News and Press Release

Public Equity
LBO France
LBO Mid Cap
LBO Small Cap
Real Estate
Energy Infrastructure
http: //
Entry point: functions.php
Router detection: is_home()
Controller: NewsController archiveAction()
View: views/news/archive.twig

Resolver scheme

Router Condition: is_home()
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Method: archiveAction()
View: views/news/archive.twig
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            +post_date: "2023-06-15 09:46:53"
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              <strong>Paris, June 13 – Six months after a change of ownership, Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes, announces the acquisition of Capel, the historic premium player in the sector. Supported by LBO France, Size Factory is accelerating its development strategy in a fast-growing market. The new Capel-Size Factory group brings together the complementary expertise of the two leading brands in men's plus sizes in France, both strongly committed to inclusive and responsible ready-to-wear. Its ambition is to become the benchmark player in Europe.</strong><strong> </strong>\r\n
              In the fashion sector, tall and overweight men are often forgotten, finding it very difficult to find products in their size in traditional ready-to-wear chains or brands. As a result, they tend to turn more to specialist players. Size Factory and Capel are the two main brands and stores in France exclusively dedicated to men who are not of the standard sizes: they dress tall and overweight men with sizes and cuts adapted to all morphologies: from 2XL to 10XL, and up to 2.20m. Inclusive by nature, they enable people who are often excluded from the clothing market to finally dress well.\r\n
              <strong>Capel, the premium brand and pioneer in plus-size fashion</strong>\r\n
              Founded in 1958, Capel is the pioneering brand in men's plus-size fashion in France. It offers tall and overweight men up to size 78 a complete, top-of-the-range and contemporary men's wardrobe, perfectly adapted to different morphologies thanks to its unique expertise in sizes and cuts. More than 55 different sizes are available for each model, offering the perfect combination of heights and widths to suit every exceptional stature.\r\n
              Over the years, the brand's reputation has been built on strong values: product quality with exceptional fabrics and materials, cuts designed to guarantee absolute comfort and elegance in all circumstances, and seamless service in its shops.\r\n
              Capel is committed to responsible fashion movement: the company develops products recognised for their quality and durability. It strives to locate its production in France and Europe to offer products that are more responsible and respectful of the environment: "Capel, fashion made in not far away".\r\n
              <strong>Creation of the Capel-Size Factory group</strong>\r\n
              With the acquisition of Capel, Size Factory achieves the initial development objectives formulated with LBO France, and creates the Capel-Size Factory group. This acquisition, entirely financed by Zencap, is a continuation of the impact financing put in place at the time of the LBO in December 2022. The achievement of ESG targets, determined in close collaboration with management and LBO France, will enable the group to accelerate its CSR strategy, with a consequent margin adjustment. The new group's ambition is to become the leading men's plus-size group in Europe, resolutely committed to inclusive and responsible fashion.\r\n
              Capel-Size Factory now operates two brands with complementary positioning: Capel, the sector's premium brand, distributed in its three shops located on the finest shopping streets in Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg; and Size Factory, the multi-brand chain dedicated to men's plus sizes, present in 30 shops on the cities’ outskirts. The new group now brings together the best men's plus-size offering in France and the most expert teams in the market. Capel-Size Factory will thus have the resources to pursue a broader objective of international expansion, alongside LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform.\r\n
              Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity:<em> "Six months after acquiring a stake in Size Factory, we have already reached a new step in our strategic development. We are particularly pleased to be supporting Capel-Size Factory on this new growth path and to be playing our part in reinventing the ready-to-wear sector, in favour of a more responsible and inclusive fashion."</em>\r\n
              Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Capel-Size Factory: <em>"The acquisition of Capel should enable us to create the reference group for men's plus sizes in France and Europe. It's an ideal marriage between Capel, the historic player that has developed a strong brand, and Size Factory, the leading specialist player in the sector. By combining the unique expertise of the two teams, we will be strengthening our group and our ability to provide even better clothing for tall and overweight men in France, and globally in the future.”</em>\r\n
              <strong><u>About Size Factory</u></strong>\r\n
              Size Factory is France's leading brand for men's plus sizes. With its e-commerce site and its network of 30 shops, the company exclusively distributes a wide range of major brands and own brands. Its digital and omnichannel strategy has enabled it to achieve steady growth in its business and very high levels of customer satisfaction. The company places CSR at the heart of its model and has already developed a second-hand clothing business. Founded in 2011 and now headed by Ambroise Fondeur, the company employs 100 people and has achieved a turnover of more than €20m during the 2021/2022 fiscal year.\r\n
              <strong><u>About Capel</u></strong>\r\n
              Capel is the pioneering premium brand for men's plus sizes clothes in France. Founded in 1958, Capel is recognised as the top-of-the-range brand for plus-size fashion. With its unique expertise, it offers its customers, whether tall or overweight a complete wardrobe with the most beautiful cuts, the most beautiful fabrics, the greatest comfort and an unrivalled quality of service in its shops. Capel: Elegance. Without limits.\r\n
              Capel had a turnover of €5m in 2022 and employs 20 people.\r\n
              <strong><u>About LBO France</u></strong>\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist and multi-country investment platform. Active in Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture and Listed Investment, the Company has been expanding for several years its activities in Europe, especially in Italy via its subsidiary Polis Fondi SGR, as well as on the African continent via its subsidiary CGF bourse. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
              <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
              <strong><em><u> </u></em></strong>\r\n
              <strong><em><u>Media contacts</u></em></strong>\r\n
              <em>Antoine Denry: +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>\r\n
              <em>Julia Paget: +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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              Paris, [May 23rd] 2023 – LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, announces the signature of a 9-year firm lease with CDC Informatique on the entire NETWORK 2 office building in Bagneux via its White Stone VII fund, the second phase of an office development program initiated by LBO France in 2018 with the acquisition of the neighbouring Network 1 building.\r\n
              Located at the entrance to the city of Bagneux, in the immediate vicinity of metro line 4 and RER B stations "Laplace" and "Arcueil Cachan", the NETWORK 2 building offers 16,000 sq.m of office space organised around 2 interior gardens, multiple spaces dedicated to services on the ground floor and an attic space with a roof-top of over 300 sq.m.\r\n
              At the forefront of this eco-district, which is about to complete its full redevelopment, NETWORK 2 offers CDC Group's IT services teams a new location with a strong architectural identity and exceptional visibility, where they will move into in S1 2024.\r\n
              Owned since the end of 2020 by LBO France (via its White Stone VII fund) and CDC Investissement Immobilier (on behalf of the Caisse des Dépôts) from the developers Codic and Nexity, this new complex, which is committed to an ecological and responsible approach, benefits from HQE ("Excellent" level) and BREEAM ("Excellent" level) certifications and environmental labels to offer an energy performance in line with RT 2012 - 30%, while also benefiting from a WiredScore "Platinum" level certification.\r\n
              In line with the ESG commitments of LBO France and CDC Investissement Immobilier, these certifications will be supplemented, in collaboration with the future user, by several initiatives in terms of accessibility for people with reduce mobility, equipment for electric vehicles, additional services and catering areas.\r\n
              Julien Rouillon, Managing Director, LBO France: "We are very pleased to welcome the CDC Informatique teams to NETWORK 2, of which the construction works have just been completed. This lease confirms our belief in the attractiveness of the Bagneux sector, which is currently undergoing a major renewal. It also rewards the particular attention paid by our teams and those of our partners to\r\n
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              the ESG issues that make up tomorrow's real estate and to the need to reinvent office spaces into sustainable and attractive places for users seeking quality and flexibility”.\r\n
              Philippe Jeanneau, Executive Chairman of CDC Informatique, said: "This new location represents a true opportunity for CDC Informatique to embody our values and thus reflect our technological expertise and our commitment to the CDC Group.”\r\n
              Within the framework of this sale, LBO France (Julien ROUILLON) was advised by ALLEN &amp; OVERY (Jean-Dominique CASALTA and Corentin DOLIVET) and ROM (Hervé ROUX), technical advisor and AMO of the operation.\r\n
              About LBO France\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
              Find out more: Press\r\n
              Agence Taddeo\r\n
              Antoine Denry : +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / Julia Paget : +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 /\r\n
              About CDC Investissement Immobilier\r\n
              CDC Investissement Immobilier is the real estate investment management subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts. It manages a portfolio of more than € 10 billion of assets on behalf of the Institution, mainly comprising offices, PRS residential, retail, hotels and logistic platforms.\r\n
              Active on the French and main European markets, CDC Investissement Immobilier invests mainly in value-creating transactions.\r\n
              The majority of the portfolio managed by CDC Investissement Immobilier consists of assets wholly owned by Caisse des Dépôts or in club deals.\r\n
              Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38 About CDC Informatique\r\n
              Informatique CDC, subsidiary of Group Caisse des Dépôts is a key player in IT services and digital trust\r\n
              Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38\r\n
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              <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
              <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
              <strong> </strong>\r\n
              <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
              hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
              With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
              <strong> </strong>\r\n
              <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
              With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
              Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
              Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
              <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
              The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
              This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
              hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
              <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
              Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
              Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
              “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
              <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
              A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
              <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
            +post_title: "hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France"
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          3 => WP_Post {#7890
            +ID: 176663
            +post_author: "7"
            +post_date: "2022-12-13 09:56:33"
            +post_date_gmt: "2022-12-13 08:56:33"
            +post_content: """
              <h2 style="text-align: center;">LBO France invests as a majority shareholder in Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes</h2>\r\n
              <strong>Paris, December 13 – LBO France announces the acquisition of a majority stake in Size Factory, a company specialising in men's plus size fashion, alongside the management team and co-founders. This transaction is the sixth investment of its Small Caps Opportunities II fund, dedicated to the development of French and Italian SMEs. The themes of inclusiveness and circular economy, which are part of the company's DNA, reflect LBO France's ESG and climate commitment. With this transaction, Size Factory intends to expand its retail network in France and in Europe and to strengthen its online presence.</strong>\r\n
              Since 2011, Size Factory has specialised in men's plus size fashion, first by offering high-end clothing online, then by extending its network of physical shops. Size Factory distinguishes itself from other players thanks to its premium positioning and its wide range of products, made up of both well-known brands and its own brands. The brand is now the leading dedicated e-commerce site and the leading specialist network with 28 points of sale in France, while showing strong profitability.\r\n
              Size Factory offers a range of clothing from 2XL to 8XL for overweight and tall men, thus meeting a demand that is poorly addressed by traditional players, particularly in the off-line segment. Tall and overweight men find at Size Factory the adapted offer of quality clothing and the personalized advice they need: Size Factory contributes to the well-being and self-affirmation of its customers.\r\n
              This market segment is currently worth more than 1 billion euros in France, including approximately €600 million in the mid and premium segments that the company is targeting.\r\n
              <strong>Strengthening its leadership position in France and duplicate the model at the European level</strong>\r\n
              With this capital reorganisation, Size Factory aims at expanding its retail network in France and in Europe and thus develop its presence in the overweight and tall man market.\r\n
              At the same time, Size Factory intends to capitalise on its very high quality of service by reinforcing its omnichannel distribution strategy, which enriches the customer’s experience and increases the number of purchasing possibilities.\r\n
              <strong>Affirm and amplify its commitment to a circular economy</strong>\r\n
              This operation should also enable Size Factory to extend its commitment to a circular economy, with the development of a second-hand clothing sales activity. Launched a few months ago, the Troc Your Size application allows exchanges between individuals based on a Vinted-like model, and is intended to become the reference application in the large size segment.\r\n
              <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity, said: "</strong><em>We are particularly pleased to lead this transaction. Size Factory is a unique player in France, in a market where supply is scarce, and demand is increasingly strong. Indeed, Size Factory contributes significantly to the well-being and self-affirmation of its customers. Size Factory is also committed to responsible and sustainable fashion and is fully in line with LBO France's strategic positioning on ESG and climate challenges.</em><strong>"</strong>\r\n
              <strong>Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Size Factory since the beginning of 2022 and a personal investor in this fundraising, said: "</strong><em>We are delighted to open this new chapter in our development alongside a recognised player like LBO France. This partnership opens up exciting new prospects for Size Factory, amongst the consolidation of its presence on the French market and the development of its model in other European countries.</em><strong>"</strong>\r\n
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          4 => WP_Post {#7889
            +ID: 164457
            +post_author: "4"
            +post_date: "2022-10-07 17:19:36"
            +post_date_gmt: "2022-10-07 15:19:36"
            +post_content: """
              <h2 style="text-align: center;">LBO France strengthens its digital health team and consolidates its European ambitions with the recruitment of Matthes Seeling as Investment Director based in Berlin</h2>\r\n
              <strong>Paris, October 7, 2022 - As a multi-specialist investment platform, LBO France has developed a Venture - Digital Health activity since 2016 through its SISA and Digital Health 2 funds. The arrival of Matthes Seeling, a medical doctor and Medtech specialist, who will be based in Berlin, will enable the Digital Health team to continue its development in Europe and, in particular, to take advantage of investment opportunities in digital health offered by the DACH region by having a local presence.</strong>\r\n
              As part of its platform strategy, LBO France is developing in-depth expertise in market segments identified as promising. In digital health, LBO France supports companies in the late stage of development whose ambition is to contribute to improving healthcare systems by becoming world leaders in their sector.\r\n
              LBO France's Venture – Digital Health investment team has both sector and business expertise, being composed of doctors and tech specialists. A pioneer in this segment, it was one of the first in Europe to set up a specialized fund and has a track record of 20 investments in France and in the UK.\r\n
              The arrival of Matthes Seeling, a physician and Medtech specialist, will enable the Venture – Digital Health team to directly address companies in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), one of the most dynamic in Europe with approximately €2 billion in cumulative investments between 2010 and 2020 and about the same amount since 2020. By being based in Berlin, Matthes Seeling will be at the heart of one of Europe's most promising ecosystems in the medical field. With 40,000 new companies founded every year, Berlin has become one of the most attractive cities in Europe for start-ups, especially in the field of life sciences and digital health.\r\n
              Matthes Seeling holds a medical degree from the Freie Universität Berlin, a doctorate in medicine from the Charité Berlin and a master's degree in Health Systems Management from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He began his career within the German hospital group Vivantes as a physician in various Berlin sites.\r\n
              He then joined Berlin's Charité University Hospital first as a specialist physician, before taking over the commercial management of the hospital's Center for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Operating Room Management. Since 2018, he held the position of Director Integrated Healthcare Solutions for Germany at Medtronic, a global American medical technology company. From 2009 to 2011, Matthes Seeling was a consultant and then Deputy Director at the German Hospital Federation.\r\n
              "<em>I am very pleased that Matthes Seeling is joining us. We are convinced that the DACH market has great potential in digital health, which we will be able to seize. Thanks to Matthes, we now have an office in Berlin. His</em>\r\n
              <em>international background and vision of tomorrow's healthcare will also be invaluable in our European ambition to support the dynamics of our Venture - Digital Health activities</em>" <strong>says Valéry Huot, Partner, Head of Venture - </strong><strong>Digital Health.</strong>
            +post_title: "LBO France strengthens its digital health team and consolidates its European ambitions with the recruitment of Matthes Seeling as Investment Director based in Berlin"
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          5 => WP_Post {#7888
            +ID: 164441
            +post_author: "4"
            +post_date: "2022-09-27 16:46:44"
            +post_date_gmt: "2022-09-27 14:46:44"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
              <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>French construction tech startup Teamoty raises €3 million in Serie A led by </strong><strong>LBO France to expand in France and Europe</strong></h2>\r\n
              Paris, 27 September 2022 –<strong> Teamoty, a pioneer in the digitalisation of the supply chain for construction projects, has raised €3 million to accelerate the marketing of its software suite on the French and European markets. LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, is leading the round through NewStone, its impact fund dedicated to Proptech, together with Rise PropTech Fund and BTP Capital Investissement.</strong>\r\n
              <strong>A new player in the sector for greater efficiency and positive impact on construction sites</strong>\r\n
              Founded in 2018, Teamoty has developed a software suite capable of digitising site logistics and thus enabling construction professionals to better control costs and deadline management, to improve project productivity, and to reduce the environmental footprint of sites that are very high CO2 and waste emitters. Teamoty's solutions meet an environmental challenge and have a particularly positive impact by limiting the number of deliveries, drastically reducing waste and promoting better recycling by optimising sorting management.\r\n
              In the construction sector, nearly 80% of projects are delivered late or end up over budget due to management tools that are not adapted to the complexity of the sites. To overcome this problem, Teamoty was one of the first in France to use Lean Construction techniques, which optimise the management of construction sites using collaborative management tools. This approach has already convinced more than 100 construction companies, including major players such as Bouygues and Spie Batignolles in France and BPC Group in Belgium. Already translated into 5 languages and tested in more than 11 countries by more than 5,000 users, the software suite is now\r\n
              ready for international deployment.\r\n
              <strong>A digital offer to support the global transformation of the construction sector and to improve the attractiveness of the profession to young people</strong>\r\n
              A software suite 100% dedicated to the planning and logistics of construction sites, Teamoty is not a simple digitalization solution, it also helps companies in the sector to transform themselves in a more global and sustainable way. Its solutions, which include two modules published in Saas mode, cover both upstream planning and real-time monitoring of the site, as well as logistics via supply management. They enable each of the trades to be coordinated in real time, to change the way they work together and ultimately to improve the performance of the sites. The aim is to create value and save resources: build faster, better and at lower cost. With this new tool, a real transformation of the sector is underway.\r\n
              Furthermore, solutions such as those offered by Teamoty actively contribute to improving the image and attractiveness of a sector that is still poorly digitalised and still suffers from a lack of manpower and recruitment difficulties, particularly among young people.\r\n
              <strong>Deployment and expansion strategy of the offer in Europe</strong>\r\n
              With this first round of financing, Teamoty's strategy is to continue to develop and support the transformation of the sector. The support of LBO France, Rise PropTech Fund and BTP Capital Investissement will enable the company to accelerate its commercial development in France and Europe and to continue to enhance its software suite. This strategy includes the rapid and significant recruitment of new skills.\r\n
              The market on which Teamoty is positioned is developing rapidly due to the awareness of the players in the ecosystem and the regulatory requirements. The objective is to anchor its offer to various clients in new countries and to allow the use of the software suite on all types of projects, in new construction as well as in rehabilitation, for housing as well as for offices, and in the context of public works or civil engineering.\r\n
              <strong>Fabien Font, Co-founder and CEO of Teamoty, says:</strong><em> "Over the past 3 years, we have proven that the way projects are planned and organised should and can change. With the help of our shareholders, we will be able to deploy our solutions more widely in Europe and accelerate their commercialisation. Our strategy is completely in line with the environmental challenges that are driving the construction industry to optimise resources on site while improving productivity and efficiency in the construction process.”</em>\r\n
              <strong>Stéphanie Casciola, Managing Director of LBO France and in charge of the real estate and proptech business, said:</strong><em> "With Teamoty, we are making our third investment in NewStone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. After ZePlug in the energy transition and Hosman in digital transactions, Teamoty addresses a key issue in the construction industry by enabling better resource tracking and supply chain optimisation. LBO France will mobilise all of its experience in impact and its broad knowledge of the real estate sector to accelerate the development of Teamoty, a promising investment that allows us to project ourselves into a sustainable future..”</em>\r\n
              <strong>Laura Panquet, Protech's Investment Director, said:</strong> "<em>We are particularly pleased to be leading this financing round and to support Teamoty in a new phase of growth. Through the development of its solution, Teamoty has the potential to bring about a real change in the way construction projects and site logistics are approached.</em>"
            +post_title: "French construction tech startup Teamoty raises €3 million in Serie A led by LBO France to expand in France and Europe"
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          6 => WP_Post {#7896
            +ID: 75615
            +post_author: "2"
            +post_date: "2022-09-19 11:44:03"
            +post_date_gmt: "2022-09-19 09:44:03"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
              <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong> </strong><strong>Incepto, the French digital health specialist, is raising </strong><strong>€27 million to support its European development</strong></h2>\r\n
              Paris, September 19, 2022 -<strong> Founded in 2018, Incepto is a unique platform on the market that offers doctors and hospitals access to a portfolio of solutions based on artificial intelligence, designed to improve the quality of diagnoses, and save time for medical teams, without having to change equipment. In order to support its growth at a European scale, Incepto is raising €27 million today. The financing round is led by LBO France's Venture - Digital Health team, with the participation of Wille Finance and the historical investors AXA Venture Partners, the Patient Autonome fund of Bpifrance and Karista. This financing marks a new stage for Incepto, which is launching its offer in four new countries in Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal).</strong>\r\n
              As part of Incepto’s development, four new subsidiaries are created in Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal with the aim of anchoring its position as European leader in the sector. with the goal to treat one million European patients per month by 2024.\r\n
              <strong> </strong><strong>From a French start-up to a European scale-up</strong>\r\n
              Incepto is also announcing the signing of five new partnerships (IBlab, Milvue, PAIRE, Smartsoft and Thirona) to expand its portfolio of medical imaging applications for emergency care, oncology, orthopaedics, rheumatology and pneumology.\r\n
              By extending its geographical coverage and developing its portfolio of applications, Incepto is responding to major public health issues: reducing waiting times for examinations, mitigating the lack of specialists for certain serious diseases and supporting doctors' work in the face of the increasing amount of data to be analysed.\r\n
              In light with the explosion of the AI market in Europe, Incepto has three strategic objectives:\r\n
              ▪      <strong>Selecting and make available the most powerful AI solutions </strong>in medical imaging for each specialty, guaranteeing high quality standards;\r\n
              ▪      <strong>Creating, with doctors new </strong>applications that meet real needs but that do not exist yet: ARVA and KEROS are thus the first products co-developed by Incepto for the diagnostic assistance of aortic aneurysms in CT scanners and for MRI of the knee<strong>;</strong>\r\n
              ▪     <strong>Supporting the transformation of organisations </strong>and working methods by rethinking patient care with medical teams to exploit the full potential of artificial intelligence technologies.
