Investment Strategy
Key figures
Operational Value Creation
Italian office

LBO Small Cap

Investment Strategy

Investment Strategy

The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.

In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.

LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.

Key figures

€597 m
invested amount
deals since 2003
+ 15 years
of experience


Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner, Head of Small Cap


Operational Value Creation

Operational Value Creation

In close collaboration with the operational team of LBO France, the Small Cap team puts the diversity of its profiles and its experience at the service of companies and their leaders to help them cross organizational or growth ceilings. Decision-making is quick and solutions are bespoke, with a permanent concern for efficiency and pragmatism.

For further details

ESG and LBO Small Cap

The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:

  • Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence
  • The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments
  • Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks
  • The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics

The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.

Italian office

Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.

This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.

The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.

It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.

http: //
Entry point: functions.php
Router detection: is_page_template()
Controller: TemplatesController activityAction()
View: views/templates/activity.twig

Resolver scheme

Router Condition: is_page_template()
Controller: /controllers/TemplatesController.php
Method: activityAction()
View: views/templates/activity.twig
  • Request resolved at functions.php which launches the AppKernel.
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  • The Router calls TemplatesController() activityAction() which renders the template views/templates/activity.twig



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        The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
        In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
        LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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        <div class="page" title="Page 1">\r\n
        <div class="layoutArea">\r\n
        <div class="column">\r\n
        The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
         \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
         \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
         \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
         \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
        The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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        <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
        <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
        <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
        <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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        <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
        LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
        <img class="alignnone wp-image-3879" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" />
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      The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
      In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
      LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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      "target" => ""
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      <div class="page" title="Page 1">\r\n
      <div class="layoutArea">\r\n
      <div class="column">\r\n
      The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
       \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
       \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
       \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
       \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
      The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
    +"_contenu_5_text": "field_5db9a7bca4348"
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    +"_contenu_6_subtitle": "field_5dd56cf269b98"
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      <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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    +"contenu_3_text": """
      <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
      LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
      <img class="alignnone wp-image-3879" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" />
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post_title: LBO Small Cap
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      The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
      In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
      LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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    "contenu_4_text" => "In close collaboration with the operational team of LBO France, the Small Cap team puts the diversity of its profiles and its experience at the service of companies and their leaders to help them cross organizational or growth ceilings. Decision-making is quick and solutions are bespoke, with a permanent concern for efficiency and pragmatism."
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      <div class="page" title="Page 1">\r\n
      <div class="layoutArea">\r\n
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      The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
       \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
       \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
       \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
       \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
      The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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      <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
      <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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      <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
      LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
      <img class="alignnone wp-image-3879" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" />
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    The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
    In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
    LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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  "_contenu_2_numbers_0_number" => "field_5db9a5aa38f75"
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  "_contenu_2_numbers_1_sup" => "field_5db9a5b738f76"
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  "_contenu_2_numbers_1_text" => "field_5db9a5bd38f77"
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  "_contenu_2_numbers_2_number" => "field_5db9a5aa38f75"
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  "_contenu_4_title" => "field_5db9a69b38f7e"
  "contenu_4_text" => "In close collaboration with the operational team of LBO France, the Small Cap team puts the diversity of its profiles and its experience at the service of companies and their leaders to help them cross organizational or growth ceilings. Decision-making is quick and solutions are bespoke, with a permanent concern for efficiency and pragmatism."
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    "target" => ""
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    <div class="page" title="Page 1">\r\n
    <div class="layoutArea">\r\n
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    The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
     \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
     \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
     \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
     \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
    The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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  "_contenu_6_title" => "field_5dd56cf269b97"
  "contenu_6_subtitle" => ""
  "_contenu_6_subtitle" => "field_5dd56cf269b98"
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    <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
    <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
    <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
    <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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    <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
    <img class="alignnone wp-image-3879" src="" alt="" width="225" height="225" />
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                The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
                In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
                LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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                The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
                 \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
                The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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                <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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                <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
                LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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            The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
            In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
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            The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
             \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
             \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
             \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
             \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
            The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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            <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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            <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
            LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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          The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
          In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
          LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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        +"contenu_4_text": "In close collaboration with the operational team of LBO France, the Small Cap team puts the diversity of its profiles and its experience at the service of companies and their leaders to help them cross organizational or growth ceilings. Decision-making is quick and solutions are bespoke, with a permanent concern for efficiency and pragmatism."
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          The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
           \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
           \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
           \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
           \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
          The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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          <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
          LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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                The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
                In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
                LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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                The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
                 \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
                 \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
                The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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                <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
                <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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                <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
                LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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            The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
            In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
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            The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
             \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
             \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
             \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
             \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
            The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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            <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
            <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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            <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
            LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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          The Hexagone and Small Caps Opportunities funds acquire majority stakes in companies with an enterprise value of less than 100 million euros with great potential for value creation.\r\n
          In Paris and Milan, the Small Cap team of LBO France helps French and Italian SMEs in their development, especially internationally, by combining both organic and external growth.\r\n
          LBO France is the preferred partner of family-owned companies whose shareholder base evolution is often accompanied by a change in operational management or is the occasion for a new strategic thinking.
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        +"_contenu_4_title": "field_5db9a69b38f7e"
        +"contenu_4_text": "In close collaboration with the operational team of LBO France, the Small Cap team puts the diversity of its profiles and its experience at the service of companies and their leaders to help them cross organizational or growth ceilings. Decision-making is quick and solutions are bespoke, with a permanent concern for efficiency and pragmatism."
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          The ESG due diligence carried out prior to acquisition leads to the definition of an action plan that generally covers:\r\n
           \t<li>Internal control, which includes risk mapping, the application of the GDPR regulation and the Sapin II law as well as the fight against economic intelligence</li>\r\n
           \t<li>The upstream and downstream supply chain and, in particular, the creation or updating of an ethics charter and the legal formalization of supplier commitments</li>\r\n
           \t<li>Human resources and, in particular, the prevention of psycho-social risks</li>\r\n
           \t<li>The environment, for a reduction in carbon emissions, particularly in terms of transport, the promotion of eco-packaging, eco-innovation and the fight against plastics</li>\r\n
          The progress of these projects is monitored on a scorecard drawn up within twelve months of the acquisition.\r\n
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        +"_contenu_6_subtitle": "field_5dd56cf269b98"
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          <p class="p1">Italy is the second largest manufacturing economy in Europe and the fifth in the world, comprising nearly 200,000 SMEs among which 50% are family-owned companies.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">This high-potential market is the reason of setting up an investment team of 3 people dedicated to the Small Cap strategy in Milan.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">The team favours growing companies with recognised know-how and strong international development, particularly in France.</p>\r\n
          <p class="p1">It benefits from all the support of LBO France and in particular the Operational team.</p>
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          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy</strong>, Partner, Head of Small Cap\r\n
          LBO SMALL CAP\r\n
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Super Globals

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