Jan. 2023

hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France

hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France


Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.


 The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital

hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company’s strength is that it has rethought the often stressful “refurbishment works” experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.

With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.


Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025

With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.

Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.

Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.


A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency

The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!

This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway[1] study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.

hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.


Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.

Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: “With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”

Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”

hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform’s customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.


About LBO France

A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. Find out more: www.lbofrance.com


[1] Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux

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      <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\n
      <p><strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong></p>\n
      <p><strong> </strong></p>\n
      <p><strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong></p>\n
      <p>hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company&#8217;s strength is that it has rethought the often stressful &#8220;refurbishment works&#8221; experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.</p>\n
      <p>With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.</p>\n
      <p><strong> </strong></p>\n
      <p><strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong></p>\n
      <p>With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.</p>\n
      <p>Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.</p>\n
      <p>Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.</p>\n
      <p><strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong></p>\n
      <p>The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!</p>\n
      <p>This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.</p>\n
      <p>hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.</p>\n
      <p><em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.</p>\n
      <p>Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em></p>\n
      <p>Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em></p>\n
      <p>“<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform&#8217;s customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.</p>\n
      <p><strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong></p>\n
      <p>A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a></p>\n
      <p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a></p>\n
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      <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
      <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
      <strong> </strong>\r\n
      <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
      hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
      With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
      <strong> </strong>\r\n
      <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
      With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
      Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
      Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
      <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
      The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
      This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
      hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
      <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
      Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
      Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
      “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
      <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
      A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
      <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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    <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
    <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
    <strong> </strong>\r\n
    <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
    hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
    With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
    <strong> </strong>\r\n
    <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
    With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
    Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
    Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
    <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
    The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
    This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
    hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
    <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
    Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
    Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
    “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
    <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
    A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
    <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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            <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
            <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
            <strong> </strong>\r\n
            <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
            hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
            With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
            <strong> </strong>\r\n
            <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
            With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
            Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
            Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
            <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
            The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
            This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
            hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
            <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
            Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
            Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
            “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
            <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
            A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
            <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
          hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
          With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
          With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
          Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
          Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
          <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
          The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
          This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
          hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
          <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
          Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
          Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
          “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
          <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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            <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
            <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
            <strong> </strong>\r\n
            <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
            hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
            With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
            <strong> </strong>\r\n
            <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
            With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
            Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
            Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
            <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
            The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
            This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
            hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
            <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
            Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
            Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
            “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
            <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
            A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
            <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
          hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
          With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
          With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
          Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
          Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
          <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
          The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
          This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
          hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
          <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
          Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
          Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
          “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href="http://www.lbofrance.com"><strong>www.lbofrance.com</strong></a>\r\n
          <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href="https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux"><em>https://www.hemea.com/fr/qui-sommes-nous/presse/etude-opinionway-hemea-travaux</em></a>
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