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          7 => WP_Post {#7897
            +ID: 70378
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            +post_date: "2022-09-13 11:06:56"
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            +post_content: """
              <h2><strong>SiVIEW, a specialist in AI-driven visual diagnostics, announces with LBO France </strong><strong>a capital increase of €5.5M</strong></h2>\r\n
              <strong>The funds will allow the acceleration of SiVIEW's growth and R&amp;D roadmap with the ambition of revolutionizing visual health care.</strong>\r\n
              <strong>SiVIEW is a French start-up which has developed a unique artificial intelligence technology that enables reliable, accurate, and fast eye examinations to be performed. This can be delegated by the healthcare professional in order to focus on the patient and optimize the overall care plan. SiVIEW announces that it has raised €5.5M in a Series A round with LBO France's Digital Health 2 fund to accelerate its global expansion and R&amp;D roadmap.</strong>\r\n
              While the need for reliable visual diagnostics is constantly increasing (e.g., due to a pandemic of myopia, increased screen-time, and an aging population), the number of experts able to perform the required examinations is decreasing, and SiVIEW has designed a disruptive innovation that allows quick and easy eye examinations, that are both precise and detailed, to be performed intuitively to support diagnosis and prescription.\r\n
              Founded by vision specialists, SiVIEW addresses a global health issue: to obtain the correct prescription simply and quickly, regardless of the complexity of the visual profile.\r\n
              Marketed after 6 years of R&amp;D, the SiviewExam® solution is compatible with almost all optical equipment on the market and offers quality results (measurements and reports) in less than 8 minutes. It supports the decision-making process, allowing the vision expert to save time and improve efficiency for better patient care. The solution is already used in many European countries and is experiencing a strong growth phase that will accelerate with access to the North American and Asian markets.\r\n
              Just a few days before two major industry trade shows, ESCRS in Milan and SILMO in Paris, SiVIEW has completed this fundraising to:\r\n
               \t<li>Accelerate its international growth by increasing its investments in sales, marketing, and R&amp;D (e.g., new testing and analysis modules, enhanced instrument interconnectivity, new innovation techniques);</li>\r\n
               \t<li>Position the company as a key player in the management of visual disorders worldwide.</li>\r\n
              <strong>Laure Pichereau, CEO &amp; Co-founder of SiVIEW</strong>: "<em>Our ambition from the beginning was to become the reference in artificial intelligence-driven eye exams. Once the SiVIEW solution was ready for commercialization, we received the support of major optical and ophthalmology chains in France and abroad. We are honored to welcome LBO France, leading specialist in digital health, as an investor and partner. I am personally very pleased with the trusting relationship that we have built together and which will enable us to work efficiently in this new phase of growth. I would also like to thank our historical investors, CARENCEAU and FIME, for their unwavering support since they joined the capital structure in 2018</em>."\r\n
              <strong>Franck Noiret, Managing Director of LBO France</strong>: "<em>We are very pleased to partner with SiVIEW and its founders who are recognized experts in the field. With its dual expertise in AI and optometry, SiVIEW has developed a unique software solution based on an intelligent and intuitive algorithm that automates eye exams and improves patient care. Commercialized in SaaS mode, the SiVIEW solution is aimed at the global market. This is the 7th investment of our Digital Health 2 fund, which is dedicated to financing innovative digital health companies in Europe. We are delighted to support them in their ambitious international development</em>."\r\n
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              <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
              <strong>Paris/Milan, 12 September 2022</strong>\r\n
              <h2><strong>LBO France announces the acquisition of a majority stake in</strong> <strong>Zato, a leader in the design and manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling facilities</strong></h2>\r\n
              <strong>Paris/Milan, 12 September 2022</strong> - Gioconda, the Italian subsidiary of LBO France, announced today the acquisition of a majority stake, through the Small Caps Opportunities II fund, in Zato, an Italian company founded in Brescia and a major player in the energy transition for over twenty years. Zato's founders, Valerio Zanaglio and Alessandra Bresciani, who reinvested in this transaction, will continue to manage the Company. Banca Ifis S.p.A. enters as a co-investor and confirms its role in supporting highly innovative companies committed to the green economy.\r\n
              Based on a strategy focused on innovation and the development of the circular economy, Zato has a rapidly growing turnover of almost €40 million and employs more than 40 highly skilled people. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and IoT devices, Zato has been able to implement cutting-edge equipment for the recycling industry, a market previously characterised by mature products. With a presence in 25 countries, including the United States and Japan, and with over 85% of its turnover generated internationally, the group has become a world leader in the design and manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling facilities.\r\n
              <strong>Arthur Bernardin, Partner Small Cap, and Chiara Venezia, Investment Director Small Cap at LBO France, said: </strong><em>“This investment represents a tremendous opportunity to position ourselves in the energy transition and fits perfectly with LBO France's strategy to accelerate on ESG &amp; Climate factors. Our objective will be to support Valerio Zanaglio, Alessandra Bresciani, and their entire team in a new phase of expansion of the company. In particular, we aim to strengthen its presence in new markets and to reinforce its position as an innovation leader through the use of innovative technologies.”</em>\r\n
              <strong>Alessandra Bresciani and Valerio Zanaglio, Founders of Zato, said:</strong><em> "We are extremely pleased to have LBO France at our side to consolidate and accelerate the strong growth that our company has experienced in recent years. The expertise, international vision and strategic support that LBO France will provide to the Zato team will be essential to establish Zato as a global leader in the recycling and green economy.</em>\r\n
              Zato is the fifth investment in Italy by LBO France's Small Caps Opportunities funds after Vetroelite, Bluclad, Demas and Astidental Bquadro.
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          <strong>Paris, June 13 – Six months after a change of ownership, Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes, announces the acquisition of Capel, the historic premium player in the sector. Supported by LBO France, Size Factory is accelerating its development strategy in a fast-growing market. The new Capel-Size Factory group brings together the complementary expertise of the two leading brands in men's plus sizes in France, both strongly committed to inclusive and responsible ready-to-wear. Its ambition is to become the benchmark player in Europe.</strong><strong> </strong>\r\n
          In the fashion sector, tall and overweight men are often forgotten, finding it very difficult to find products in their size in traditional ready-to-wear chains or brands. As a result, they tend to turn more to specialist players. Size Factory and Capel are the two main brands and stores in France exclusively dedicated to men who are not of the standard sizes: they dress tall and overweight men with sizes and cuts adapted to all morphologies: from 2XL to 10XL, and up to 2.20m. Inclusive by nature, they enable people who are often excluded from the clothing market to finally dress well.\r\n
          <strong>Capel, the premium brand and pioneer in plus-size fashion</strong>\r\n
          Founded in 1958, Capel is the pioneering brand in men's plus-size fashion in France. It offers tall and overweight men up to size 78 a complete, top-of-the-range and contemporary men's wardrobe, perfectly adapted to different morphologies thanks to its unique expertise in sizes and cuts. More than 55 different sizes are available for each model, offering the perfect combination of heights and widths to suit every exceptional stature.\r\n
          Over the years, the brand's reputation has been built on strong values: product quality with exceptional fabrics and materials, cuts designed to guarantee absolute comfort and elegance in all circumstances, and seamless service in its shops.\r\n
          Capel is committed to responsible fashion movement: the company develops products recognised for their quality and durability. It strives to locate its production in France and Europe to offer products that are more responsible and respectful of the environment: "Capel, fashion made in not far away".\r\n
          <strong>Creation of the Capel-Size Factory group</strong>\r\n
          With the acquisition of Capel, Size Factory achieves the initial development objectives formulated with LBO France, and creates the Capel-Size Factory group. This acquisition, entirely financed by Zencap, is a continuation of the impact financing put in place at the time of the LBO in December 2022. The achievement of ESG targets, determined in close collaboration with management and LBO France, will enable the group to accelerate its CSR strategy, with a consequent margin adjustment. The new group's ambition is to become the leading men's plus-size group in Europe, resolutely committed to inclusive and responsible fashion.\r\n
          Capel-Size Factory now operates two brands with complementary positioning: Capel, the sector's premium brand, distributed in its three shops located on the finest shopping streets in Paris, Lyon and Strasbourg; and Size Factory, the multi-brand chain dedicated to men's plus sizes, present in 30 shops on the cities’ outskirts. The new group now brings together the best men's plus-size offering in France and the most expert teams in the market. Capel-Size Factory will thus have the resources to pursue a broader objective of international expansion, alongside LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform.\r\n
          Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity:<em> "Six months after acquiring a stake in Size Factory, we have already reached a new step in our strategic development. We are particularly pleased to be supporting Capel-Size Factory on this new growth path and to be playing our part in reinventing the ready-to-wear sector, in favour of a more responsible and inclusive fashion."</em>\r\n
          Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Capel-Size Factory: <em>"The acquisition of Capel should enable us to create the reference group for men's plus sizes in France and Europe. It's an ideal marriage between Capel, the historic player that has developed a strong brand, and Size Factory, the leading specialist player in the sector. By combining the unique expertise of the two teams, we will be strengthening our group and our ability to provide even better clothing for tall and overweight men in France, and globally in the future.”</em>\r\n
          <strong><u>About Size Factory</u></strong>\r\n
          Size Factory is France's leading brand for men's plus sizes. With its e-commerce site and its network of 30 shops, the company exclusively distributes a wide range of major brands and own brands. Its digital and omnichannel strategy has enabled it to achieve steady growth in its business and very high levels of customer satisfaction. The company places CSR at the heart of its model and has already developed a second-hand clothing business. Founded in 2011 and now headed by Ambroise Fondeur, the company employs 100 people and has achieved a turnover of more than €20m during the 2021/2022 fiscal year.\r\n
          <strong><u>About Capel</u></strong>\r\n
          Capel is the pioneering premium brand for men's plus sizes clothes in France. Founded in 1958, Capel is recognised as the top-of-the-range brand for plus-size fashion. With its unique expertise, it offers its customers, whether tall or overweight a complete wardrobe with the most beautiful cuts, the most beautiful fabrics, the greatest comfort and an unrivalled quality of service in its shops. Capel: Elegance. Without limits.\r\n
          Capel had a turnover of €5m in 2022 and employs 20 people.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France</u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist and multi-country investment platform. Active in Private Equity, Real Estate, Venture and Listed Investment, the Company has been expanding for several years its activities in Europe, especially in Italy via its subsidiary Polis Fondi SGR, as well as on the African continent via its subsidiary CGF bourse. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
          <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
          <strong><em><u> </u></em></strong>\r\n
          <strong><em><u>Media contacts</u></em></strong>\r\n
          <em>Antoine Denry: +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>\r\n
          <em>Julia Paget: +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 / </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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          Paris, [May 23rd] 2023 – LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, announces the signature of a 9-year firm lease with CDC Informatique on the entire NETWORK 2 office building in Bagneux via its White Stone VII fund, the second phase of an office development program initiated by LBO France in 2018 with the acquisition of the neighbouring Network 1 building.\r\n
          Located at the entrance to the city of Bagneux, in the immediate vicinity of metro line 4 and RER B stations "Laplace" and "Arcueil Cachan", the NETWORK 2 building offers 16,000 sq.m of office space organised around 2 interior gardens, multiple spaces dedicated to services on the ground floor and an attic space with a roof-top of over 300 sq.m.\r\n
          At the forefront of this eco-district, which is about to complete its full redevelopment, NETWORK 2 offers CDC Group's IT services teams a new location with a strong architectural identity and exceptional visibility, where they will move into in S1 2024.\r\n
          Owned since the end of 2020 by LBO France (via its White Stone VII fund) and CDC Investissement Immobilier (on behalf of the Caisse des Dépôts) from the developers Codic and Nexity, this new complex, which is committed to an ecological and responsible approach, benefits from HQE ("Excellent" level) and BREEAM ("Excellent" level) certifications and environmental labels to offer an energy performance in line with RT 2012 - 30%, while also benefiting from a WiredScore "Platinum" level certification.\r\n
          In line with the ESG commitments of LBO France and CDC Investissement Immobilier, these certifications will be supplemented, in collaboration with the future user, by several initiatives in terms of accessibility for people with reduce mobility, equipment for electric vehicles, additional services and catering areas.\r\n
          Julien Rouillon, Managing Director, LBO France: "We are very pleased to welcome the CDC Informatique teams to NETWORK 2, of which the construction works have just been completed. This lease confirms our belief in the attractiveness of the Bagneux sector, which is currently undergoing a major renewal. It also rewards the particular attention paid by our teams and those of our partners to\r\n
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          the ESG issues that make up tomorrow's real estate and to the need to reinvent office spaces into sustainable and attractive places for users seeking quality and flexibility”.\r\n
          Philippe Jeanneau, Executive Chairman of CDC Informatique, said: "This new location represents a true opportunity for CDC Informatique to embody our values and thus reflect our technological expertise and our commitment to the CDC Group.”\r\n
          Within the framework of this sale, LBO France (Julien ROUILLON) was advised by ALLEN &amp; OVERY (Jean-Dominique CASALTA and Corentin DOLIVET) and ROM (Hervé ROUX), technical advisor and AMO of the operation.\r\n
          About LBO France\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity.\r\n
          Find out more: Press\r\n
          Agence Taddeo\r\n
          Antoine Denry : +33 (0)6 18 07 83 27 / Julia Paget : +33 (0)6 38 55 68 78 /\r\n
          About CDC Investissement Immobilier\r\n
          CDC Investissement Immobilier is the real estate investment management subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts. It manages a portfolio of more than € 10 billion of assets on behalf of the Institution, mainly comprising offices, PRS residential, retail, hotels and logistic platforms.\r\n
          Active on the French and main European markets, CDC Investissement Immobilier invests mainly in value-creating transactions.\r\n
          The majority of the portfolio managed by CDC Investissement Immobilier consists of assets wholly owned by Caisse des Dépôts or in club deals.\r\n
          Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38 About CDC Informatique\r\n
          Informatique CDC, subsidiary of Group Caisse des Dépôts is a key player in IT services and digital trust\r\n
          Malek Prat – – +33 6 71 43 46 38\r\n
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>hemea raises €10m to become the reference for renovation in France</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, January 26 – hemea, an architecture and renovation studio, has received the support of two trusted investors to accelerate its development and support its ambitions in the renovation market. LBO France and Daphni are investing €10 million in the company, which has experienced notable growth since its creation in 2015. The two investors are banking on the renovation market, a sector driven by new energy regulations and the desire of individuals to improve their homes.</strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong> </strong><strong>The added value of the hemea concept, the human digital</strong>\r\n
          hemea offers support to private individuals from the design to the completion of architectural, renovation, elevation or extension projects. The company's strength is that it has rethought the often stressful "refurbishment works" experience by combining digital technology with direct support on the building site. The client is thus accompanied from A to Z by architects, project managers and support experts who facilitate and secure the completion of the work.\r\n
          With 90 employees so far, the company has already completed more than 3,000 projects.\r\n
          <strong> </strong>\r\n
          <strong>Objective: to become the reference for renovation in France by 2025</strong>\r\n
          With 9 agencies in France, hemea intends to continue its development and cover the entire French territory by 2025. It is based on a solid business model, which enables the company to be profitable in Paris and Lyon, the first two cities in which it has established.\r\n
          Thanks to a tailor-made offer, adapted to the specificities of the local market, the Company generates remarkable results in a competitive market.\r\n
          Its ambition, based on a strong social and environmental project, has enabled it to raise €10 million from LBO France and Daphni. These two investors share a common approach: support companies that are committed, meaningful and focused on environmental issues.\r\n
          <strong>A growing renovation market driven by energy efficiency</strong>\r\n
          The fundraising will enable hemea to develop a specific offer in favour of energy renovation because renovation is taking over from new construction!\r\n
          This is one of the main trends of the Opinionway<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1">[1]</a> study carried out in 2021 for hemea and Artemis Courtage, which reveals that 3 out of 5 French people are planning to buy a main home requiring work and are therefore prioritising renovation over construction.\r\n
          hemea is committed to supporting private individuals in their renovation projects while providing them with sound advice on the importance of energy renovation. Supported and surrounded by trusted partners and contractors with the hemea label, the company offers a certified service to meet the growing expectations in this area. A structurally buoyant market, renovation will also be strongly supported in the coming months and years by the new legislation introduced at the beginning of the year, which prohibits the rental of energy sieves.\r\n
          <em>Yann Depoys, managing director of hemea et Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea </em>“<em>As CEO and founder of hemea, I am very proud of this milestone with renowned investors and I am convinced that this fundraising will allow us to continue to grow and innovate in order to offer even more value to our customers and to our entire ecosystem</em>” said Matthieu Burin, president and founder of hemea.\r\n
          Stéphanie Casciola, CEO of LBO France and Head of Real Estate and Proptech said: <em>“With hemea, we are completing the fourth investment of Newstone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. The demand for property renovation, and more specifically the demand for energy-efficient renovation of these properties, is huge. LBO France is mobilising all of its knowledge and experience in this field to accelerate the development of hemea, a fast-growing company that enables people to project themselves into a greener habitat.”</em>\r\n
          Laura Panquet, Director of Proptech Investment, adds: “<em>The challenges of renovation are massive and individuals are often helpless when faced with the complexity of a project. We chose to support hemea in its growth because the startup has found the solution to provide its customers with a very high level of services: develop the loyalty of quality contractors by providing them with digital tools that simplify their day-to-day work.”</em>\r\n
          “<em>hemea is a player that has emerged as a trusted third party in the world of renovation work, providing the necessary guarantee of quality to satisfy the platform's customers. We are very pleased to continue to participate in financing growth, particularly in the energy renovation segment, which is one of the main levers identified to slowdown climate change</em>”, emphasise Pierre-Yves Meerschman and Stanislas Lot of daphni.\r\n
          <strong><u>About LBO France </u></strong>\r\n
          A pioneer in private equity in France, LBO France is today a leading multi-specialist investment platform with €5.4 billion under management including participating interests in Twenty-First Capital in France and Polis Fondi SGR in Italy. Its investment strategy is based on five distinct segments managed by dedicated teams: Mid and Small Cap LBO, Digital Health Venture, Real Estate and Proptech, Infrastructure Debt, and Listed Investment. For several years, the Company has expanded its activities in Europe, particularly in Italy with teams in Milan and Rome, as well as on the African continent. Wholly owned by its managers, LBO France is one of the founding members of the International Climate Initiative and one of the first signatories of the France Invest charter for parity. <strong>Find out more: </strong><a href=""><strong></strong></a>\r\n
          <a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> <em>Étude Opinionway hemea et Artemis Courtage “</em><em>Travaux immobiliers : quelles tendances chez les Français?” : </em><a href=""><em></em></a>
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        +id: 176663
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;">LBO France invests as a majority shareholder in Size Factory, the French leader in men's plus sizes clothes</h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, December 13 – LBO France announces the acquisition of a majority stake in Size Factory, a company specialising in men's plus size fashion, alongside the management team and co-founders. This transaction is the sixth investment of its Small Caps Opportunities II fund, dedicated to the development of French and Italian SMEs. The themes of inclusiveness and circular economy, which are part of the company's DNA, reflect LBO France's ESG and climate commitment. With this transaction, Size Factory intends to expand its retail network in France and in Europe and to strengthen its online presence.</strong>\r\n
          Since 2011, Size Factory has specialised in men's plus size fashion, first by offering high-end clothing online, then by extending its network of physical shops. Size Factory distinguishes itself from other players thanks to its premium positioning and its wide range of products, made up of both well-known brands and its own brands. The brand is now the leading dedicated e-commerce site and the leading specialist network with 28 points of sale in France, while showing strong profitability.\r\n
          Size Factory offers a range of clothing from 2XL to 8XL for overweight and tall men, thus meeting a demand that is poorly addressed by traditional players, particularly in the off-line segment. Tall and overweight men find at Size Factory the adapted offer of quality clothing and the personalized advice they need: Size Factory contributes to the well-being and self-affirmation of its customers.\r\n
          This market segment is currently worth more than 1 billion euros in France, including approximately €600 million in the mid and premium segments that the company is targeting.\r\n
          <strong>Strengthening its leadership position in France and duplicate the model at the European level</strong>\r\n
          With this capital reorganisation, Size Factory aims at expanding its retail network in France and in Europe and thus develop its presence in the overweight and tall man market.\r\n
          At the same time, Size Factory intends to capitalise on its very high quality of service by reinforcing its omnichannel distribution strategy, which enriches the customer’s experience and increases the number of purchasing possibilities.\r\n
          <strong>Affirm and amplify its commitment to a circular economy</strong>\r\n
          This operation should also enable Size Factory to extend its commitment to a circular economy, with the development of a second-hand clothing sales activity. Launched a few months ago, the Troc Your Size application allows exchanges between individuals based on a Vinted-like model, and is intended to become the reference application in the large size segment.\r\n
          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner in charge of LBO France Small Caps activity, said: "</strong><em>We are particularly pleased to lead this transaction. Size Factory is a unique player in France, in a market where supply is scarce, and demand is increasingly strong. Indeed, Size Factory contributes significantly to the well-being and self-affirmation of its customers. Size Factory is also committed to responsible and sustainable fashion and is fully in line with LBO France's strategic positioning on ESG and climate challenges.</em><strong>"</strong>\r\n
          <strong>Ambroise Fondeur, CEO of Size Factory since the beginning of 2022 and a personal investor in this fundraising, said: "</strong><em>We are delighted to open this new chapter in our development alongside a recognised player like LBO France. This partnership opens up exciting new prospects for Size Factory, amongst the consolidation of its presence on the French market and the development of its model in other European countries.</em><strong>"</strong>\r\n
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        +id: 164457
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          <h2 style="text-align: center;">LBO France strengthens its digital health team and consolidates its European ambitions with the recruitment of Matthes Seeling as Investment Director based in Berlin</h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris, October 7, 2022 - As a multi-specialist investment platform, LBO France has developed a Venture - Digital Health activity since 2016 through its SISA and Digital Health 2 funds. The arrival of Matthes Seeling, a medical doctor and Medtech specialist, who will be based in Berlin, will enable the Digital Health team to continue its development in Europe and, in particular, to take advantage of investment opportunities in digital health offered by the DACH region by having a local presence.</strong>\r\n
