benefits from the combined expertise of a major private equity investor in French small and midcap companies as well as a recognized franchise in listed equities. All of our holdings are validated by an Investment Committee which brings together private equity experts and the head of the Fund, making our approach concrete.
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    The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.\r\n
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    The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
    The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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     \t<li>More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management</li>\r\n
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                The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.\r\n
                Being a long-term shareholder in a company requires carrying out an in-depth review prior to the investment, based on the process developed by LBO France for its unlisted holdings.\r\n
                The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
                The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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                The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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          The listed equity funds of LBO France, France Développement (FIA) and France Développement (UCITS) have obtained the SRI label.\r\n
          Being a long-term shareholder in a company requires carrying out an in-depth review prior to the investment, based on the process developed by LBO France for its unlisted holdings.\r\n
          The analysis of corporate governance allows us to only retain companies which meet the conditions for establishing a constructive dialogue. Our long-term commitment requires us to verify that the activity is sustainable in social, societal and environmental terms.\r\n
          The ESG diagnosis allows us to make companies aware of best practices. Once invested, France Développement intends to remain a vigilant shareholder in order to encourage its holdings to continuously strengthen their ESG practices.
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          With the support of LBO France's operational performance team, France Développement invests in a limited number of companies with the aim of making them:\r\n
           \t<li>More readable and more visible, by helping them in their financial and extra-financial communication</li>\r\n
           \t<li>More efficient, by being a source of proposals on operational strategy and financial management</li>\r\n
           \t<li>More attractive, by encouraging constructive dialogue with management and the Board of Directors, particularly on ESG issues that are essential to the sustainability of the business</li>\r\n
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