          As part of its platform strategy, LBO France is developing in-depth expertise in market segments identified as promising. In digital health, LBO France supports companies in the late stage of development whose ambition is to contribute to improving healthcare systems by becoming world leaders in their sector.\r\n
          LBO France's Venture – Digital Health investment team has both sector and business expertise, being composed of doctors and tech specialists. A pioneer in this segment, it was one of the first in Europe to set up a specialized fund and has a track record of 20 investments in France and in the UK.\r\n
          The arrival of Matthes Seeling, a physician and Medtech specialist, will enable the Venture – Digital Health team to directly address companies in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), one of the most dynamic in Europe with approximately €2 billion in cumulative investments between 2010 and 2020 and about the same amount since 2020. By being based in Berlin, Matthes Seeling will be at the heart of one of Europe's most promising ecosystems in the medical field. With 40,000 new companies founded every year, Berlin has become one of the most attractive cities in Europe for start-ups, especially in the field of life sciences and digital health.\r\n
          Matthes Seeling holds a medical degree from the Freie Universität Berlin, a doctorate in medicine from the Charité Berlin and a master's degree in Health Systems Management from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He began his career within the German hospital group Vivantes as a physician in various Berlin sites.\r\n
          He then joined Berlin's Charité University Hospital first as a specialist physician, before taking over the commercial management of the hospital's Center for Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Operating Room Management. Since 2018, he held the position of Director Integrated Healthcare Solutions for Germany at Medtronic, a global American medical technology company. From 2009 to 2011, Matthes Seeling was a consultant and then Deputy Director at the German Hospital Federation.\r\n
          "<em>I am very pleased that Matthes Seeling is joining us. We are convinced that the DACH market has great potential in digital health, which we will be able to seize. Thanks to Matthes, we now have an office in Berlin. His</em>\r\n
          <em>international background and vision of tomorrow's healthcare will also be invaluable in our European ambition to support the dynamics of our Venture - Digital Health activities</em>" <strong>says Valéry Huot, Partner, Head of Venture - </strong><strong>Digital Health.</strong>
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          <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong>French construction tech startup Teamoty raises €3 million in Serie A led by </strong><strong>LBO France to expand in France and Europe</strong></h2>\r\n
          Paris, 27 September 2022 –<strong> Teamoty, a pioneer in the digitalisation of the supply chain for construction projects, has raised €3 million to accelerate the marketing of its software suite on the French and European markets. LBO France, a multi-specialist investment platform, is leading the round through NewStone, its impact fund dedicated to Proptech, together with Rise PropTech Fund and BTP Capital Investissement.</strong>\r\n
          <strong>A new player in the sector for greater efficiency and positive impact on construction sites</strong>\r\n
          Founded in 2018, Teamoty has developed a software suite capable of digitising site logistics and thus enabling construction professionals to better control costs and deadline management, to improve project productivity, and to reduce the environmental footprint of sites that are very high CO2 and waste emitters. Teamoty's solutions meet an environmental challenge and have a particularly positive impact by limiting the number of deliveries, drastically reducing waste and promoting better recycling by optimising sorting management.\r\n
          In the construction sector, nearly 80% of projects are delivered late or end up over budget due to management tools that are not adapted to the complexity of the sites. To overcome this problem, Teamoty was one of the first in France to use Lean Construction techniques, which optimise the management of construction sites using collaborative management tools. This approach has already convinced more than 100 construction companies, including major players such as Bouygues and Spie Batignolles in France and BPC Group in Belgium. Already translated into 5 languages and tested in more than 11 countries by more than 5,000 users, the software suite is now\r\n
          ready for international deployment.\r\n
          <strong>A digital offer to support the global transformation of the construction sector and to improve the attractiveness of the profession to young people</strong>\r\n
          A software suite 100% dedicated to the planning and logistics of construction sites, Teamoty is not a simple digitalization solution, it also helps companies in the sector to transform themselves in a more global and sustainable way. Its solutions, which include two modules published in Saas mode, cover both upstream planning and real-time monitoring of the site, as well as logistics via supply management. They enable each of the trades to be coordinated in real time, to change the way they work together and ultimately to improve the performance of the sites. The aim is to create value and save resources: build faster, better and at lower cost. With this new tool, a real transformation of the sector is underway.\r\n
          Furthermore, solutions such as those offered by Teamoty actively contribute to improving the image and attractiveness of a sector that is still poorly digitalised and still suffers from a lack of manpower and recruitment difficulties, particularly among young people.\r\n
          <strong>Deployment and expansion strategy of the offer in Europe</strong>\r\n
          With this first round of financing, Teamoty's strategy is to continue to develop and support the transformation of the sector. The support of LBO France, Rise PropTech Fund and BTP Capital Investissement will enable the company to accelerate its commercial development in France and Europe and to continue to enhance its software suite. This strategy includes the rapid and significant recruitment of new skills.\r\n
          The market on which Teamoty is positioned is developing rapidly due to the awareness of the players in the ecosystem and the regulatory requirements. The objective is to anchor its offer to various clients in new countries and to allow the use of the software suite on all types of projects, in new construction as well as in rehabilitation, for housing as well as for offices, and in the context of public works or civil engineering.\r\n
          <strong>Fabien Font, Co-founder and CEO of Teamoty, says:</strong><em> "Over the past 3 years, we have proven that the way projects are planned and organised should and can change. With the help of our shareholders, we will be able to deploy our solutions more widely in Europe and accelerate their commercialisation. Our strategy is completely in line with the environmental challenges that are driving the construction industry to optimise resources on site while improving productivity and efficiency in the construction process.”</em>\r\n
          <strong>Stéphanie Casciola, Managing Director of LBO France and in charge of the real estate and proptech business, said:</strong><em> "With Teamoty, we are making our third investment in NewStone, our impact fund dedicated to Proptech. After ZePlug in the energy transition and Hosman in digital transactions, Teamoty addresses a key issue in the construction industry by enabling better resource tracking and supply chain optimisation. LBO France will mobilise all of its experience in impact and its broad knowledge of the real estate sector to accelerate the development of Teamoty, a promising investment that allows us to project ourselves into a sustainable future..”</em>\r\n
          <strong>Laura Panquet, Protech's Investment Director, said:</strong> "<em>We are particularly pleased to be leading this financing round and to support Teamoty in a new phase of growth. Through the development of its solution, Teamoty has the potential to bring about a real change in the way construction projects and site logistics are approached.</em>"
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          <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
          <h2 style="text-align: center;"><strong> </strong><strong>Incepto, the French digital health specialist, is raising </strong><strong>€27 million to support its European development</strong></h2>\r\n
          Paris, September 19, 2022 -<strong> Founded in 2018, Incepto is a unique platform on the market that offers doctors and hospitals access to a portfolio of solutions based on artificial intelligence, designed to improve the quality of diagnoses, and save time for medical teams, without having to change equipment. In order to support its growth at a European scale, Incepto is raising €27 million today. The financing round is led by LBO France's Venture - Digital Health team, with the participation of Wille Finance and the historical investors AXA Venture Partners, the Patient Autonome fund of Bpifrance and Karista. This financing marks a new stage for Incepto, which is launching its offer in four new countries in Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal).</strong>\r\n
          As part of Incepto’s development, four new subsidiaries are created in Germany, Spain, Italy and Portugal with the aim of anchoring its position as European leader in the sector. with the goal to treat one million European patients per month by 2024.\r\n
          <strong> </strong><strong>From a French start-up to a European scale-up</strong>\r\n
          Incepto is also announcing the signing of five new partnerships (IBlab, Milvue, PAIRE, Smartsoft and Thirona) to expand its portfolio of medical imaging applications for emergency care, oncology, orthopaedics, rheumatology and pneumology.\r\n
          By extending its geographical coverage and developing its portfolio of applications, Incepto is responding to major public health issues: reducing waiting times for examinations, mitigating the lack of specialists for certain serious diseases and supporting doctors' work in the face of the increasing amount of data to be analysed.\r\n
          In light with the explosion of the AI market in Europe, Incepto has three strategic objectives:\r\n
          ▪      <strong>Selecting and make available the most powerful AI solutions </strong>in medical imaging for each specialty, guaranteeing high quality standards;\r\n
          ▪      <strong>Creating, with doctors new </strong>applications that meet real needs but that do not exist yet: ARVA and KEROS are thus the first products co-developed by Incepto for the diagnostic assistance of aortic aneurysms in CT scanners and for MRI of the knee<strong>;</strong>\r\n
          ▪     <strong>Supporting the transformation of organisations </strong>and working methods by rethinking patient care with medical teams to exploit the full potential of artificial intelligence technologies.
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          <h2><strong>SiVIEW, a specialist in AI-driven visual diagnostics, announces with LBO France </strong><strong>a capital increase of €5.5M</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>The funds will allow the acceleration of SiVIEW's growth and R&amp;D roadmap with the ambition of revolutionizing visual health care.</strong>\r\n
          <strong>SiVIEW is a French start-up which has developed a unique artificial intelligence technology that enables reliable, accurate, and fast eye examinations to be performed. This can be delegated by the healthcare professional in order to focus on the patient and optimize the overall care plan. SiVIEW announces that it has raised €5.5M in a Series A round with LBO France's Digital Health 2 fund to accelerate its global expansion and R&amp;D roadmap.</strong>\r\n
          While the need for reliable visual diagnostics is constantly increasing (e.g., due to a pandemic of myopia, increased screen-time, and an aging population), the number of experts able to perform the required examinations is decreasing, and SiVIEW has designed a disruptive innovation that allows quick and easy eye examinations, that are both precise and detailed, to be performed intuitively to support diagnosis and prescription.\r\n
          Founded by vision specialists, SiVIEW addresses a global health issue: to obtain the correct prescription simply and quickly, regardless of the complexity of the visual profile.\r\n
          Marketed after 6 years of R&amp;D, the SiviewExam® solution is compatible with almost all optical equipment on the market and offers quality results (measurements and reports) in less than 8 minutes. It supports the decision-making process, allowing the vision expert to save time and improve efficiency for better patient care. The solution is already used in many European countries and is experiencing a strong growth phase that will accelerate with access to the North American and Asian markets.\r\n
          Just a few days before two major industry trade shows, ESCRS in Milan and SILMO in Paris, SiVIEW has completed this fundraising to:\r\n
           \t<li>Accelerate its international growth by increasing its investments in sales, marketing, and R&amp;D (e.g., new testing and analysis modules, enhanced instrument interconnectivity, new innovation techniques);</li>\r\n
           \t<li>Position the company as a key player in the management of visual disorders worldwide.</li>\r\n
          <strong>Laure Pichereau, CEO &amp; Co-founder of SiVIEW</strong>: "<em>Our ambition from the beginning was to become the reference in artificial intelligence-driven eye exams. Once the SiVIEW solution was ready for commercialization, we received the support of major optical and ophthalmology chains in France and abroad. We are honored to welcome LBO France, leading specialist in digital health, as an investor and partner. I am personally very pleased with the trusting relationship that we have built together and which will enable us to work efficiently in this new phase of growth. I would also like to thank our historical investors, CARENCEAU and FIME, for their unwavering support since they joined the capital structure in 2018</em>."\r\n
          <strong>Franck Noiret, Managing Director of LBO France</strong>: "<em>We are very pleased to partner with SiVIEW and its founders who are recognized experts in the field. With its dual expertise in AI and optometry, SiVIEW has developed a unique software solution based on an intelligent and intuitive algorithm that automates eye exams and improves patient care. Commercialized in SaaS mode, the SiVIEW solution is aimed at the global market. This is the 7th investment of our Digital Health 2 fund, which is dedicated to financing innovative digital health companies in Europe. We are delighted to support them in their ambitious international development</em>."\r\n
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          <strong>Press release</strong>\r\n
          <strong>Paris/Milan, 12 September 2022</strong>\r\n
          <h2><strong>LBO France announces the acquisition of a majority stake in</strong> <strong>Zato, a leader in the design and manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling facilities</strong></h2>\r\n
          <strong>Paris/Milan, 12 September 2022</strong> - Gioconda, the Italian subsidiary of LBO France, announced today the acquisition of a majority stake, through the Small Caps Opportunities II fund, in Zato, an Italian company founded in Brescia and a major player in the energy transition for over twenty years. Zato's founders, Valerio Zanaglio and Alessandra Bresciani, who reinvested in this transaction, will continue to manage the Company. Banca Ifis S.p.A. enters as a co-investor and confirms its role in supporting highly innovative companies committed to the green economy.\r\n
          Based on a strategy focused on innovation and the development of the circular economy, Zato has a rapidly growing turnover of almost €40 million and employs more than 40 highly skilled people. Through the use of artificial intelligence algorithms and IoT devices, Zato has been able to implement cutting-edge equipment for the recycling industry, a market previously characterised by mature products. With a presence in 25 countries, including the United States and Japan, and with over 85% of its turnover generated internationally, the group has become a world leader in the design and manufacture of ferrous and non-ferrous metal recycling facilities.\r\n
          <strong>Arthur Bernardin, Partner Small Cap, and Chiara Venezia, Investment Director Small Cap at LBO France, said: </strong><em>“This investment represents a tremendous opportunity to position ourselves in the energy transition and fits perfectly with LBO France's strategy to accelerate on ESG &amp; Climate factors. Our objective will be to support Valerio Zanaglio, Alessandra Bresciani, and their entire team in a new phase of expansion of the company. In particular, we aim to strengthen its presence in new markets and to reinforce its position as an innovation leader through the use of innovative technologies.”</em>\r\n
          <strong>Alessandra Bresciani and Valerio Zanaglio, Founders of Zato, said:</strong><em> "We are extremely pleased to have LBO France at our side to consolidate and accelerate the strong growth that our company has experienced in recent years. The expertise, international vision and strategic support that LBO France will provide to the Zato team will be essential to establish Zato as a global leader in the recycling and green economy.</em>\r\n
          Zato is the fifth investment in Italy by LBO France's Small Caps Opportunities funds after Vetroelite, Bluclad, Demas and Astidental Bquadro.
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              <strong>Paris, on December 13th 2017</strong> – LBO France announces today that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Crouzet (the “Company”), a worldwide leader specialized in customized switches, electric actuators and automated systems for critical applications, from InnoVista Sensors, a company owned by PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. The transaction has already received a favorable opinion from the relevant works council and remains subject to customary regulatory approvals. The transaction is expected to close by early 2018.\r\n
              Founded in 1921 and today comprising approximately 1,200 employees, the Company serves diversified end-markets, including aerospace &amp; industry, transportation, energy &amp; infrastructure and other industries, through 3 principal production sites (France, Morocco and China). In 2016, Crouzet generated €136 million in sales, 74% of which outside France.\r\n
              As a result of its technical expertise and longstanding industrial history, Crouzet has gained strong recognition of leadership over the years and secured privileged relationships with its clients.\r\n
              In addition, the Company’s client base is highly diversified with more than 1,000 active customers.\r\n
              <strong>Thomas Boulman, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This investment in Crouzet illustrates LBO France’s strategy of partnering with leaders in attractive niche sectors with recognized technological expertise customization capabilities, critical applications supplying and international geographical coverage. We have been impressed and comforted by the work done in the past years by the management under the joint ownership of PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. We are now excited to team up with the management to support the Company on its new development phase and are eager to accelerate Crouzet’s ambitious strategy of product and technological innovation, market and geography deployment as well as selected build-up acquisitions." </em>\r\n
              <strong>David Arragon, CEO of Crouzet</strong>, added: <em>"With the support of LBO France as its new shareholder, we are confident on Crouzet’s capacity to carry on its development strategy and to consolidate its worldwide leadership on its niche markets.</em>"\r\n
              LBO France (Thomas Boulman, Simon Couturier, Eva Hoël, Philippe Karmin) was advised on this transaction by Advention (Alban Neveux, Eric Lesavre) on the strategic due diligence, EY Transaction Services (Jean-François Nadaud, Renaud Régner) on the financial due diligence and Mayer Brown for legal (Thomas Philippe, Clotilde Billat, Estelle Leclerc, Mélisande Sauze), tax (Elodie Deschamps, Olivia Sibieude) and financing (Patrick Teboul, Maud Bischoff, Julien Leris) matters.\r\n
              InnoVista Sensors was advised on this transaction by Canaccord Genuity (Nadim Barouki, Nicolas Royer), Latham &amp; Watkins (Alexander Benedetti, Julie Tchaglass, Alexandre Balat) on legal and corporate aspects, Linklaters (Oliver Sceales, Alex Szehidewicz) on legal and financing aspects\r\n
              Crouzet management was advised on this transaction by Delaby Dorison (Emmanuel Delaby, Florian Tumoine) for tax aspects and Bremond &amp; Associés (Christine Le Breton) for legal matters.\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6 bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              About Crouzet Since 1921, Crouzet has been committed to designing, manufacturing and supplying efficient components for automated systems to serve a wide range of applications in the Aerospace &amp; Defense market and in many Industrial equipment markets with a specific focus on applications such as Access control, Railway, Nuclear and Industrial valves markets.\r\n
              Crouzet’s product lines include Automation and Control devices, Motion products, Switches and Position Sensors, Cockpit Controls and (i) Electrical Protection solutions.\r\n
              Crouzet has a heritage of close collaboration with customers in the development of adapted products to fully customized solutions.\r\n
              Driven by innovation and customer satisfaction our teams are focused on delivering the right products and services for the right application, always meeting, often exceeding customers’ expectations.\r\n
              Crouzet is your trusted partner of choice to face industrial challenges of today and tomorrow.\r\n
              Crouzet is a company of InnoVista SensorsTM.\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
              For LBO France\r\n
              Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
              For PAI Partners\r\n
              Greenbrook Communications:\r\n
              James Madsen / Annabel Clay (+44 20 7952 2000)\r\n
              Michel Calzaroni / Olivier Labesse / Hugues Schmitt (+33 1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
              For The Carlyle Group\r\n
              Steele &amp; Holt PR Agency\r\n
              Daphné Claude\r\n
              +33 6 66 58 81 92\r\n
              For Schneider Investor Relations (Schneider Electric):\r\n
              Amit Bhalla (+44 20 7592 8216)\r\n
              <strong>Press contact (Schneider Electric):</strong>\r\n
              Véronique Roquet-Montégon (+33 (0)1 41 29 70 76)\r\n
              <strong>Press Contact (DGM):</strong>\r\n
              Michel Calzaroni and Olivier Labesse (+33 (0)1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
              For Crouzet Françoise KAYZAKIAN | Communication Director\r\n
              Tel: 00 33 4 75 44 89 01\r\n
              E-mail :\r\n
              <a href="">Read Press Release</a>
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              <strong>Paris, Dec. 1 st 2017</strong> – LBO France today announced the acquisition of Bexley (“the Company”), a French specialty retailer of men’s high quality footwear at affordable price. The founding manager, Mr. Eric Botton, will keep a minority interest in the Company.\r\n
              Founded in 1985, Bexley rapidly established itself as one of the most successful French retailers of men’s footwear positioned in the affordable luxury segment and offering excellent quality-price ratio. Since then, the Company gradually diversified its product offering with men’s clothing (shirts, polos, pullovers, pants and suits) and accessories (belts, socks and small leather goods).\r\n
              In addition to its own store network, Bexley, which was a precursor in developing an omni-channel strategy, succeeded in setting up and launching an effective e-commerce platform as early as 1996, which today accounts for 1/3 of total sales with more than 400,000 customers.\r\n
              The Company employs 75 employees split between its head-office in Lyon and its 14 stores located in Paris, Lyon, Annecy, Aix, Marseille and Brussels.\r\n
              To accelerate growth and expansion in the coming years, Bexley has identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
              - Further develop its e-commerce platform focusing on the acquisition of new clients, its CRM tool, and an enhanced customer experience thanks to shopping via smartphones or tablets;\r\n
              - Continue geographical expansion in France with the opening of new stores in other French large cities or selected mid-sized cities;\r\n
              - Proactively identify prime location opportunities for new store openings in large European cities such as London or Berlin.\r\n
              Jérôme Guez, Partner LBO France, commented: <em>"We are very enthusiastic about this 5 th investment of our Mid Cap fund White Knight IX in Bexley. We look forward to work alongside the founding manager, Eric Botton, and his team in order to accompany Bexley in this new development chapter, by extending its store network, enhancing its e-commerce platform while maintaining very high profitability." </em>\r\n
              Eric Botton, Bexley’s founding manager, added: "I am very pleased to pursue Bexley’s growth story with LBO France, a financial sponsor in which, with the support of their Operating team, we have found a real understanding of our challenges and the clear willingness to invest alongside us in giving a whole new dimension to Bexley."\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France Team : Jérôme Guez, Guy Latourette, Laurent Mabileau, Karine Callec\r\n
              - Finance : 8 Advisory (Florence Khayat)\r\n
              - Legal : Mayer Brown (Xavier Jaspar ; Emily Pennec) Jones Day (Diane Sénéchal)\r\n
              - Strategy : Advention (Alban Neveu)\r\n
              - Tax : Arsene Taxand (Denis Andres)\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in nonlisted assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
              For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          3 => WP_Post {#7749
            +ID: 2145
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            +post_date: "2017-09-28 09:06:27"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-28 07:06:27"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Wandercraft, world leader in autonomous exos</strong>\r\n
              Wandercraft leverages the most advanced robotics to let wheelchair users walk again.\r\n
              Founded in 2012, Wandercraft is the first company in the world to master the technologies required to design and control autonomous exos capable of human-like walk.\r\n
              Wandercraft has built a disruptive technological advantage in the algorithms of dynamic robotics that allow to mimic a human walker by creating a balanced gait from permanent unbalance, and in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.\r\n
              These breakthroughs have been achieved by one of the world’s best walk robotics team, gathering in Paris 30 experts in robotics, algorithms, clinical trials, quality, regulation and marketing. Wandercraft is actively hiring new talents in these fields.\r\n
              The company will communicate soon on the successful clinical trials of the exo’s version designed for rehabilitation centers. Other clinical trials are planned to prove that exos delivering a realistic walk should enable more effective treatments in rehabilitation centers, and provide mobility-impaired persons with autonomy in their daily living.\r\n
              Autonomous exos will change the lives of millions of wheelchair users and of their physicians, physios and carers.\r\n
              <strong> Top-notch investors to break the disability barrier</strong>\r\n
              After a 5-year stealth period, Wandercraft’s team announces the closing of a Series B round of €15 million with five top-tier investors : XAnge, IDinvest, Cemag Invest and Bpifrance, followed by the company’s historical shareholder LBO France.\r\n
              The funds raised will contribute to scaling Wandercraft’s team, obtaining the exo approval from healthcare authorities, entering the global rehabilitation center market and developing the exo’s personal version.\r\n
              <strong>Nicolas Simon, CEO and one of the three founders of Wandercraft</strong>, has declared: <em>« We are proud to have built a fantastic investor team around our mission, to bring autonomy to wheelchair users. They do not only bring funding but a unique combined experience in robotics, medical technologies and global growth. With the success of the first clinical trials and after 5 years of development on the leading edge of robotics and medicine, we now have all the resources needed to enter the market and contribute to breaking the disability barrier.” </em>\r\n
              Wandercraft’s job is to let walking-impaired persons walk again. Wandercraft develops and commercializes the first autonomous walk exo. With this exo, persons with Spinal Cord Injury stood up and walked, with a realistic gait , autonomously and without crutches in world premiere clinical trials.\r\n
              Wandercraft’s team works on the edge of walk robotics, with the best academic labs in dynamic robotics and reputable medical teams, in Europe and the USA. The company plans to soon distribute its exos to rehabilitation centers and is developing a personal version. It received many prestigious awards and is supported by ambitious investors.\r\n
              Wandercraft makes real the promise of robotics to offer an ordinary life to extraordinary people.\r\n
              <em> Jean-Louis Constanza, Chief Business Officer - - <a href=""> </a></em>\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
              SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, includes 9 investments : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis, OpenHealth Company and BioSerenity.\r\n
              <strong>Contact :</strong> Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
              <strong>Contact Presse</strong>: Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>About XAnge </strong>\r\n
              XAnge is a Franco-German Venture Capital team with €400m under management, investing in Software, Internet, Hard tech and Impact entrepreneurs. XAnge is part of Siparex, a leading French private equity group.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About Idinvest Partners </strong>\r\n
              With more than €8 billion under management, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European private equity firm focused on the mid-market segment. Idinvest Partners has developed several complementary areas of expertise including: investments in innovative European startups; mid-market direct lending (unitranche, senior loans and junior financing); primary and secondary investments in unlisted European companies, and private equity consulting. Founded under the name AGF Private Equity in 1997, Idinvest Partners was formerly part of Allianz until 2010 when it became an independent firm.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>About Cemag Invest </strong>\r\n
              Cemag Invest is a family office created following the divestiture of the pharmaceutical company HRA. It focuses on early dev and cap dev minority investment in healthcare companies and BtoB services, always alongside institutional investors.\r\n
              Catherine Dunand, President -\r\n
              <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
              Equity investment are operated by Bpifrance Investissement. Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Dépôts and the entrepreneurs’ trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans, guarantees and equity investments. Bpifrance also provides operational services and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in parnertship with Business France. Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including offers adapted to regional specificities. With its 50 regional offices (90% of decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs. Bpifrance acts as a back-up for initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:\r\n
              · Contributing to SME’s growth\r\n
              · Preparing tomorrow’s competitiveness\r\n
              · Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem.\r\n
              With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and investment.\r\n
     Twitter: @bpifrance / @bpifrancepresse\r\n
              Nicolas Jehly – - 01 41 79 95 12\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +ID: 2146
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            +post_date: "2017-09-20 09:08:28"
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              <strong>Paris, September 20th 2017 - Start-up specialized in connected solutions for patients, BioSerenity closed a Series A round of €15 million led by LBO France and investments from Idinvest Partners and PSIM fund managed by Bpifrance. </strong>\r\n
              BioSerenity has developed several product lines to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. The high growth medtech company collaborated with several large scale university hospitals across the globe and plans on leveraging the new round of financing to continue its industrialization, and internationalization. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity has recently opened new offices in France, China and the United-States.\r\n
              BioSerenity offers disease specific full-stack solutions to speed up diagnosis, facilitate the follow-up and help calibrate treatments. The company currently focuses on 4 main pathological areas : Epilepsy, Cardiovascular diseases, Pregnancy monitoring and Sleep disorders.\r\n
              BioSerenity has successfully deployed a collaborative business model with the pharmaceutical industry through partnerships that rely on the creation of a complete technological solution (hardware device, smartphone app, medical cloud, and an automatic analysis of data by Artificial Intelligence). Each partnership is centered around a disease area in which the pharmaceutical company is specialized.\r\n
              The pharmaceutical companies use their global reach to deploy the solution around the world and take advantage of the devices for their own clinical trials or companion diagnostics strategy\r\n
              <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3279" src="" alt="" width="300" height="129" />\r\n
              <strong>Pierre Frouin, CEO and Founder of BioSerenity</strong> believes that the success of BioSerenity can be attributed to a combination of factors:<em> “A number of startups focus on a single technology block whereas BioSerenity has a solution based approach ranging from the capture of data to the analysis in a medical context, this makes us one of the only companies in our domain able to generate the expected medical gains. We have developed an important IP portfolio and we have a top-tier team that collaborates with a large ecosystem. BioSerenity was born in a hospital environment in the Brain and Spine Institute ( and our pharmaceutical partners appreciate our deep understanding of clinical challenges”. For Pierre Frouin, “with this fund raising, we obtain not only the means to finance our growth but also investors who have expertise in the digital and medical innovation, two sectors that intersect at BioSerenity</em>”\r\n
              <strong> Valéry Huot, Partner and Head of Innovation Capital of LBO France</strong>, declares: <em>“We are glad to bring our support to BioSerenity and its management team. This is the 9th investment of our SISA fund dedicated to innovating companies focused on digital health in Europe. BioSerenity has an impressive track record and we are convinced that the company will continue its high growth. BioSerenity has all the assets to become a major player in bringing solutions for connected patients around the world.”</em>\r\n
              <strong> Emmanuel Audouard, Director of the PSIM fund at Bpifrance</strong>, adds : <em>“BioSerenity is one of the most promising MedTech companies in its domain. The company brings an innovative solution to diagnostics and monitoring problems. We are glad to support its growth by mobilizing our PSIM fund reserved for winners of the World Wide Innovation Challenge side by side with Idinvest Partners and LBO France.” </em>\r\n
              <strong>Luc Maruenda, Partner at Idinvest Partners</strong> concludes : <em>"BioSerenity has been executing brilliantly these last two years with the help of a team of 80 dynamic talents and academic, industrial and clinical partners of high quality. We are delighted to renew our trust in the management team of BioSerenity by reinvesting and welcoming new co-investors " </em>\r\n
              <strong>About Bioserenity </strong>\r\n
              BioSerenity, is a company created in 2014 and located inside the ICM Brain and Spine Institute ( in La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, one of the largest and oldest hospitals in Europe. BioSerenity has a shared research lab with the ICM. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity quickly became one of the technology leaders in smart medical solutions for remote monitoring thanks to an integrated network of partners in the hospital, research and pharmaceutical industry.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              Contact : - Téléphone : +33 1 84 25 64 27\r\n
              <strong> About Idinvest Partners</strong>\r\n
              The mission of Idinvest Partners, a European leader in financing small and medium-sized enterprises, is to fund European businesses at various stages of growth. With more than €8 billion under management, we can harness a range of complementary expertise to help businesses grow quickly using equity and private debt investment, both directly and via private equity funds. Since its formation in 1997, Idinvest has financed more than 3,500 European businesses through its three business lines: Venture &amp; Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              Contact : Luc Maruenda, Partner,\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              BioSerenity is the 9th portfolio company of SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, following the investments in Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
              Contact : Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
              Press Contact : Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
              Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, is a trusted partner of entrepreneurs which provides companies with credit, collateral and equity financing support - from start up through to stock exchange listing. In partnership with Business France, Bpifrance also provides guidance and enhanced support services for innovation, external growth, and exports. Bpifrance offers each company a range of financing for each key stage in its development, and an offer adapted to regional particularities. With 48 regional offices (90% of decisions are made regionally), Bpifrance offers entrepreneurs a tool for economic competitiveness. Bpifrance works in support of the public policies pursued nationally and regionally by the French government, to meet three objectives:\r\n
              • support the growth of businesses\r\n
              • prepare for future competitiveness\r\n
              • contribute to the development of an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship.\r\n
              With Bpifrance, companies benefit from a strong and effective local contact able to meet all their financial, innovation and investment needs.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              Contact : Nicolas Jehly – - +33 1 41 79 95 12\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +ID: 2147
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            +post_date: "2017-09-13 09:13:24"
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              <strong>Paris, 13th September 2017 – OpenHealth Company, specialised in real-time healthcare data collection and analysis, closed a financing round over €5m led by LBO France / Innovation Capital. In September, it will launch The Hub, the largest healthcare data analysis platform available in France.</strong>\r\n
              OpenHealth’s Hub aggregates data from multiple sources to offer a variety of powerful capabilities for analysis in three major areas:\r\n
              - Sales and marketing: Consumer data on all types of healthcare products (more than 200,000 referenced) aimed at the pharmaceutical industry and marketing research firms. These data are available in real time and include sales in pharmacies and supermarkets thanks to a partnership with IRI.\r\n
              - Health watch: Analysis and mapping by geographical area to conduct epidemiological analyses, monitor healthcare product sales and track health events in real time.\r\n
              - Safe use of healthcare products: The analysis of proper medication use and the creation of online cohorts provide information about how medicines and healthcare products are used in real-life (age of patients treated, related treatments, compliance with contraindications and good practices, treatment regimens, etc.), which is essential for risk management by manufacturers and health authorities.\r\n
              These new services will make it possible for data to be explored and analysed through a simple web browser, thereby giving all stakeholders, healthcare industries, public authorities, consulting firms and research organisations easy access to relevant data.\r\n
              The analysis of healthcare data will gradually change how we understand various challenges in the healthcare sector. After massive investments in many developed countries, and especially North America, this was the first fundraising operation to be held in France in this field. Through its SISA fund dedicated to companies in the European digital healthcare sector, LBO France / Innovation Capital led the round over €5m. In 2017, OpenHealth Company also received financial support from Bpifrance.\r\n
              <em> “By making data more accessible to stakeholders and allowing them to develop indicators that were previously complex and costly to obtain, we are accelerating the production of new knowledge”, says Dr Patrick Guérin, President of OpenHealth. “Either for market studies, post-authorisation studies on health product use or healthcare safety, OpenHealth’s Hub is helping to make deep changes to how we understand these data while maintaining the strictest level of privacy”</em>, explains <strong>CEO Dr Jean-Yves Robin.</strong>\r\n
              Ingrid Rayez, Director of Investment at LBO France / Innovation Capital, adds, “We are thrilled to work with OpenHealth and its experienced leaders. This is the eighth investment of our SISA fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy in Europe. The collection and real-time analysis of healthcare data has become key, especially for monitoring the use of healthcare products in real world. With The Hub, OpenHealth is well positioned to become leader in this sector.”\r\n
              Contacts: For OpenHealth:\r\n
              Catherine Commaille-Chapus - +33 2 97 68 37 00 -\r\n
              Press contact: LauMa communication\r\n
              Laurie Marcellesi - +33 1 73 03 05 20 -\r\n
              For LBO France / Innovation Capital:\r\n
              Ingrid Rayez - +33 1 80 06 99 15 -\r\n
              Press contact: Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong> About OpenHealth</strong>\r\n
              OpenHealth Company, founded in 2015 by Patrick Guérin, former President of Celtipharm, and JeanYves Robin, former Director of ASIP Santé, is the leading French company in the collection and realtime analysis of healthcare data. This expertise is supported by the processing of multiple data sources, including pharmacy sales data (a panel of more than 10,000 pharmacies, retained by the French High Authority of Health – HAS and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products – ANSM), geographical data, longitudinal patient data, outpatient medical data and international data. The company provides industrial and institutional customers with new flexible solutions and unique sector-specific support with its multidisciplinary team of doctors, pharmacists, statisticians, market access experts and industry executives. OpenHealth, which has around 50 employees at its Parisian headquarters and production site in Vannes, France, has projected its 2017 turnover at around €10m. The company is an accredited personal healthcare data host.\r\n
              For more information, go to <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France / Innovation Capital</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on four investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. The SISA fund, Innovation Capital’s latest fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, is today strong of 8 portfolio companies : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +ID: 2149
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            +post_date: "2017-09-04 09:16:44"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-04 07:16:44"
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              <strong>Paris, September 4, 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in PIEX (“the Company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with Mr. Bertrand Talbotier and the Company’s management team, as well as funds AfricInvest Europe, BNP Paribas Développement, BPI and Trocadéro Capital Partners.\r\n
              PIEX is a specialized distribution company which was founded in 1979 by Mr. Robert Jamain, incumbent CEO, and which, over the past years, grew to become a key player in the distribution of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa.\r\n
              Its unique positioning, based upon its strong expertise of targeted markets and ability to handle products from many pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical companies in a professional, agile and flexible way, positions PIEX as an indispensable and trusted partner of groups to enter the African market through a wide network of local wholesalers.\r\n
              Thanks to its proven know-how and tailor-made logistics, the Company has, over the past 40 years, secured privileged relationships with its historical clients, worldwide’s pharmaceutical groups and health professionals which mainly operate in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in Central Asia from now on.\r\n
              PIEX has recorded an average annual growth (CAGR) in its revenue of ca. 12% since 2005 and has reached €80 million in revenue in 2016, spread over more than 30 countries, including Ivory Coast (22%), Senegal (14%) and Cameroon (10%).\r\n
              The Company distributes more than 750 products to ca. 350 clients.\r\n
              In order to increase PIEX’s revenue and market shares, LBO France has teamed up with a new management team, led by Bertrand Talbotier (seasoned entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a strong knowledge of the African market), and identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
              - Further develop its client base to include new pharmaceutical groups and biotech companies;\r\n
              - Expand its business activities into new high-growth geographical markets;\r\n
              - Broaden its offer of high value-added services.\r\n
              <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This primary LBO perfectly illustrates our strategy of accompanying family-owned companies in their new development phase and led by a new management team. This acquisition is a meaningful choice made by LBO France in its investment options and the very nature of PIEX, a company operating in the heath sector and mainly towards the African market, demonstrates our commitment to the ESG principles guiding our investment approach." </em>\r\n
              <strong>Bertrand Talbotier, PIEX’s newly appointed CEO</strong>, added:<em> "PIEX’s acquisition by LBO France and its management team is a key milestone in the implementation of our defined strategy which aims at creating a leading player in the distribution of pharmaceutical products. Our conviction for PIEX is to improve patients’ life and health in targeted geographical areas and bring high quality genuine products and services within reach to historically disadvantaged people and countries. Our ambition is to build a model which is known for being innovative, profitable, long-lasting, respectful and exemplary in its operational roll-out. I am very honored to be given the opportunity to lead this ambitious project, alongside LBO France and our partners, towards achieving the expected success." </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France Team: Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap\r\n
              LBO France Emmanuel Fiorentino, Investment Manager\r\n
              Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
              - Finance: Grant Thornton : Emmanuel Riou\r\n
              Anissa Ghaouti\r\n
              - Legal: Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
              Pascal Georges\r\n
              Nicolas Goetz\r\n
              Gabriel di Chiara\r\n
              Camille Perodeau\r\n
              - Strategy : Alcimed : Vincent Genet\r\n
              Loïc Marce\r\n
              - HR : Cabinet Bilanciel\r\n
              Sophie Touttée Henrotte\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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              <strong>Paris, 27 July 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in SERAPID (“the company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with two managers, Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, as well as the historic shareholder Saïd Lounis.\r\n
              SERAPID is a French company created in 1972. As the creator of the rigid chain technology, SERAPID designs and manufactures telescopic mechanical links used for the horizontal and vertical displacement of heavy loads and the rapid change of press tools. Thanks to its intrinsic advantages (clean, reliable and compact technology), the rigid chain is a real alternative to traditional mechanical and hydraulic solutions that meet the needs of various industries (automotive, nuclear, aerospace, medical and entertainment).\r\n
              Building on its success, the company reached €26m of sales in 2016, of which 70% in industrial equipment and 30% in scenic and architectural.\r\n
              Headquartered in Dieppe, the company already has a very strong international presence, with 59% of its revenues generated in Europe, 37% in North America and 4% in Asia. The company employs 116 employees.\r\n
              In order to accelerate its development in the coming years, SERAPID has identified three major axes:\r\n
              - Accelerating the international deployment of historical applications;\r\n
              - Deployment of new applications in the medical, defense and lift markets for freight, trucks and cars;\r\n
              - Strengthening the existing organization.\r\n
              <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>« This primary LBO, negotiated off-market in the frame of a proprietary transaction, illustrates our small cap strategy perfectly. We support French companies willing to expand abroad. » </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France team : Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap LBO France\r\n
              Louis de Lummen, Investment Manager\r\n
              Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
              - Finance : EY : Jean-François Nadaud\r\n
              Guilhem de Montmarin\r\n
              - Legal : Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
              Pascal Georges\r\n
              - Strategic : LEK : Serge Hosepian\r\n
              Maxime Julian\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              Press Contacts For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +post_date: "2017-07-26 09:27:43"
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              <strong>Paris, 26 July 2017</strong> – LBO France and Abenex announced today that they have signed an exclusive agreement aiming at the acquisition by LBO France of the majority stake in RG Safety Group (“the Group”) currently held by Abenex.\r\n
              Founded in 1987, headquartered in Saint Priest, and now managed by Pierre Manchini (CEO), RG Safety Group is the French leading specialized distributor of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The group distributes a wide range of products (35,000 references) covering 6 main protection fields: Head, Hand, Foot, Body, Breathing, and Hygiene &amp; Safety in the working environment. The Group is also successfully selling products under its own brand, Ergos, which today accounts for ca. 30% of total sales. Main clients comprise of large corporations, SMEs from the industry and service sectors and public sector entities.\r\n
              Operating through 27 branches (of which 20 in France), the Group employs 430 employees. In 2016, RG Safety Group saw sales growing by 17% to reach over €180M, notably further to the acquisition of Italian A+A Monferrato. International (outside France) sales now account for ca. 20% of total sales.\r\n
              To spur growth, RG Safety Group intends to rely on both organic and external growth to create the European leader within the PPE market by 2022, driven by:\r\n
              - consolidating the French PPE distribution market (market share gains, development on new segments and multi-channel offering);\r\n
              - expanding commercial operations in Europe with a more direct access to local clients and assistance to international clients;\r\n
              - integrating acquisition targets, primarily in Europe.\r\n
              The transaction remains subject to consultations with employee representative bodies and approval by relevant competition authorities.\r\n
              <strong>Jérôme Guez, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"We would be pleased to partner with Pierre Manchini and his teams to support RG Safety Group in its continued growth and innovation capacity, enabling it to become one of Europe’s leading distributors of Personal Protective Equipment." </em>\r\n
              <em>"We are very excited about the possibility to enter in a new partnership with LBO France to continue to execute the strategic plan we have initiated 3 years from now, and together, accelerate, organically and through targeted acquisitions, RG Safety Group’s growth trajectory and geographic expansion in Europe."</em> added <strong>Pierre Manchini, CEO of RG Safety Group</strong>.\r\n
              <strong>Johann Dupont, Partner in charge of Operating team at Abenex</strong> said: <em>"Abenex is proud to have supported the growth and development of RG Safety Group during these past 4 years, paving the way for a true European leadership." </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France team: Jérôme Guez, Simon Couturier LBO Mid cap White Knight, and Gilles Taldu, Head of the Operating team\r\n
              - Finance : Deloitte : Frédérique Chenevoy\r\n
              - Legal: Mayor-Brown : Emily Pennec, Xavier Jaspar and Laurent Borey\r\n
              - Strategic : Advention : Alban Neveux\r\n
              - Abenex team: Johann Dupont and Matthieu Balaÿ\r\n
              - M&amp;A : Rothschild &amp; Cie (Transaction R) :\r\n
              o M&amp;A : Pierre Sader, Benjamin Osdoit, Guillaume Marquet de Vasselot, Cyril Petit\r\n
              o Financing : Mathilde Paoli\r\n
              - Legal : DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal\r\n
              - Vendor Due Diligence :\r\n
              o Finance : Deloitte : Eric Boucharlat, Thomas Gorguis, Kevin Profit and Noémie Picaud\r\n
              o Legal, Social, Tax: DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal, Jérôme Halphen, Eva Amor, Guillaume Valois, Emilie Renaud ;\r\n
              o Strategic: Indefi : Julien Berger, Charles-Antoine Dreyfus Management\r\n
              - Finance : Canacord : Nadim Barouki\r\n
              - Legal: Delaby : Emmanuel Delaby\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>About RG Safety Group</strong>\r\n
              With more than €180 million in revenue, RG Safety Group operates through 27 branches in France and in Europe with ca. 430 employees and serves 40,000 active clients.\r\n
              RG Safety’s Group products cover 6 main protection fields:\r\n
              • Head protection (hardhats and ear defenders, goggles)\r\n
              • Breathing protection (masks, respirators…)\r\n
              • Hand protection (tear/heat/chemical resistant gloves…)\r\n
              • Body protection (professional, safety and short use clothing)\r\n
              • Foot protection (safety shoes)\r\n
              • Safety and hygiene (consignment and safety of the work environment…)\r\n
              RG Safey Group is also known through the following brand names: FIPROTEC, GERIN, AMIET, CEVENOLE DE PROTECTION in France, A+A MONFERRATO in Italy, KNOLL ARBEITSSCHUTZ in Germany, LISAP in Belgium, RG SAFETY IBERICA in Spain, RG SWISS in Switzerland, MIDITECH in Slovakia et RG Tunisia in Tunisia.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About Abenex</strong>\r\n
              Abénex is a fully independent private equity firm. Abénex makes long term investments alongside managers in high growth and operational improvement transactions. Abénex specialises in capital development and buy-outs with or without financial leverage. With a strong focus on corporate strategy, operational excellence, and financial performance, Abénex leverages its network, resources and experience to help build value for customers, employees, and shareholders. The team benefits from a proven know-how in external growth projects, public-toprivate transactions, and in partnering with family owners. Abénex invests in companies valued up to €300m, either through majority or minority stakes.\r\n
              <strong>Press Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>For RG Safety Group </strong>\r\n
              Marie Patricio - +33 4 72 23 24 40 –\r\n
              <strong>For Abenex </strong>\r\n
              Johann Dupont - +33 1 53 93 69 04 - +33 6 23 38 46 46 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, on December 13th 2017</strong> – LBO France announces today that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Crouzet (the “Company”), a worldwide leader specialized in customized switches, electric actuators and automated systems for critical applications, from InnoVista Sensors, a company owned by PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. The transaction has already received a favorable opinion from the relevant works council and remains subject to customary regulatory approvals. The transaction is expected to close by early 2018.\r\n
          Founded in 1921 and today comprising approximately 1,200 employees, the Company serves diversified end-markets, including aerospace &amp; industry, transportation, energy &amp; infrastructure and other industries, through 3 principal production sites (France, Morocco and China). In 2016, Crouzet generated €136 million in sales, 74% of which outside France.\r\n
          As a result of its technical expertise and longstanding industrial history, Crouzet has gained strong recognition of leadership over the years and secured privileged relationships with its clients.\r\n
          In addition, the Company’s client base is highly diversified with more than 1,000 active customers.\r\n
          <strong>Thomas Boulman, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This investment in Crouzet illustrates LBO France’s strategy of partnering with leaders in attractive niche sectors with recognized technological expertise customization capabilities, critical applications supplying and international geographical coverage. We have been impressed and comforted by the work done in the past years by the management under the joint ownership of PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. We are now excited to team up with the management to support the Company on its new development phase and are eager to accelerate Crouzet’s ambitious strategy of product and technological innovation, market and geography deployment as well as selected build-up acquisitions." </em>\r\n
          <strong>David Arragon, CEO of Crouzet</strong>, added: <em>"With the support of LBO France as its new shareholder, we are confident on Crouzet’s capacity to carry on its development strategy and to consolidate its worldwide leadership on its niche markets.</em>"\r\n
          LBO France (Thomas Boulman, Simon Couturier, Eva Hoël, Philippe Karmin) was advised on this transaction by Advention (Alban Neveux, Eric Lesavre) on the strategic due diligence, EY Transaction Services (Jean-François Nadaud, Renaud Régner) on the financial due diligence and Mayer Brown for legal (Thomas Philippe, Clotilde Billat, Estelle Leclerc, Mélisande Sauze), tax (Elodie Deschamps, Olivia Sibieude) and financing (Patrick Teboul, Maud Bischoff, Julien Leris) matters.\r\n
          InnoVista Sensors was advised on this transaction by Canaccord Genuity (Nadim Barouki, Nicolas Royer), Latham &amp; Watkins (Alexander Benedetti, Julie Tchaglass, Alexandre Balat) on legal and corporate aspects, Linklaters (Oliver Sceales, Alex Szehidewicz) on legal and financing aspects\r\n
          Crouzet management was advised on this transaction by Delaby Dorison (Emmanuel Delaby, Florian Tumoine) for tax aspects and Bremond &amp; Associés (Christine Le Breton) for legal matters.\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6 bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          About Crouzet Since 1921, Crouzet has been committed to designing, manufacturing and supplying efficient components for automated systems to serve a wide range of applications in the Aerospace &amp; Defense market and in many Industrial equipment markets with a specific focus on applications such as Access control, Railway, Nuclear and Industrial valves markets.\r\n
          Crouzet’s product lines include Automation and Control devices, Motion products, Switches and Position Sensors, Cockpit Controls and (i) Electrical Protection solutions.\r\n
          Crouzet has a heritage of close collaboration with customers in the development of adapted products to fully customized solutions.\r\n
          Driven by innovation and customer satisfaction our teams are focused on delivering the right products and services for the right application, always meeting, often exceeding customers’ expectations.\r\n
          Crouzet is your trusted partner of choice to face industrial challenges of today and tomorrow.\r\n
          Crouzet is a company of InnoVista SensorsTM.\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
          For LBO France\r\n
          Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
          For PAI Partners\r\n
          Greenbrook Communications:\r\n
          James Madsen / Annabel Clay (+44 20 7952 2000)\r\n
          Michel Calzaroni / Olivier Labesse / Hugues Schmitt (+33 1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
          For The Carlyle Group\r\n
          Steele &amp; Holt PR Agency\r\n
          Daphné Claude\r\n
          +33 6 66 58 81 92\r\n
          For Schneider Investor Relations (Schneider Electric):\r\n
          Amit Bhalla (+44 20 7592 8216)\r\n
          <strong>Press contact (Schneider Electric):</strong>\r\n
          Véronique Roquet-Montégon (+33 (0)1 41 29 70 76)\r\n
          <strong>Press Contact (DGM):</strong>\r\n
          Michel Calzaroni and Olivier Labesse (+33 (0)1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
          For Crouzet Françoise KAYZAKIAN | Communication Director\r\n
          Tel: 00 33 4 75 44 89 01\r\n
          E-mail :\r\n
          <a href="">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, Dec. 1 st 2017</strong> – LBO France today announced the acquisition of Bexley (“the Company”), a French specialty retailer of men’s high quality footwear at affordable price. The founding manager, Mr. Eric Botton, will keep a minority interest in the Company.\r\n
          Founded in 1985, Bexley rapidly established itself as one of the most successful French retailers of men’s footwear positioned in the affordable luxury segment and offering excellent quality-price ratio. Since then, the Company gradually diversified its product offering with men’s clothing (shirts, polos, pullovers, pants and suits) and accessories (belts, socks and small leather goods).\r\n
          In addition to its own store network, Bexley, which was a precursor in developing an omni-channel strategy, succeeded in setting up and launching an effective e-commerce platform as early as 1996, which today accounts for 1/3 of total sales with more than 400,000 customers.\r\n
          The Company employs 75 employees split between its head-office in Lyon and its 14 stores located in Paris, Lyon, Annecy, Aix, Marseille and Brussels.\r\n
          To accelerate growth and expansion in the coming years, Bexley has identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
          - Further develop its e-commerce platform focusing on the acquisition of new clients, its CRM tool, and an enhanced customer experience thanks to shopping via smartphones or tablets;\r\n
          - Continue geographical expansion in France with the opening of new stores in other French large cities or selected mid-sized cities;\r\n
          - Proactively identify prime location opportunities for new store openings in large European cities such as London or Berlin.\r\n
          Jérôme Guez, Partner LBO France, commented: <em>"We are very enthusiastic about this 5 th investment of our Mid Cap fund White Knight IX in Bexley. We look forward to work alongside the founding manager, Eric Botton, and his team in order to accompany Bexley in this new development chapter, by extending its store network, enhancing its e-commerce platform while maintaining very high profitability." </em>\r\n
          Eric Botton, Bexley’s founding manager, added: "I am very pleased to pursue Bexley’s growth story with LBO France, a financial sponsor in which, with the support of their Operating team, we have found a real understanding of our challenges and the clear willingness to invest alongside us in giving a whole new dimension to Bexley."\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France Team : Jérôme Guez, Guy Latourette, Laurent Mabileau, Karine Callec\r\n
          - Finance : 8 Advisory (Florence Khayat)\r\n
          - Legal : Mayer Brown (Xavier Jaspar ; Emily Pennec) Jones Day (Diane Sénéchal)\r\n
          - Strategy : Advention (Alban Neveu)\r\n
          - Tax : Arsene Taxand (Denis Andres)\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in nonlisted assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
          For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Wandercraft, world leader in autonomous exos</strong>\r\n
          Wandercraft leverages the most advanced robotics to let wheelchair users walk again.\r\n
          Founded in 2012, Wandercraft is the first company in the world to master the technologies required to design and control autonomous exos capable of human-like walk.\r\n
          Wandercraft has built a disruptive technological advantage in the algorithms of dynamic robotics that allow to mimic a human walker by creating a balanced gait from permanent unbalance, and in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.\r\n
          These breakthroughs have been achieved by one of the world’s best walk robotics team, gathering in Paris 30 experts in robotics, algorithms, clinical trials, quality, regulation and marketing. Wandercraft is actively hiring new talents in these fields.\r\n
          The company will communicate soon on the successful clinical trials of the exo’s version designed for rehabilitation centers. Other clinical trials are planned to prove that exos delivering a realistic walk should enable more effective treatments in rehabilitation centers, and provide mobility-impaired persons with autonomy in their daily living.\r\n
          Autonomous exos will change the lives of millions of wheelchair users and of their physicians, physios and carers.\r\n
          <strong> Top-notch investors to break the disability barrier</strong>\r\n
          After a 5-year stealth period, Wandercraft’s team announces the closing of a Series B round of €15 million with five top-tier investors : XAnge, IDinvest, Cemag Invest and Bpifrance, followed by the company’s historical shareholder LBO France.\r\n
          The funds raised will contribute to scaling Wandercraft’s team, obtaining the exo approval from healthcare authorities, entering the global rehabilitation center market and developing the exo’s personal version.\r\n
          <strong>Nicolas Simon, CEO and one of the three founders of Wandercraft</strong>, has declared: <em>« We are proud to have built a fantastic investor team around our mission, to bring autonomy to wheelchair users. They do not only bring funding but a unique combined experience in robotics, medical technologies and global growth. With the success of the first clinical trials and after 5 years of development on the leading edge of robotics and medicine, we now have all the resources needed to enter the market and contribute to breaking the disability barrier.” </em>\r\n
          Wandercraft’s job is to let walking-impaired persons walk again. Wandercraft develops and commercializes the first autonomous walk exo. With this exo, persons with Spinal Cord Injury stood up and walked, with a realistic gait , autonomously and without crutches in world premiere clinical trials.\r\n
          Wandercraft’s team works on the edge of walk robotics, with the best academic labs in dynamic robotics and reputable medical teams, in Europe and the USA. The company plans to soon distribute its exos to rehabilitation centers and is developing a personal version. It received many prestigious awards and is supported by ambitious investors.\r\n
          Wandercraft makes real the promise of robotics to offer an ordinary life to extraordinary people.\r\n
          <em> Jean-Louis Constanza, Chief Business Officer - - <a href=""> </a></em>\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
          SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, includes 9 investments : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis, OpenHealth Company and BioSerenity.\r\n
          <strong>Contact :</strong> Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
          <strong>Contact Presse</strong>: Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>About XAnge </strong>\r\n
          XAnge is a Franco-German Venture Capital team with €400m under management, investing in Software, Internet, Hard tech and Impact entrepreneurs. XAnge is part of Siparex, a leading French private equity group.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About Idinvest Partners </strong>\r\n
          With more than €8 billion under management, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European private equity firm focused on the mid-market segment. Idinvest Partners has developed several complementary areas of expertise including: investments in innovative European startups; mid-market direct lending (unitranche, senior loans and junior financing); primary and secondary investments in unlisted European companies, and private equity consulting. Founded under the name AGF Private Equity in 1997, Idinvest Partners was formerly part of Allianz until 2010 when it became an independent firm.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>About Cemag Invest </strong>\r\n
          Cemag Invest is a family office created following the divestiture of the pharmaceutical company HRA. It focuses on early dev and cap dev minority investment in healthcare companies and BtoB services, always alongside institutional investors.\r\n
          Catherine Dunand, President -\r\n
          <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
          Equity investment are operated by Bpifrance Investissement. Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Dépôts and the entrepreneurs’ trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans, guarantees and equity investments. Bpifrance also provides operational services and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in parnertship with Business France. Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including offers adapted to regional specificities. With its 50 regional offices (90% of decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs. Bpifrance acts as a back-up for initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:\r\n
          · Contributing to SME’s growth\r\n
          · Preparing tomorrow’s competitiveness\r\n
          · Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem.\r\n
          With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and investment.\r\n
 Twitter: @bpifrance / @bpifrancepresse\r\n
          Nicolas Jehly – - 01 41 79 95 12\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
        +post_date: "2017-09-28 09:06:27"
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          <strong>Paris, September 20th 2017 - Start-up specialized in connected solutions for patients, BioSerenity closed a Series A round of €15 million led by LBO France and investments from Idinvest Partners and PSIM fund managed by Bpifrance. </strong>\r\n
          BioSerenity has developed several product lines to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. The high growth medtech company collaborated with several large scale university hospitals across the globe and plans on leveraging the new round of financing to continue its industrialization, and internationalization. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity has recently opened new offices in France, China and the United-States.\r\n
          BioSerenity offers disease specific full-stack solutions to speed up diagnosis, facilitate the follow-up and help calibrate treatments. The company currently focuses on 4 main pathological areas : Epilepsy, Cardiovascular diseases, Pregnancy monitoring and Sleep disorders.\r\n
          BioSerenity has successfully deployed a collaborative business model with the pharmaceutical industry through partnerships that rely on the creation of a complete technological solution (hardware device, smartphone app, medical cloud, and an automatic analysis of data by Artificial Intelligence). Each partnership is centered around a disease area in which the pharmaceutical company is specialized.\r\n
          The pharmaceutical companies use their global reach to deploy the solution around the world and take advantage of the devices for their own clinical trials or companion diagnostics strategy\r\n
          <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3279" src="" alt="" width="300" height="129" />\r\n
          <strong>Pierre Frouin, CEO and Founder of BioSerenity</strong> believes that the success of BioSerenity can be attributed to a combination of factors:<em> “A number of startups focus on a single technology block whereas BioSerenity has a solution based approach ranging from the capture of data to the analysis in a medical context, this makes us one of the only companies in our domain able to generate the expected medical gains. We have developed an important IP portfolio and we have a top-tier team that collaborates with a large ecosystem. BioSerenity was born in a hospital environment in the Brain and Spine Institute ( and our pharmaceutical partners appreciate our deep understanding of clinical challenges”. For Pierre Frouin, “with this fund raising, we obtain not only the means to finance our growth but also investors who have expertise in the digital and medical innovation, two sectors that intersect at BioSerenity</em>”\r\n
          <strong> Valéry Huot, Partner and Head of Innovation Capital of LBO France</strong>, declares: <em>“We are glad to bring our support to BioSerenity and its management team. This is the 9th investment of our SISA fund dedicated to innovating companies focused on digital health in Europe. BioSerenity has an impressive track record and we are convinced that the company will continue its high growth. BioSerenity has all the assets to become a major player in bringing solutions for connected patients around the world.”</em>\r\n
          <strong> Emmanuel Audouard, Director of the PSIM fund at Bpifrance</strong>, adds : <em>“BioSerenity is one of the most promising MedTech companies in its domain. The company brings an innovative solution to diagnostics and monitoring problems. We are glad to support its growth by mobilizing our PSIM fund reserved for winners of the World Wide Innovation Challenge side by side with Idinvest Partners and LBO France.” </em>\r\n
          <strong>Luc Maruenda, Partner at Idinvest Partners</strong> concludes : <em>"BioSerenity has been executing brilliantly these last two years with the help of a team of 80 dynamic talents and academic, industrial and clinical partners of high quality. We are delighted to renew our trust in the management team of BioSerenity by reinvesting and welcoming new co-investors " </em>\r\n
          <strong>About Bioserenity </strong>\r\n
          BioSerenity, is a company created in 2014 and located inside the ICM Brain and Spine Institute ( in La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, one of the largest and oldest hospitals in Europe. BioSerenity has a shared research lab with the ICM. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity quickly became one of the technology leaders in smart medical solutions for remote monitoring thanks to an integrated network of partners in the hospital, research and pharmaceutical industry.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          Contact : - Téléphone : +33 1 84 25 64 27\r\n
          <strong> About Idinvest Partners</strong>\r\n
          The mission of Idinvest Partners, a European leader in financing small and medium-sized enterprises, is to fund European businesses at various stages of growth. With more than €8 billion under management, we can harness a range of complementary expertise to help businesses grow quickly using equity and private debt investment, both directly and via private equity funds. Since its formation in 1997, Idinvest has financed more than 3,500 European businesses through its three business lines: Venture &amp; Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          Contact : Luc Maruenda, Partner,\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          BioSerenity is the 9th portfolio company of SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, following the investments in Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
          Contact : Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
          Press Contact : Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
          Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, is a trusted partner of entrepreneurs which provides companies with credit, collateral and equity financing support - from start up through to stock exchange listing. In partnership with Business France, Bpifrance also provides guidance and enhanced support services for innovation, external growth, and exports. Bpifrance offers each company a range of financing for each key stage in its development, and an offer adapted to regional particularities. With 48 regional offices (90% of decisions are made regionally), Bpifrance offers entrepreneurs a tool for economic competitiveness. Bpifrance works in support of the public policies pursued nationally and regionally by the French government, to meet three objectives:\r\n
          • support the growth of businesses\r\n
          • prepare for future competitiveness\r\n
          • contribute to the development of an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship.\r\n
          With Bpifrance, companies benefit from a strong and effective local contact able to meet all their financial, innovation and investment needs.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          Contact : Nicolas Jehly – - +33 1 41 79 95 12\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 13th September 2017 – OpenHealth Company, specialised in real-time healthcare data collection and analysis, closed a financing round over €5m led by LBO France / Innovation Capital. In September, it will launch The Hub, the largest healthcare data analysis platform available in France.</strong>\r\n
          OpenHealth’s Hub aggregates data from multiple sources to offer a variety of powerful capabilities for analysis in three major areas:\r\n
          - Sales and marketing: Consumer data on all types of healthcare products (more than 200,000 referenced) aimed at the pharmaceutical industry and marketing research firms. These data are available in real time and include sales in pharmacies and supermarkets thanks to a partnership with IRI.\r\n
          - Health watch: Analysis and mapping by geographical area to conduct epidemiological analyses, monitor healthcare product sales and track health events in real time.\r\n
          - Safe use of healthcare products: The analysis of proper medication use and the creation of online cohorts provide information about how medicines and healthcare products are used in real-life (age of patients treated, related treatments, compliance with contraindications and good practices, treatment regimens, etc.), which is essential for risk management by manufacturers and health authorities.\r\n
          These new services will make it possible for data to be explored and analysed through a simple web browser, thereby giving all stakeholders, healthcare industries, public authorities, consulting firms and research organisations easy access to relevant data.\r\n
          The analysis of healthcare data will gradually change how we understand various challenges in the healthcare sector. After massive investments in many developed countries, and especially North America, this was the first fundraising operation to be held in France in this field. Through its SISA fund dedicated to companies in the European digital healthcare sector, LBO France / Innovation Capital led the round over €5m. In 2017, OpenHealth Company also received financial support from Bpifrance.\r\n
          <em> “By making data more accessible to stakeholders and allowing them to develop indicators that were previously complex and costly to obtain, we are accelerating the production of new knowledge”, says Dr Patrick Guérin, President of OpenHealth. “Either for market studies, post-authorisation studies on health product use or healthcare safety, OpenHealth’s Hub is helping to make deep changes to how we understand these data while maintaining the strictest level of privacy”</em>, explains <strong>CEO Dr Jean-Yves Robin.</strong>\r\n
          Ingrid Rayez, Director of Investment at LBO France / Innovation Capital, adds, “We are thrilled to work with OpenHealth and its experienced leaders. This is the eighth investment of our SISA fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy in Europe. The collection and real-time analysis of healthcare data has become key, especially for monitoring the use of healthcare products in real world. With The Hub, OpenHealth is well positioned to become leader in this sector.”\r\n
          Contacts: For OpenHealth:\r\n
          Catherine Commaille-Chapus - +33 2 97 68 37 00 -\r\n
          Press contact: LauMa communication\r\n
          Laurie Marcellesi - +33 1 73 03 05 20 -\r\n
          For LBO France / Innovation Capital:\r\n
          Ingrid Rayez - +33 1 80 06 99 15 -\r\n
          Press contact: Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong> About OpenHealth</strong>\r\n
          OpenHealth Company, founded in 2015 by Patrick Guérin, former President of Celtipharm, and JeanYves Robin, former Director of ASIP Santé, is the leading French company in the collection and realtime analysis of healthcare data. This expertise is supported by the processing of multiple data sources, including pharmacy sales data (a panel of more than 10,000 pharmacies, retained by the French High Authority of Health – HAS and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products – ANSM), geographical data, longitudinal patient data, outpatient medical data and international data. The company provides industrial and institutional customers with new flexible solutions and unique sector-specific support with its multidisciplinary team of doctors, pharmacists, statisticians, market access experts and industry executives. OpenHealth, which has around 50 employees at its Parisian headquarters and production site in Vannes, France, has projected its 2017 turnover at around €10m. The company is an accredited personal healthcare data host.\r\n
          For more information, go to <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France / Innovation Capital</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on four investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. The SISA fund, Innovation Capital’s latest fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, is today strong of 8 portfolio companies : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, September 4, 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in PIEX (“the Company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with Mr. Bertrand Talbotier and the Company’s management team, as well as funds AfricInvest Europe, BNP Paribas Développement, BPI and Trocadéro Capital Partners.\r\n
          PIEX is a specialized distribution company which was founded in 1979 by Mr. Robert Jamain, incumbent CEO, and which, over the past years, grew to become a key player in the distribution of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa.\r\n
          Its unique positioning, based upon its strong expertise of targeted markets and ability to handle products from many pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical companies in a professional, agile and flexible way, positions PIEX as an indispensable and trusted partner of groups to enter the African market through a wide network of local wholesalers.\r\n
          Thanks to its proven know-how and tailor-made logistics, the Company has, over the past 40 years, secured privileged relationships with its historical clients, worldwide’s pharmaceutical groups and health professionals which mainly operate in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in Central Asia from now on.\r\n
          PIEX has recorded an average annual growth (CAGR) in its revenue of ca. 12% since 2005 and has reached €80 million in revenue in 2016, spread over more than 30 countries, including Ivory Coast (22%), Senegal (14%) and Cameroon (10%).\r\n
          The Company distributes more than 750 products to ca. 350 clients.\r\n
          In order to increase PIEX’s revenue and market shares, LBO France has teamed up with a new management team, led by Bertrand Talbotier (seasoned entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a strong knowledge of the African market), and identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
          - Further develop its client base to include new pharmaceutical groups and biotech companies;\r\n
          - Expand its business activities into new high-growth geographical markets;\r\n
          - Broaden its offer of high value-added services.\r\n
          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This primary LBO perfectly illustrates our strategy of accompanying family-owned companies in their new development phase and led by a new management team. This acquisition is a meaningful choice made by LBO France in its investment options and the very nature of PIEX, a company operating in the heath sector and mainly towards the African market, demonstrates our commitment to the ESG principles guiding our investment approach." </em>\r\n
          <strong>Bertrand Talbotier, PIEX’s newly appointed CEO</strong>, added:<em> "PIEX’s acquisition by LBO France and its management team is a key milestone in the implementation of our defined strategy which aims at creating a leading player in the distribution of pharmaceutical products. Our conviction for PIEX is to improve patients’ life and health in targeted geographical areas and bring high quality genuine products and services within reach to historically disadvantaged people and countries. Our ambition is to build a model which is known for being innovative, profitable, long-lasting, respectful and exemplary in its operational roll-out. I am very honored to be given the opportunity to lead this ambitious project, alongside LBO France and our partners, towards achieving the expected success." </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France Team: Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap\r\n
          LBO France Emmanuel Fiorentino, Investment Manager\r\n
          Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
          - Finance: Grant Thornton : Emmanuel Riou\r\n
          Anissa Ghaouti\r\n
          - Legal: Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
          Pascal Georges\r\n
          Nicolas Goetz\r\n
          Gabriel di Chiara\r\n
          Camille Perodeau\r\n
          - Strategy : Alcimed : Vincent Genet\r\n
          Loïc Marce\r\n
          - HR : Cabinet Bilanciel\r\n
          Sophie Touttée Henrotte\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 27 July 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in SERAPID (“the company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with two managers, Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, as well as the historic shareholder Saïd Lounis.\r\n
          SERAPID is a French company created in 1972. As the creator of the rigid chain technology, SERAPID designs and manufactures telescopic mechanical links used for the horizontal and vertical displacement of heavy loads and the rapid change of press tools. Thanks to its intrinsic advantages (clean, reliable and compact technology), the rigid chain is a real alternative to traditional mechanical and hydraulic solutions that meet the needs of various industries (automotive, nuclear, aerospace, medical and entertainment).\r\n
          Building on its success, the company reached €26m of sales in 2016, of which 70% in industrial equipment and 30% in scenic and architectural.\r\n
          Headquartered in Dieppe, the company already has a very strong international presence, with 59% of its revenues generated in Europe, 37% in North America and 4% in Asia. The company employs 116 employees.\r\n
          In order to accelerate its development in the coming years, SERAPID has identified three major axes:\r\n
          - Accelerating the international deployment of historical applications;\r\n
          - Deployment of new applications in the medical, defense and lift markets for freight, trucks and cars;\r\n
          - Strengthening the existing organization.\r\n
          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>« This primary LBO, negotiated off-market in the frame of a proprietary transaction, illustrates our small cap strategy perfectly. We support French companies willing to expand abroad. » </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France team : Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap LBO France\r\n
          Louis de Lummen, Investment Manager\r\n
          Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
          - Finance : EY : Jean-François Nadaud\r\n
          Guilhem de Montmarin\r\n
          - Legal : Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
          Pascal Georges\r\n
          - Strategic : LEK : Serge Hosepian\r\n
          Maxime Julian\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          Press Contacts For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 26 July 2017</strong> – LBO France and Abenex announced today that they have signed an exclusive agreement aiming at the acquisition by LBO France of the majority stake in RG Safety Group (“the Group”) currently held by Abenex.\r\n
          Founded in 1987, headquartered in Saint Priest, and now managed by Pierre Manchini (CEO), RG Safety Group is the French leading specialized distributor of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The group distributes a wide range of products (35,000 references) covering 6 main protection fields: Head, Hand, Foot, Body, Breathing, and Hygiene &amp; Safety in the working environment. The Group is also successfully selling products under its own brand, Ergos, which today accounts for ca. 30% of total sales. Main clients comprise of large corporations, SMEs from the industry and service sectors and public sector entities.\r\n
          Operating through 27 branches (of which 20 in France), the Group employs 430 employees. In 2016, RG Safety Group saw sales growing by 17% to reach over €180M, notably further to the acquisition of Italian A+A Monferrato. International (outside France) sales now account for ca. 20% of total sales.\r\n
          To spur growth, RG Safety Group intends to rely on both organic and external growth to create the European leader within the PPE market by 2022, driven by:\r\n
          - consolidating the French PPE distribution market (market share gains, development on new segments and multi-channel offering);\r\n
          - expanding commercial operations in Europe with a more direct access to local clients and assistance to international clients;\r\n
          - integrating acquisition targets, primarily in Europe.\r\n
          The transaction remains subject to consultations with employee representative bodies and approval by relevant competition authorities.\r\n
          <strong>Jérôme Guez, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"We would be pleased to partner with Pierre Manchini and his teams to support RG Safety Group in its continued growth and innovation capacity, enabling it to become one of Europe’s leading distributors of Personal Protective Equipment." </em>\r\n
          <em>"We are very excited about the possibility to enter in a new partnership with LBO France to continue to execute the strategic plan we have initiated 3 years from now, and together, accelerate, organically and through targeted acquisitions, RG Safety Group’s growth trajectory and geographic expansion in Europe."</em> added <strong>Pierre Manchini, CEO of RG Safety Group</strong>.\r\n
          <strong>Johann Dupont, Partner in charge of Operating team at Abenex</strong> said: <em>"Abenex is proud to have supported the growth and development of RG Safety Group during these past 4 years, paving the way for a true European leadership." </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France team: Jérôme Guez, Simon Couturier LBO Mid cap White Knight, and Gilles Taldu, Head of the Operating team\r\n
          - Finance : Deloitte : Frédérique Chenevoy\r\n
          - Legal: Mayor-Brown : Emily Pennec, Xavier Jaspar and Laurent Borey\r\n
          - Strategic : Advention : Alban Neveux\r\n
          - Abenex team: Johann Dupont and Matthieu Balaÿ\r\n
          - M&amp;A : Rothschild &amp; Cie (Transaction R) :\r\n
          o M&amp;A : Pierre Sader, Benjamin Osdoit, Guillaume Marquet de Vasselot, Cyril Petit\r\n
          o Financing : Mathilde Paoli\r\n
          - Legal : DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal\r\n
          - Vendor Due Diligence :\r\n
          o Finance : Deloitte : Eric Boucharlat, Thomas Gorguis, Kevin Profit and Noémie Picaud\r\n
          o Legal, Social, Tax: DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal, Jérôme Halphen, Eva Amor, Guillaume Valois, Emilie Renaud ;\r\n
          o Strategic: Indefi : Julien Berger, Charles-Antoine Dreyfus Management\r\n
          - Finance : Canacord : Nadim Barouki\r\n
          - Legal: Delaby : Emmanuel Delaby\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>About RG Safety Group</strong>\r\n
          With more than €180 million in revenue, RG Safety Group operates through 27 branches in France and in Europe with ca. 430 employees and serves 40,000 active clients.\r\n
          RG Safety’s Group products cover 6 main protection fields:\r\n
          • Head protection (hardhats and ear defenders, goggles)\r\n
          • Breathing protection (masks, respirators…)\r\n
          • Hand protection (tear/heat/chemical resistant gloves…)\r\n
          • Body protection (professional, safety and short use clothing)\r\n
          • Foot protection (safety shoes)\r\n
          • Safety and hygiene (consignment and safety of the work environment…)\r\n
          RG Safey Group is also known through the following brand names: FIPROTEC, GERIN, AMIET, CEVENOLE DE PROTECTION in France, A+A MONFERRATO in Italy, KNOLL ARBEITSSCHUTZ in Germany, LISAP in Belgium, RG SAFETY IBERICA in Spain, RG SWISS in Switzerland, MIDITECH in Slovakia et RG Tunisia in Tunisia.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About Abenex</strong>\r\n
          Abénex is a fully independent private equity firm. Abénex makes long term investments alongside managers in high growth and operational improvement transactions. Abénex specialises in capital development and buy-outs with or without financial leverage. With a strong focus on corporate strategy, operational excellence, and financial performance, Abénex leverages its network, resources and experience to help build value for customers, employees, and shareholders. The team benefits from a proven know-how in external growth projects, public-toprivate transactions, and in partnering with family owners. Abénex invests in companies valued up to €300m, either through majority or minority stakes.\r\n
          <strong>Press Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>For RG Safety Group </strong>\r\n
          Marie Patricio - +33 4 72 23 24 40 –\r\n
          <strong>For Abenex </strong>\r\n
          Johann Dupont - +33 1 53 93 69 04 - +33 6 23 38 46 46 -\r\n
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              <strong>Paris, on December 13th 2017</strong> – LBO France announces today that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Crouzet (the “Company”), a worldwide leader specialized in customized switches, electric actuators and automated systems for critical applications, from InnoVista Sensors, a company owned by PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. The transaction has already received a favorable opinion from the relevant works council and remains subject to customary regulatory approvals. The transaction is expected to close by early 2018.\r\n
              Founded in 1921 and today comprising approximately 1,200 employees, the Company serves diversified end-markets, including aerospace &amp; industry, transportation, energy &amp; infrastructure and other industries, through 3 principal production sites (France, Morocco and China). In 2016, Crouzet generated €136 million in sales, 74% of which outside France.\r\n
              As a result of its technical expertise and longstanding industrial history, Crouzet has gained strong recognition of leadership over the years and secured privileged relationships with its clients.\r\n
              In addition, the Company’s client base is highly diversified with more than 1,000 active customers.\r\n
              <strong>Thomas Boulman, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This investment in Crouzet illustrates LBO France’s strategy of partnering with leaders in attractive niche sectors with recognized technological expertise customization capabilities, critical applications supplying and international geographical coverage. We have been impressed and comforted by the work done in the past years by the management under the joint ownership of PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. We are now excited to team up with the management to support the Company on its new development phase and are eager to accelerate Crouzet’s ambitious strategy of product and technological innovation, market and geography deployment as well as selected build-up acquisitions." </em>\r\n
              <strong>David Arragon, CEO of Crouzet</strong>, added: <em>"With the support of LBO France as its new shareholder, we are confident on Crouzet’s capacity to carry on its development strategy and to consolidate its worldwide leadership on its niche markets.</em>"\r\n
              LBO France (Thomas Boulman, Simon Couturier, Eva Hoël, Philippe Karmin) was advised on this transaction by Advention (Alban Neveux, Eric Lesavre) on the strategic due diligence, EY Transaction Services (Jean-François Nadaud, Renaud Régner) on the financial due diligence and Mayer Brown for legal (Thomas Philippe, Clotilde Billat, Estelle Leclerc, Mélisande Sauze), tax (Elodie Deschamps, Olivia Sibieude) and financing (Patrick Teboul, Maud Bischoff, Julien Leris) matters.\r\n
              InnoVista Sensors was advised on this transaction by Canaccord Genuity (Nadim Barouki, Nicolas Royer), Latham &amp; Watkins (Alexander Benedetti, Julie Tchaglass, Alexandre Balat) on legal and corporate aspects, Linklaters (Oliver Sceales, Alex Szehidewicz) on legal and financing aspects\r\n
              Crouzet management was advised on this transaction by Delaby Dorison (Emmanuel Delaby, Florian Tumoine) for tax aspects and Bremond &amp; Associés (Christine Le Breton) for legal matters.\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6 bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              About Crouzet Since 1921, Crouzet has been committed to designing, manufacturing and supplying efficient components for automated systems to serve a wide range of applications in the Aerospace &amp; Defense market and in many Industrial equipment markets with a specific focus on applications such as Access control, Railway, Nuclear and Industrial valves markets.\r\n
              Crouzet’s product lines include Automation and Control devices, Motion products, Switches and Position Sensors, Cockpit Controls and (i) Electrical Protection solutions.\r\n
              Crouzet has a heritage of close collaboration with customers in the development of adapted products to fully customized solutions.\r\n
              Driven by innovation and customer satisfaction our teams are focused on delivering the right products and services for the right application, always meeting, often exceeding customers’ expectations.\r\n
              Crouzet is your trusted partner of choice to face industrial challenges of today and tomorrow.\r\n
              Crouzet is a company of InnoVista SensorsTM.\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
              For LBO France\r\n
              Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
              For PAI Partners\r\n
              Greenbrook Communications:\r\n
              James Madsen / Annabel Clay (+44 20 7952 2000)\r\n
              Michel Calzaroni / Olivier Labesse / Hugues Schmitt (+33 1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
              For The Carlyle Group\r\n
              Steele &amp; Holt PR Agency\r\n
              Daphné Claude\r\n
              +33 6 66 58 81 92\r\n
              For Schneider Investor Relations (Schneider Electric):\r\n
              Amit Bhalla (+44 20 7592 8216)\r\n
              <strong>Press contact (Schneider Electric):</strong>\r\n
              Véronique Roquet-Montégon (+33 (0)1 41 29 70 76)\r\n
              <strong>Press Contact (DGM):</strong>\r\n
              Michel Calzaroni and Olivier Labesse (+33 (0)1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
              For Crouzet Françoise KAYZAKIAN | Communication Director\r\n
              Tel: 00 33 4 75 44 89 01\r\n
              E-mail :\r\n
              <a href="">Read Press Release</a>
            +post_title: "LBO France enters into a final agreement to acquire Crouzet"
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          1 => WP_Post {#7740
            +ID: 2143
            +post_author: "1"
            +post_date: "2017-11-30 09:05:25"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-11-30 08:05:25"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Paris, Dec. 1 st 2017</strong> – LBO France today announced the acquisition of Bexley (“the Company”), a French specialty retailer of men’s high quality footwear at affordable price. The founding manager, Mr. Eric Botton, will keep a minority interest in the Company.\r\n
              Founded in 1985, Bexley rapidly established itself as one of the most successful French retailers of men’s footwear positioned in the affordable luxury segment and offering excellent quality-price ratio. Since then, the Company gradually diversified its product offering with men’s clothing (shirts, polos, pullovers, pants and suits) and accessories (belts, socks and small leather goods).\r\n
              In addition to its own store network, Bexley, which was a precursor in developing an omni-channel strategy, succeeded in setting up and launching an effective e-commerce platform as early as 1996, which today accounts for 1/3 of total sales with more than 400,000 customers.\r\n
              The Company employs 75 employees split between its head-office in Lyon and its 14 stores located in Paris, Lyon, Annecy, Aix, Marseille and Brussels.\r\n
              To accelerate growth and expansion in the coming years, Bexley has identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
              - Further develop its e-commerce platform focusing on the acquisition of new clients, its CRM tool, and an enhanced customer experience thanks to shopping via smartphones or tablets;\r\n
              - Continue geographical expansion in France with the opening of new stores in other French large cities or selected mid-sized cities;\r\n
              - Proactively identify prime location opportunities for new store openings in large European cities such as London or Berlin.\r\n
              Jérôme Guez, Partner LBO France, commented: <em>"We are very enthusiastic about this 5 th investment of our Mid Cap fund White Knight IX in Bexley. We look forward to work alongside the founding manager, Eric Botton, and his team in order to accompany Bexley in this new development chapter, by extending its store network, enhancing its e-commerce platform while maintaining very high profitability." </em>\r\n
              Eric Botton, Bexley’s founding manager, added: "I am very pleased to pursue Bexley’s growth story with LBO France, a financial sponsor in which, with the support of their Operating team, we have found a real understanding of our challenges and the clear willingness to invest alongside us in giving a whole new dimension to Bexley."\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France Team : Jérôme Guez, Guy Latourette, Laurent Mabileau, Karine Callec\r\n
              - Finance : 8 Advisory (Florence Khayat)\r\n
              - Legal : Mayer Brown (Xavier Jaspar ; Emily Pennec) Jones Day (Diane Sénéchal)\r\n
              - Strategy : Advention (Alban Neveu)\r\n
              - Tax : Arsene Taxand (Denis Andres)\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in nonlisted assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
              For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
            +post_title: "LBO France announced the acquisition of Bexley"
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          2 => WP_Post {#7746
            +ID: 2144
            +post_author: "1"
            +post_date: "2017-11-17 09:49:10"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-11-17 08:49:10"
            +post_content: "<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>"
            +post_title: "Digital day LBO France - November 17, 2016"
            +post_excerpt: ""
            +post_status: "publish"
            +comment_status: "open"
            +ping_status: "closed"
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            +post_name: "digital-day-lbo-france-november-17-2016"
            +to_ping: ""
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            +post_modified: "2019-12-25 11:45:42"
            +post_modified_gmt: "2019-12-25 10:45:42"
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          3 => WP_Post {#7749
            +ID: 2145
            +post_author: "1"
            +post_date: "2017-09-28 09:06:27"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-28 07:06:27"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Wandercraft, world leader in autonomous exos</strong>\r\n
              Wandercraft leverages the most advanced robotics to let wheelchair users walk again.\r\n
              Founded in 2012, Wandercraft is the first company in the world to master the technologies required to design and control autonomous exos capable of human-like walk.\r\n
              Wandercraft has built a disruptive technological advantage in the algorithms of dynamic robotics that allow to mimic a human walker by creating a balanced gait from permanent unbalance, and in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.\r\n
              These breakthroughs have been achieved by one of the world’s best walk robotics team, gathering in Paris 30 experts in robotics, algorithms, clinical trials, quality, regulation and marketing. Wandercraft is actively hiring new talents in these fields.\r\n
              The company will communicate soon on the successful clinical trials of the exo’s version designed for rehabilitation centers. Other clinical trials are planned to prove that exos delivering a realistic walk should enable more effective treatments in rehabilitation centers, and provide mobility-impaired persons with autonomy in their daily living.\r\n
              Autonomous exos will change the lives of millions of wheelchair users and of their physicians, physios and carers.\r\n
              <strong> Top-notch investors to break the disability barrier</strong>\r\n
              After a 5-year stealth period, Wandercraft’s team announces the closing of a Series B round of €15 million with five top-tier investors : XAnge, IDinvest, Cemag Invest and Bpifrance, followed by the company’s historical shareholder LBO France.\r\n
              The funds raised will contribute to scaling Wandercraft’s team, obtaining the exo approval from healthcare authorities, entering the global rehabilitation center market and developing the exo’s personal version.\r\n
              <strong>Nicolas Simon, CEO and one of the three founders of Wandercraft</strong>, has declared: <em>« We are proud to have built a fantastic investor team around our mission, to bring autonomy to wheelchair users. They do not only bring funding but a unique combined experience in robotics, medical technologies and global growth. With the success of the first clinical trials and after 5 years of development on the leading edge of robotics and medicine, we now have all the resources needed to enter the market and contribute to breaking the disability barrier.” </em>\r\n
              Wandercraft’s job is to let walking-impaired persons walk again. Wandercraft develops and commercializes the first autonomous walk exo. With this exo, persons with Spinal Cord Injury stood up and walked, with a realistic gait , autonomously and without crutches in world premiere clinical trials.\r\n
              Wandercraft’s team works on the edge of walk robotics, with the best academic labs in dynamic robotics and reputable medical teams, in Europe and the USA. The company plans to soon distribute its exos to rehabilitation centers and is developing a personal version. It received many prestigious awards and is supported by ambitious investors.\r\n
              Wandercraft makes real the promise of robotics to offer an ordinary life to extraordinary people.\r\n
              <em> Jean-Louis Constanza, Chief Business Officer - - <a href=""> </a></em>\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
              SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, includes 9 investments : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis, OpenHealth Company and BioSerenity.\r\n
              <strong>Contact :</strong> Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
              <strong>Contact Presse</strong>: Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>About XAnge </strong>\r\n
              XAnge is a Franco-German Venture Capital team with €400m under management, investing in Software, Internet, Hard tech and Impact entrepreneurs. XAnge is part of Siparex, a leading French private equity group.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About Idinvest Partners </strong>\r\n
              With more than €8 billion under management, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European private equity firm focused on the mid-market segment. Idinvest Partners has developed several complementary areas of expertise including: investments in innovative European startups; mid-market direct lending (unitranche, senior loans and junior financing); primary and secondary investments in unlisted European companies, and private equity consulting. Founded under the name AGF Private Equity in 1997, Idinvest Partners was formerly part of Allianz until 2010 when it became an independent firm.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>About Cemag Invest </strong>\r\n
              Cemag Invest is a family office created following the divestiture of the pharmaceutical company HRA. It focuses on early dev and cap dev minority investment in healthcare companies and BtoB services, always alongside institutional investors.\r\n
              Catherine Dunand, President -\r\n
              <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
              Equity investment are operated by Bpifrance Investissement. Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Dépôts and the entrepreneurs’ trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans, guarantees and equity investments. Bpifrance also provides operational services and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in parnertship with Business France. Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including offers adapted to regional specificities. With its 50 regional offices (90% of decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs. Bpifrance acts as a back-up for initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:\r\n
              · Contributing to SME’s growth\r\n
              · Preparing tomorrow’s competitiveness\r\n
              · Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem.\r\n
              With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and investment.\r\n
     Twitter: @bpifrance / @bpifrancepresse\r\n
              Nicolas Jehly – - 01 41 79 95 12\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
            +post_title: "Wandercraft raises 15m"
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          4 => WP_Post {#7744
            +ID: 2146
            +post_author: "1"
            +post_date: "2017-09-20 09:08:28"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-20 07:08:28"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Paris, September 20th 2017 - Start-up specialized in connected solutions for patients, BioSerenity closed a Series A round of €15 million led by LBO France and investments from Idinvest Partners and PSIM fund managed by Bpifrance. </strong>\r\n
              BioSerenity has developed several product lines to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. The high growth medtech company collaborated with several large scale university hospitals across the globe and plans on leveraging the new round of financing to continue its industrialization, and internationalization. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity has recently opened new offices in France, China and the United-States.\r\n
              BioSerenity offers disease specific full-stack solutions to speed up diagnosis, facilitate the follow-up and help calibrate treatments. The company currently focuses on 4 main pathological areas : Epilepsy, Cardiovascular diseases, Pregnancy monitoring and Sleep disorders.\r\n
              BioSerenity has successfully deployed a collaborative business model with the pharmaceutical industry through partnerships that rely on the creation of a complete technological solution (hardware device, smartphone app, medical cloud, and an automatic analysis of data by Artificial Intelligence). Each partnership is centered around a disease area in which the pharmaceutical company is specialized.\r\n
              The pharmaceutical companies use their global reach to deploy the solution around the world and take advantage of the devices for their own clinical trials or companion diagnostics strategy\r\n
              <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3279" src="" alt="" width="300" height="129" />\r\n
              <strong>Pierre Frouin, CEO and Founder of BioSerenity</strong> believes that the success of BioSerenity can be attributed to a combination of factors:<em> “A number of startups focus on a single technology block whereas BioSerenity has a solution based approach ranging from the capture of data to the analysis in a medical context, this makes us one of the only companies in our domain able to generate the expected medical gains. We have developed an important IP portfolio and we have a top-tier team that collaborates with a large ecosystem. BioSerenity was born in a hospital environment in the Brain and Spine Institute ( and our pharmaceutical partners appreciate our deep understanding of clinical challenges”. For Pierre Frouin, “with this fund raising, we obtain not only the means to finance our growth but also investors who have expertise in the digital and medical innovation, two sectors that intersect at BioSerenity</em>”\r\n
              <strong> Valéry Huot, Partner and Head of Innovation Capital of LBO France</strong>, declares: <em>“We are glad to bring our support to BioSerenity and its management team. This is the 9th investment of our SISA fund dedicated to innovating companies focused on digital health in Europe. BioSerenity has an impressive track record and we are convinced that the company will continue its high growth. BioSerenity has all the assets to become a major player in bringing solutions for connected patients around the world.”</em>\r\n
              <strong> Emmanuel Audouard, Director of the PSIM fund at Bpifrance</strong>, adds : <em>“BioSerenity is one of the most promising MedTech companies in its domain. The company brings an innovative solution to diagnostics and monitoring problems. We are glad to support its growth by mobilizing our PSIM fund reserved for winners of the World Wide Innovation Challenge side by side with Idinvest Partners and LBO France.” </em>\r\n
              <strong>Luc Maruenda, Partner at Idinvest Partners</strong> concludes : <em>"BioSerenity has been executing brilliantly these last two years with the help of a team of 80 dynamic talents and academic, industrial and clinical partners of high quality. We are delighted to renew our trust in the management team of BioSerenity by reinvesting and welcoming new co-investors " </em>\r\n
              <strong>About Bioserenity </strong>\r\n
              BioSerenity, is a company created in 2014 and located inside the ICM Brain and Spine Institute ( in La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, one of the largest and oldest hospitals in Europe. BioSerenity has a shared research lab with the ICM. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity quickly became one of the technology leaders in smart medical solutions for remote monitoring thanks to an integrated network of partners in the hospital, research and pharmaceutical industry.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              Contact : - Téléphone : +33 1 84 25 64 27\r\n
              <strong> About Idinvest Partners</strong>\r\n
              The mission of Idinvest Partners, a European leader in financing small and medium-sized enterprises, is to fund European businesses at various stages of growth. With more than €8 billion under management, we can harness a range of complementary expertise to help businesses grow quickly using equity and private debt investment, both directly and via private equity funds. Since its formation in 1997, Idinvest has financed more than 3,500 European businesses through its three business lines: Venture &amp; Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              Contact : Luc Maruenda, Partner,\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              BioSerenity is the 9th portfolio company of SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, following the investments in Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
              Contact : Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
              Press Contact : Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
              Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, is a trusted partner of entrepreneurs which provides companies with credit, collateral and equity financing support - from start up through to stock exchange listing. In partnership with Business France, Bpifrance also provides guidance and enhanced support services for innovation, external growth, and exports. Bpifrance offers each company a range of financing for each key stage in its development, and an offer adapted to regional particularities. With 48 regional offices (90% of decisions are made regionally), Bpifrance offers entrepreneurs a tool for economic competitiveness. Bpifrance works in support of the public policies pursued nationally and regionally by the French government, to meet three objectives:\r\n
              • support the growth of businesses\r\n
              • prepare for future competitiveness\r\n
              • contribute to the development of an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship.\r\n
              With Bpifrance, companies benefit from a strong and effective local contact able to meet all their financial, innovation and investment needs.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              Contact : Nicolas Jehly – - +33 1 41 79 95 12\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
            +post_title: "BioSerenity, digital health champion, raises 15m"
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          5 => WP_Post {#7745
            +ID: 2147
            +post_author: "1"
            +post_date: "2017-09-13 09:13:24"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-13 07:13:24"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Paris, 13th September 2017 – OpenHealth Company, specialised in real-time healthcare data collection and analysis, closed a financing round over €5m led by LBO France / Innovation Capital. In September, it will launch The Hub, the largest healthcare data analysis platform available in France.</strong>\r\n
              OpenHealth’s Hub aggregates data from multiple sources to offer a variety of powerful capabilities for analysis in three major areas:\r\n
              - Sales and marketing: Consumer data on all types of healthcare products (more than 200,000 referenced) aimed at the pharmaceutical industry and marketing research firms. These data are available in real time and include sales in pharmacies and supermarkets thanks to a partnership with IRI.\r\n
              - Health watch: Analysis and mapping by geographical area to conduct epidemiological analyses, monitor healthcare product sales and track health events in real time.\r\n
              - Safe use of healthcare products: The analysis of proper medication use and the creation of online cohorts provide information about how medicines and healthcare products are used in real-life (age of patients treated, related treatments, compliance with contraindications and good practices, treatment regimens, etc.), which is essential for risk management by manufacturers and health authorities.\r\n
              These new services will make it possible for data to be explored and analysed through a simple web browser, thereby giving all stakeholders, healthcare industries, public authorities, consulting firms and research organisations easy access to relevant data.\r\n
              The analysis of healthcare data will gradually change how we understand various challenges in the healthcare sector. After massive investments in many developed countries, and especially North America, this was the first fundraising operation to be held in France in this field. Through its SISA fund dedicated to companies in the European digital healthcare sector, LBO France / Innovation Capital led the round over €5m. In 2017, OpenHealth Company also received financial support from Bpifrance.\r\n
              <em> “By making data more accessible to stakeholders and allowing them to develop indicators that were previously complex and costly to obtain, we are accelerating the production of new knowledge”, says Dr Patrick Guérin, President of OpenHealth. “Either for market studies, post-authorisation studies on health product use or healthcare safety, OpenHealth’s Hub is helping to make deep changes to how we understand these data while maintaining the strictest level of privacy”</em>, explains <strong>CEO Dr Jean-Yves Robin.</strong>\r\n
              Ingrid Rayez, Director of Investment at LBO France / Innovation Capital, adds, “We are thrilled to work with OpenHealth and its experienced leaders. This is the eighth investment of our SISA fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy in Europe. The collection and real-time analysis of healthcare data has become key, especially for monitoring the use of healthcare products in real world. With The Hub, OpenHealth is well positioned to become leader in this sector.”\r\n
              Contacts: For OpenHealth:\r\n
              Catherine Commaille-Chapus - +33 2 97 68 37 00 -\r\n
              Press contact: LauMa communication\r\n
              Laurie Marcellesi - +33 1 73 03 05 20 -\r\n
              For LBO France / Innovation Capital:\r\n
              Ingrid Rayez - +33 1 80 06 99 15 -\r\n
              Press contact: Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong> About OpenHealth</strong>\r\n
              OpenHealth Company, founded in 2015 by Patrick Guérin, former President of Celtipharm, and JeanYves Robin, former Director of ASIP Santé, is the leading French company in the collection and realtime analysis of healthcare data. This expertise is supported by the processing of multiple data sources, including pharmacy sales data (a panel of more than 10,000 pharmacies, retained by the French High Authority of Health – HAS and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products – ANSM), geographical data, longitudinal patient data, outpatient medical data and international data. The company provides industrial and institutional customers with new flexible solutions and unique sector-specific support with its multidisciplinary team of doctors, pharmacists, statisticians, market access experts and industry executives. OpenHealth, which has around 50 employees at its Parisian headquarters and production site in Vannes, France, has projected its 2017 turnover at around €10m. The company is an accredited personal healthcare data host.\r\n
              For more information, go to <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France / Innovation Capital</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on four investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. The SISA fund, Innovation Capital’s latest fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, is today strong of 8 portfolio companies : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +ID: 2149
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            +post_date: "2017-09-04 09:16:44"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-09-04 07:16:44"
            +post_content: """
              <strong>Paris, September 4, 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in PIEX (“the Company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with Mr. Bertrand Talbotier and the Company’s management team, as well as funds AfricInvest Europe, BNP Paribas Développement, BPI and Trocadéro Capital Partners.\r\n
              PIEX is a specialized distribution company which was founded in 1979 by Mr. Robert Jamain, incumbent CEO, and which, over the past years, grew to become a key player in the distribution of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa.\r\n
              Its unique positioning, based upon its strong expertise of targeted markets and ability to handle products from many pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical companies in a professional, agile and flexible way, positions PIEX as an indispensable and trusted partner of groups to enter the African market through a wide network of local wholesalers.\r\n
              Thanks to its proven know-how and tailor-made logistics, the Company has, over the past 40 years, secured privileged relationships with its historical clients, worldwide’s pharmaceutical groups and health professionals which mainly operate in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in Central Asia from now on.\r\n
              PIEX has recorded an average annual growth (CAGR) in its revenue of ca. 12% since 2005 and has reached €80 million in revenue in 2016, spread over more than 30 countries, including Ivory Coast (22%), Senegal (14%) and Cameroon (10%).\r\n
              The Company distributes more than 750 products to ca. 350 clients.\r\n
              In order to increase PIEX’s revenue and market shares, LBO France has teamed up with a new management team, led by Bertrand Talbotier (seasoned entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a strong knowledge of the African market), and identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
              - Further develop its client base to include new pharmaceutical groups and biotech companies;\r\n
              - Expand its business activities into new high-growth geographical markets;\r\n
              - Broaden its offer of high value-added services.\r\n
              <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This primary LBO perfectly illustrates our strategy of accompanying family-owned companies in their new development phase and led by a new management team. This acquisition is a meaningful choice made by LBO France in its investment options and the very nature of PIEX, a company operating in the heath sector and mainly towards the African market, demonstrates our commitment to the ESG principles guiding our investment approach." </em>\r\n
              <strong>Bertrand Talbotier, PIEX’s newly appointed CEO</strong>, added:<em> "PIEX’s acquisition by LBO France and its management team is a key milestone in the implementation of our defined strategy which aims at creating a leading player in the distribution of pharmaceutical products. Our conviction for PIEX is to improve patients’ life and health in targeted geographical areas and bring high quality genuine products and services within reach to historically disadvantaged people and countries. Our ambition is to build a model which is known for being innovative, profitable, long-lasting, respectful and exemplary in its operational roll-out. I am very honored to be given the opportunity to lead this ambitious project, alongside LBO France and our partners, towards achieving the expected success." </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France Team: Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap\r\n
              LBO France Emmanuel Fiorentino, Investment Manager\r\n
              Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
              - Finance: Grant Thornton : Emmanuel Riou\r\n
              Anissa Ghaouti\r\n
              - Legal: Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
              Pascal Georges\r\n
              Nicolas Goetz\r\n
              Gabriel di Chiara\r\n
              Camille Perodeau\r\n
              - Strategy : Alcimed : Vincent Genet\r\n
              Loïc Marce\r\n
              - HR : Cabinet Bilanciel\r\n
              Sophie Touttée Henrotte\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>Media Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +post_date: "2017-07-27 09:17:39"
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              <strong>Paris, 27 July 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in SERAPID (“the company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with two managers, Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, as well as the historic shareholder Saïd Lounis.\r\n
              SERAPID is a French company created in 1972. As the creator of the rigid chain technology, SERAPID designs and manufactures telescopic mechanical links used for the horizontal and vertical displacement of heavy loads and the rapid change of press tools. Thanks to its intrinsic advantages (clean, reliable and compact technology), the rigid chain is a real alternative to traditional mechanical and hydraulic solutions that meet the needs of various industries (automotive, nuclear, aerospace, medical and entertainment).\r\n
              Building on its success, the company reached €26m of sales in 2016, of which 70% in industrial equipment and 30% in scenic and architectural.\r\n
              Headquartered in Dieppe, the company already has a very strong international presence, with 59% of its revenues generated in Europe, 37% in North America and 4% in Asia. The company employs 116 employees.\r\n
              In order to accelerate its development in the coming years, SERAPID has identified three major axes:\r\n
              - Accelerating the international deployment of historical applications;\r\n
              - Deployment of new applications in the medical, defense and lift markets for freight, trucks and cars;\r\n
              - Strengthening the existing organization.\r\n
              <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>« This primary LBO, negotiated off-market in the frame of a proprietary transaction, illustrates our small cap strategy perfectly. We support French companies willing to expand abroad. » </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France team : Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap LBO France\r\n
              Louis de Lummen, Investment Manager\r\n
              Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
              - Finance : EY : Jean-François Nadaud\r\n
              Guilhem de Montmarin\r\n
              - Legal : Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
              Pascal Georges\r\n
              - Strategic : LEK : Serge Hosepian\r\n
              Maxime Julian\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              Press Contacts For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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            +ID: 2152
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            +post_date: "2017-07-26 09:27:43"
            +post_date_gmt: "2017-07-26 07:27:43"
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              <strong>Paris, 26 July 2017</strong> – LBO France and Abenex announced today that they have signed an exclusive agreement aiming at the acquisition by LBO France of the majority stake in RG Safety Group (“the Group”) currently held by Abenex.\r\n
              Founded in 1987, headquartered in Saint Priest, and now managed by Pierre Manchini (CEO), RG Safety Group is the French leading specialized distributor of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The group distributes a wide range of products (35,000 references) covering 6 main protection fields: Head, Hand, Foot, Body, Breathing, and Hygiene &amp; Safety in the working environment. The Group is also successfully selling products under its own brand, Ergos, which today accounts for ca. 30% of total sales. Main clients comprise of large corporations, SMEs from the industry and service sectors and public sector entities.\r\n
              Operating through 27 branches (of which 20 in France), the Group employs 430 employees. In 2016, RG Safety Group saw sales growing by 17% to reach over €180M, notably further to the acquisition of Italian A+A Monferrato. International (outside France) sales now account for ca. 20% of total sales.\r\n
              To spur growth, RG Safety Group intends to rely on both organic and external growth to create the European leader within the PPE market by 2022, driven by:\r\n
              - consolidating the French PPE distribution market (market share gains, development on new segments and multi-channel offering);\r\n
              - expanding commercial operations in Europe with a more direct access to local clients and assistance to international clients;\r\n
              - integrating acquisition targets, primarily in Europe.\r\n
              The transaction remains subject to consultations with employee representative bodies and approval by relevant competition authorities.\r\n
              <strong>Jérôme Guez, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"We would be pleased to partner with Pierre Manchini and his teams to support RG Safety Group in its continued growth and innovation capacity, enabling it to become one of Europe’s leading distributors of Personal Protective Equipment." </em>\r\n
              <em>"We are very excited about the possibility to enter in a new partnership with LBO France to continue to execute the strategic plan we have initiated 3 years from now, and together, accelerate, organically and through targeted acquisitions, RG Safety Group’s growth trajectory and geographic expansion in Europe."</em> added <strong>Pierre Manchini, CEO of RG Safety Group</strong>.\r\n
              <strong>Johann Dupont, Partner in charge of Operating team at Abenex</strong> said: <em>"Abenex is proud to have supported the growth and development of RG Safety Group during these past 4 years, paving the way for a true European leadership." </em>\r\n
              Parties involved:\r\n
              LBO France\r\n
              - LBO France team: Jérôme Guez, Simon Couturier LBO Mid cap White Knight, and Gilles Taldu, Head of the Operating team\r\n
              - Finance : Deloitte : Frédérique Chenevoy\r\n
              - Legal: Mayor-Brown : Emily Pennec, Xavier Jaspar and Laurent Borey\r\n
              - Strategic : Advention : Alban Neveux\r\n
              - Abenex team: Johann Dupont and Matthieu Balaÿ\r\n
              - M&amp;A : Rothschild &amp; Cie (Transaction R) :\r\n
              o M&amp;A : Pierre Sader, Benjamin Osdoit, Guillaume Marquet de Vasselot, Cyril Petit\r\n
              o Financing : Mathilde Paoli\r\n
              - Legal : DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal\r\n
              - Vendor Due Diligence :\r\n
              o Finance : Deloitte : Eric Boucharlat, Thomas Gorguis, Kevin Profit and Noémie Picaud\r\n
              o Legal, Social, Tax: DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal, Jérôme Halphen, Eva Amor, Guillaume Valois, Emilie Renaud ;\r\n
              o Strategic: Indefi : Julien Berger, Charles-Antoine Dreyfus Management\r\n
              - Finance : Canacord : Nadim Barouki\r\n
              - Legal: Delaby : Emmanuel Delaby\r\n
              - - -\r\n
              <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
              As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
              <a href=""></a>\r\n
              <strong>About RG Safety Group</strong>\r\n
              With more than €180 million in revenue, RG Safety Group operates through 27 branches in France and in Europe with ca. 430 employees and serves 40,000 active clients.\r\n
              RG Safety’s Group products cover 6 main protection fields:\r\n
              • Head protection (hardhats and ear defenders, goggles)\r\n
              • Breathing protection (masks, respirators…)\r\n
              • Hand protection (tear/heat/chemical resistant gloves…)\r\n
              • Body protection (professional, safety and short use clothing)\r\n
              • Foot protection (safety shoes)\r\n
              • Safety and hygiene (consignment and safety of the work environment…)\r\n
              RG Safey Group is also known through the following brand names: FIPROTEC, GERIN, AMIET, CEVENOLE DE PROTECTION in France, A+A MONFERRATO in Italy, KNOLL ARBEITSSCHUTZ in Germany, LISAP in Belgium, RG SAFETY IBERICA in Spain, RG SWISS in Switzerland, MIDITECH in Slovakia et RG Tunisia in Tunisia.\r\n
              <a href=""> </a>\r\n
              <strong>About Abenex</strong>\r\n
              Abénex is a fully independent private equity firm. Abénex makes long term investments alongside managers in high growth and operational improvement transactions. Abénex specialises in capital development and buy-outs with or without financial leverage. With a strong focus on corporate strategy, operational excellence, and financial performance, Abénex leverages its network, resources and experience to help build value for customers, employees, and shareholders. The team benefits from a proven know-how in external growth projects, public-toprivate transactions, and in partnering with family owners. Abénex invests in companies valued up to €300m, either through majority or minority stakes.\r\n
              <strong>Press Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
              Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
              Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
              <strong>For RG Safety Group </strong>\r\n
              Marie Patricio - +33 4 72 23 24 40 –\r\n
              <strong>For Abenex </strong>\r\n
              Johann Dupont - +33 1 53 93 69 04 - +33 6 23 38 46 46 -\r\n
              <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, on December 13th 2017</strong> – LBO France announces today that it has entered into a definitive agreement for the acquisition of Crouzet (the “Company”), a worldwide leader specialized in customized switches, electric actuators and automated systems for critical applications, from InnoVista Sensors, a company owned by PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. The transaction has already received a favorable opinion from the relevant works council and remains subject to customary regulatory approvals. The transaction is expected to close by early 2018.\r\n
          Founded in 1921 and today comprising approximately 1,200 employees, the Company serves diversified end-markets, including aerospace &amp; industry, transportation, energy &amp; infrastructure and other industries, through 3 principal production sites (France, Morocco and China). In 2016, Crouzet generated €136 million in sales, 74% of which outside France.\r\n
          As a result of its technical expertise and longstanding industrial history, Crouzet has gained strong recognition of leadership over the years and secured privileged relationships with its clients.\r\n
          In addition, the Company’s client base is highly diversified with more than 1,000 active customers.\r\n
          <strong>Thomas Boulman, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This investment in Crouzet illustrates LBO France’s strategy of partnering with leaders in attractive niche sectors with recognized technological expertise customization capabilities, critical applications supplying and international geographical coverage. We have been impressed and comforted by the work done in the past years by the management under the joint ownership of PAI Partners, The Carlyle Group and Schneider Electric. We are now excited to team up with the management to support the Company on its new development phase and are eager to accelerate Crouzet’s ambitious strategy of product and technological innovation, market and geography deployment as well as selected build-up acquisitions." </em>\r\n
          <strong>David Arragon, CEO of Crouzet</strong>, added: <em>"With the support of LBO France as its new shareholder, we are confident on Crouzet’s capacity to carry on its development strategy and to consolidate its worldwide leadership on its niche markets.</em>"\r\n
          LBO France (Thomas Boulman, Simon Couturier, Eva Hoël, Philippe Karmin) was advised on this transaction by Advention (Alban Neveux, Eric Lesavre) on the strategic due diligence, EY Transaction Services (Jean-François Nadaud, Renaud Régner) on the financial due diligence and Mayer Brown for legal (Thomas Philippe, Clotilde Billat, Estelle Leclerc, Mélisande Sauze), tax (Elodie Deschamps, Olivia Sibieude) and financing (Patrick Teboul, Maud Bischoff, Julien Leris) matters.\r\n
          InnoVista Sensors was advised on this transaction by Canaccord Genuity (Nadim Barouki, Nicolas Royer), Latham &amp; Watkins (Alexander Benedetti, Julie Tchaglass, Alexandre Balat) on legal and corporate aspects, Linklaters (Oliver Sceales, Alex Szehidewicz) on legal and financing aspects\r\n
          Crouzet management was advised on this transaction by Delaby Dorison (Emmanuel Delaby, Florian Tumoine) for tax aspects and Bremond &amp; Associés (Christine Le Breton) for legal matters.\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6 bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          About Crouzet Since 1921, Crouzet has been committed to designing, manufacturing and supplying efficient components for automated systems to serve a wide range of applications in the Aerospace &amp; Defense market and in many Industrial equipment markets with a specific focus on applications such as Access control, Railway, Nuclear and Industrial valves markets.\r\n
          Crouzet’s product lines include Automation and Control devices, Motion products, Switches and Position Sensors, Cockpit Controls and (i) Electrical Protection solutions.\r\n
          Crouzet has a heritage of close collaboration with customers in the development of adapted products to fully customized solutions.\r\n
          Driven by innovation and customer satisfaction our teams are focused on delivering the right products and services for the right application, always meeting, often exceeding customers’ expectations.\r\n
          Crouzet is your trusted partner of choice to face industrial challenges of today and tomorrow.\r\n
          Crouzet is a company of InnoVista SensorsTM.\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
          For LBO France\r\n
          Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
          For PAI Partners\r\n
          Greenbrook Communications:\r\n
          James Madsen / Annabel Clay (+44 20 7952 2000)\r\n
          Michel Calzaroni / Olivier Labesse / Hugues Schmitt (+33 1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
          For The Carlyle Group\r\n
          Steele &amp; Holt PR Agency\r\n
          Daphné Claude\r\n
          +33 6 66 58 81 92\r\n
          For Schneider Investor Relations (Schneider Electric):\r\n
          Amit Bhalla (+44 20 7592 8216)\r\n
          <strong>Press contact (Schneider Electric):</strong>\r\n
          Véronique Roquet-Montégon (+33 (0)1 41 29 70 76)\r\n
          <strong>Press Contact (DGM):</strong>\r\n
          Michel Calzaroni and Olivier Labesse (+33 (0)1 40 70 11 89)\r\n
          For Crouzet Françoise KAYZAKIAN | Communication Director\r\n
          Tel: 00 33 4 75 44 89 01\r\n
          E-mail :\r\n
          <a href="">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, Dec. 1 st 2017</strong> – LBO France today announced the acquisition of Bexley (“the Company”), a French specialty retailer of men’s high quality footwear at affordable price. The founding manager, Mr. Eric Botton, will keep a minority interest in the Company.\r\n
          Founded in 1985, Bexley rapidly established itself as one of the most successful French retailers of men’s footwear positioned in the affordable luxury segment and offering excellent quality-price ratio. Since then, the Company gradually diversified its product offering with men’s clothing (shirts, polos, pullovers, pants and suits) and accessories (belts, socks and small leather goods).\r\n
          In addition to its own store network, Bexley, which was a precursor in developing an omni-channel strategy, succeeded in setting up and launching an effective e-commerce platform as early as 1996, which today accounts for 1/3 of total sales with more than 400,000 customers.\r\n
          The Company employs 75 employees split between its head-office in Lyon and its 14 stores located in Paris, Lyon, Annecy, Aix, Marseille and Brussels.\r\n
          To accelerate growth and expansion in the coming years, Bexley has identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
          - Further develop its e-commerce platform focusing on the acquisition of new clients, its CRM tool, and an enhanced customer experience thanks to shopping via smartphones or tablets;\r\n
          - Continue geographical expansion in France with the opening of new stores in other French large cities or selected mid-sized cities;\r\n
          - Proactively identify prime location opportunities for new store openings in large European cities such as London or Berlin.\r\n
          Jérôme Guez, Partner LBO France, commented: <em>"We are very enthusiastic about this 5 th investment of our Mid Cap fund White Knight IX in Bexley. We look forward to work alongside the founding manager, Eric Botton, and his team in order to accompany Bexley in this new development chapter, by extending its store network, enhancing its e-commerce platform while maintaining very high profitability." </em>\r\n
          Eric Botton, Bexley’s founding manager, added: "I am very pleased to pursue Bexley’s growth story with LBO France, a financial sponsor in which, with the support of their Operating team, we have found a real understanding of our challenges and the clear willingness to invest alongside us in giving a whole new dimension to Bexley."\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France Team : Jérôme Guez, Guy Latourette, Laurent Mabileau, Karine Callec\r\n
          - Finance : 8 Advisory (Florence Khayat)\r\n
          - Legal : Mayer Brown (Xavier Jaspar ; Emily Pennec) Jones Day (Diane Sénéchal)\r\n
          - Strategy : Advention (Alban Neveu)\r\n
          - Tax : Arsene Taxand (Denis Andres)\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in nonlisted assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap Buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap Buyout through the Hexagone/Small Caps Opportunities funds, (ii) Venture Capital through the SISA fund, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs nearly 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts</strong>\r\n
          For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
        +post_date: "2017-11-30 09:05:25"
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          <strong>Wandercraft, world leader in autonomous exos</strong>\r\n
          Wandercraft leverages the most advanced robotics to let wheelchair users walk again.\r\n
          Founded in 2012, Wandercraft is the first company in the world to master the technologies required to design and control autonomous exos capable of human-like walk.\r\n
          Wandercraft has built a disruptive technological advantage in the algorithms of dynamic robotics that allow to mimic a human walker by creating a balanced gait from permanent unbalance, and in mechatronics and bio-mechanics.\r\n
          These breakthroughs have been achieved by one of the world’s best walk robotics team, gathering in Paris 30 experts in robotics, algorithms, clinical trials, quality, regulation and marketing. Wandercraft is actively hiring new talents in these fields.\r\n
          The company will communicate soon on the successful clinical trials of the exo’s version designed for rehabilitation centers. Other clinical trials are planned to prove that exos delivering a realistic walk should enable more effective treatments in rehabilitation centers, and provide mobility-impaired persons with autonomy in their daily living.\r\n
          Autonomous exos will change the lives of millions of wheelchair users and of their physicians, physios and carers.\r\n
          <strong> Top-notch investors to break the disability barrier</strong>\r\n
          After a 5-year stealth period, Wandercraft’s team announces the closing of a Series B round of €15 million with five top-tier investors : XAnge, IDinvest, Cemag Invest and Bpifrance, followed by the company’s historical shareholder LBO France.\r\n
          The funds raised will contribute to scaling Wandercraft’s team, obtaining the exo approval from healthcare authorities, entering the global rehabilitation center market and developing the exo’s personal version.\r\n
          <strong>Nicolas Simon, CEO and one of the three founders of Wandercraft</strong>, has declared: <em>« We are proud to have built a fantastic investor team around our mission, to bring autonomy to wheelchair users. They do not only bring funding but a unique combined experience in robotics, medical technologies and global growth. With the success of the first clinical trials and after 5 years of development on the leading edge of robotics and medicine, we now have all the resources needed to enter the market and contribute to breaking the disability barrier.” </em>\r\n
          Wandercraft’s job is to let walking-impaired persons walk again. Wandercraft develops and commercializes the first autonomous walk exo. With this exo, persons with Spinal Cord Injury stood up and walked, with a realistic gait , autonomously and without crutches in world premiere clinical trials.\r\n
          Wandercraft’s team works on the edge of walk robotics, with the best academic labs in dynamic robotics and reputable medical teams, in Europe and the USA. The company plans to soon distribute its exos to rehabilitation centers and is developing a personal version. It received many prestigious awards and is supported by ambitious investors.\r\n
          Wandercraft makes real the promise of robotics to offer an ordinary life to extraordinary people.\r\n
          <em> Jean-Louis Constanza, Chief Business Officer - - <a href=""> </a></em>\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
          SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, includes 9 investments : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis, OpenHealth Company and BioSerenity.\r\n
          <strong>Contact :</strong> Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
          <strong>Contact Presse</strong>: Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>About XAnge </strong>\r\n
          XAnge is a Franco-German Venture Capital team with €400m under management, investing in Software, Internet, Hard tech and Impact entrepreneurs. XAnge is part of Siparex, a leading French private equity group.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About Idinvest Partners </strong>\r\n
          With more than €8 billion under management, Idinvest Partners is a leading pan-European private equity firm focused on the mid-market segment. Idinvest Partners has developed several complementary areas of expertise including: investments in innovative European startups; mid-market direct lending (unitranche, senior loans and junior financing); primary and secondary investments in unlisted European companies, and private equity consulting. Founded under the name AGF Private Equity in 1997, Idinvest Partners was formerly part of Allianz until 2010 when it became an independent firm.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>About Cemag Invest </strong>\r\n
          Cemag Invest is a family office created following the divestiture of the pharmaceutical company HRA. It focuses on early dev and cap dev minority investment in healthcare companies and BtoB services, always alongside institutional investors.\r\n
          Catherine Dunand, President -\r\n
          <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
          Equity investment are operated by Bpifrance Investissement. Bpifrance, a subsidiary of the French state and the Caisse des Dépôts and the entrepreneurs’ trusted partner, finances businesses from the seed phase to IPO, through loans, guarantees and equity investments. Bpifrance also provides operational services and strong support for innovation, export, and external growth in parnertship with Business France. Bpifrance offers to businesses a large range of financing opportunities at each key step of their development, including offers adapted to regional specificities. With its 50 regional offices (90% of decisions are made locally) Bpifrance represents a strategic tool for economic competitiveness dedicated to entrepreneurs. Bpifrance acts as a back-up for initiatives driven by the French State and the Regions to tackle 3 goals:\r\n
          · Contributing to SME’s growth\r\n
          · Preparing tomorrow’s competitiveness\r\n
          · Contributing to the development of a positive entrepreneur ecosystem.\r\n
          With Bpifrance, businesses benefit from a powerful, efficient and close representative, to answer all their needs in terms of financing, innovation and investment.\r\n
 Twitter: @bpifrance / @bpifrancepresse\r\n
          Nicolas Jehly – - 01 41 79 95 12\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
        +post_date: "2017-09-28 09:06:27"
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          <strong>Paris, September 20th 2017 - Start-up specialized in connected solutions for patients, BioSerenity closed a Series A round of €15 million led by LBO France and investments from Idinvest Partners and PSIM fund managed by Bpifrance. </strong>\r\n
          BioSerenity has developed several product lines to facilitate the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. The high growth medtech company collaborated with several large scale university hospitals across the globe and plans on leveraging the new round of financing to continue its industrialization, and internationalization. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity has recently opened new offices in France, China and the United-States.\r\n
          BioSerenity offers disease specific full-stack solutions to speed up diagnosis, facilitate the follow-up and help calibrate treatments. The company currently focuses on 4 main pathological areas : Epilepsy, Cardiovascular diseases, Pregnancy monitoring and Sleep disorders.\r\n
          BioSerenity has successfully deployed a collaborative business model with the pharmaceutical industry through partnerships that rely on the creation of a complete technological solution (hardware device, smartphone app, medical cloud, and an automatic analysis of data by Artificial Intelligence). Each partnership is centered around a disease area in which the pharmaceutical company is specialized.\r\n
          The pharmaceutical companies use their global reach to deploy the solution around the world and take advantage of the devices for their own clinical trials or companion diagnostics strategy\r\n
          <img class="alignnone size-medium wp-image-3279" src="" alt="" width="300" height="129" />\r\n
          <strong>Pierre Frouin, CEO and Founder of BioSerenity</strong> believes that the success of BioSerenity can be attributed to a combination of factors:<em> “A number of startups focus on a single technology block whereas BioSerenity has a solution based approach ranging from the capture of data to the analysis in a medical context, this makes us one of the only companies in our domain able to generate the expected medical gains. We have developed an important IP portfolio and we have a top-tier team that collaborates with a large ecosystem. BioSerenity was born in a hospital environment in the Brain and Spine Institute ( and our pharmaceutical partners appreciate our deep understanding of clinical challenges”. For Pierre Frouin, “with this fund raising, we obtain not only the means to finance our growth but also investors who have expertise in the digital and medical innovation, two sectors that intersect at BioSerenity</em>”\r\n
          <strong> Valéry Huot, Partner and Head of Innovation Capital of LBO France</strong>, declares: <em>“We are glad to bring our support to BioSerenity and its management team. This is the 9th investment of our SISA fund dedicated to innovating companies focused on digital health in Europe. BioSerenity has an impressive track record and we are convinced that the company will continue its high growth. BioSerenity has all the assets to become a major player in bringing solutions for connected patients around the world.”</em>\r\n
          <strong> Emmanuel Audouard, Director of the PSIM fund at Bpifrance</strong>, adds : <em>“BioSerenity is one of the most promising MedTech companies in its domain. The company brings an innovative solution to diagnostics and monitoring problems. We are glad to support its growth by mobilizing our PSIM fund reserved for winners of the World Wide Innovation Challenge side by side with Idinvest Partners and LBO France.” </em>\r\n
          <strong>Luc Maruenda, Partner at Idinvest Partners</strong> concludes : <em>"BioSerenity has been executing brilliantly these last two years with the help of a team of 80 dynamic talents and academic, industrial and clinical partners of high quality. We are delighted to renew our trust in the management team of BioSerenity by reinvesting and welcoming new co-investors " </em>\r\n
          <strong>About Bioserenity </strong>\r\n
          BioSerenity, is a company created in 2014 and located inside the ICM Brain and Spine Institute ( in La Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital, one of the largest and oldest hospitals in Europe. BioSerenity has a shared research lab with the ICM. With over 80 employees, BioSerenity quickly became one of the technology leaders in smart medical solutions for remote monitoring thanks to an integrated network of partners in the hospital, research and pharmaceutical industry.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          Contact : - Téléphone : +33 1 84 25 64 27\r\n
          <strong> About Idinvest Partners</strong>\r\n
          The mission of Idinvest Partners, a European leader in financing small and medium-sized enterprises, is to fund European businesses at various stages of growth. With more than €8 billion under management, we can harness a range of complementary expertise to help businesses grow quickly using equity and private debt investment, both directly and via private equity funds. Since its formation in 1997, Idinvest has financed more than 3,500 European businesses through its three business lines: Venture &amp; Growth Capital, Private Debt and Private Funds Group.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          Contact : Luc Maruenda, Partner,\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          BioSerenity is the 9th portfolio company of SISA fund, dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, following the investments in Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
          Contact : Valery Huot, Partner – Head of Innovation Capital -\r\n
          Press Contact : Citigate Dewe Rogerson - Robert Amady - - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - / Daiana Hirte - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>About Bpifrance</strong>\r\n
          Bpifrance, a subsidiary of Caisse des Dépôts and the French State, is a trusted partner of entrepreneurs which provides companies with credit, collateral and equity financing support - from start up through to stock exchange listing. In partnership with Business France, Bpifrance also provides guidance and enhanced support services for innovation, external growth, and exports. Bpifrance offers each company a range of financing for each key stage in its development, and an offer adapted to regional particularities. With 48 regional offices (90% of decisions are made regionally), Bpifrance offers entrepreneurs a tool for economic competitiveness. Bpifrance works in support of the public policies pursued nationally and regionally by the French government, to meet three objectives:\r\n
          • support the growth of businesses\r\n
          • prepare for future competitiveness\r\n
          • contribute to the development of an ecosystem that encourages entrepreneurship.\r\n
          With Bpifrance, companies benefit from a strong and effective local contact able to meet all their financial, innovation and investment needs.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          Contact : Nicolas Jehly – - +33 1 41 79 95 12\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 13th September 2017 – OpenHealth Company, specialised in real-time healthcare data collection and analysis, closed a financing round over €5m led by LBO France / Innovation Capital. In September, it will launch The Hub, the largest healthcare data analysis platform available in France.</strong>\r\n
          OpenHealth’s Hub aggregates data from multiple sources to offer a variety of powerful capabilities for analysis in three major areas:\r\n
          - Sales and marketing: Consumer data on all types of healthcare products (more than 200,000 referenced) aimed at the pharmaceutical industry and marketing research firms. These data are available in real time and include sales in pharmacies and supermarkets thanks to a partnership with IRI.\r\n
          - Health watch: Analysis and mapping by geographical area to conduct epidemiological analyses, monitor healthcare product sales and track health events in real time.\r\n
          - Safe use of healthcare products: The analysis of proper medication use and the creation of online cohorts provide information about how medicines and healthcare products are used in real-life (age of patients treated, related treatments, compliance with contraindications and good practices, treatment regimens, etc.), which is essential for risk management by manufacturers and health authorities.\r\n
          These new services will make it possible for data to be explored and analysed through a simple web browser, thereby giving all stakeholders, healthcare industries, public authorities, consulting firms and research organisations easy access to relevant data.\r\n
          The analysis of healthcare data will gradually change how we understand various challenges in the healthcare sector. After massive investments in many developed countries, and especially North America, this was the first fundraising operation to be held in France in this field. Through its SISA fund dedicated to companies in the European digital healthcare sector, LBO France / Innovation Capital led the round over €5m. In 2017, OpenHealth Company also received financial support from Bpifrance.\r\n
          <em> “By making data more accessible to stakeholders and allowing them to develop indicators that were previously complex and costly to obtain, we are accelerating the production of new knowledge”, says Dr Patrick Guérin, President of OpenHealth. “Either for market studies, post-authorisation studies on health product use or healthcare safety, OpenHealth’s Hub is helping to make deep changes to how we understand these data while maintaining the strictest level of privacy”</em>, explains <strong>CEO Dr Jean-Yves Robin.</strong>\r\n
          Ingrid Rayez, Director of Investment at LBO France / Innovation Capital, adds, “We are thrilled to work with OpenHealth and its experienced leaders. This is the eighth investment of our SISA fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy in Europe. The collection and real-time analysis of healthcare data has become key, especially for monitoring the use of healthcare products in real world. With The Hub, OpenHealth is well positioned to become leader in this sector.”\r\n
          Contacts: For OpenHealth:\r\n
          Catherine Commaille-Chapus - +33 2 97 68 37 00 -\r\n
          Press contact: LauMa communication\r\n
          Laurie Marcellesi - +33 1 73 03 05 20 -\r\n
          For LBO France / Innovation Capital:\r\n
          Ingrid Rayez - +33 1 80 06 99 15 -\r\n
          Press contact: Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong> About OpenHealth</strong>\r\n
          OpenHealth Company, founded in 2015 by Patrick Guérin, former President of Celtipharm, and JeanYves Robin, former Director of ASIP Santé, is the leading French company in the collection and realtime analysis of healthcare data. This expertise is supported by the processing of multiple data sources, including pharmacy sales data (a panel of more than 10,000 pharmacies, retained by the French High Authority of Health – HAS and the National Agency for the Safety of Medicine and Health Products – ANSM), geographical data, longitudinal patient data, outpatient medical data and international data. The company provides industrial and institutional customers with new flexible solutions and unique sector-specific support with its multidisciplinary team of doctors, pharmacists, statisticians, market access experts and industry executives. OpenHealth, which has around 50 employees at its Parisian headquarters and production site in Vannes, France, has projected its 2017 turnover at around €10m. The company is an accredited personal healthcare data host.\r\n
          For more information, go to <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France / Innovation Capital</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company which has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on four investment approaches in non-listed companies, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout via the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout via the Hexagone funds, (ii) Venture Capital via the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate via the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. The SISA fund, Innovation Capital’s latest fund dedicated to digital healthcare and autonomy, is today strong of 8 portfolio companies : Voluntis, FittingBox, Zesty, Wandercraft, Biomodex, H4D, Kayentis and OpenHealth.\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, September 4, 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in PIEX (“the Company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with Mr. Bertrand Talbotier and the Company’s management team, as well as funds AfricInvest Europe, BNP Paribas Développement, BPI and Trocadéro Capital Partners.\r\n
          PIEX is a specialized distribution company which was founded in 1979 by Mr. Robert Jamain, incumbent CEO, and which, over the past years, grew to become a key player in the distribution of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products in French-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa.\r\n
          Its unique positioning, based upon its strong expertise of targeted markets and ability to handle products from many pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical companies in a professional, agile and flexible way, positions PIEX as an indispensable and trusted partner of groups to enter the African market through a wide network of local wholesalers.\r\n
          Thanks to its proven know-how and tailor-made logistics, the Company has, over the past 40 years, secured privileged relationships with its historical clients, worldwide’s pharmaceutical groups and health professionals which mainly operate in Sub-Saharan Africa, and in Central Asia from now on.\r\n
          PIEX has recorded an average annual growth (CAGR) in its revenue of ca. 12% since 2005 and has reached €80 million in revenue in 2016, spread over more than 30 countries, including Ivory Coast (22%), Senegal (14%) and Cameroon (10%).\r\n
          The Company distributes more than 750 products to ca. 350 clients.\r\n
          In order to increase PIEX’s revenue and market shares, LBO France has teamed up with a new management team, led by Bertrand Talbotier (seasoned entrepreneur with more than 20-year experience in the pharmaceutical industry and a strong knowledge of the African market), and identified 3 main priorities:\r\n
          - Further develop its client base to include new pharmaceutical groups and biotech companies;\r\n
          - Expand its business activities into new high-growth geographical markets;\r\n
          - Broaden its offer of high value-added services.\r\n
          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"This primary LBO perfectly illustrates our strategy of accompanying family-owned companies in their new development phase and led by a new management team. This acquisition is a meaningful choice made by LBO France in its investment options and the very nature of PIEX, a company operating in the heath sector and mainly towards the African market, demonstrates our commitment to the ESG principles guiding our investment approach." </em>\r\n
          <strong>Bertrand Talbotier, PIEX’s newly appointed CEO</strong>, added:<em> "PIEX’s acquisition by LBO France and its management team is a key milestone in the implementation of our defined strategy which aims at creating a leading player in the distribution of pharmaceutical products. Our conviction for PIEX is to improve patients’ life and health in targeted geographical areas and bring high quality genuine products and services within reach to historically disadvantaged people and countries. Our ambition is to build a model which is known for being innovative, profitable, long-lasting, respectful and exemplary in its operational roll-out. I am very honored to be given the opportunity to lead this ambitious project, alongside LBO France and our partners, towards achieving the expected success." </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France Team: Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap\r\n
          LBO France Emmanuel Fiorentino, Investment Manager\r\n
          Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
          - Finance: Grant Thornton : Emmanuel Riou\r\n
          Anissa Ghaouti\r\n
          - Legal: Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
          Pascal Georges\r\n
          Nicolas Goetz\r\n
          Gabriel di Chiara\r\n
          Camille Perodeau\r\n
          - Strategy : Alcimed : Vincent Genet\r\n
          Loïc Marce\r\n
          - HR : Cabinet Bilanciel\r\n
          Sophie Touttée Henrotte\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>Media Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 27 July 2017</strong> – LBO France announced the acquisition of a majority stake in SERAPID (“the company”). This buy-out operation is led partnering with two managers, Emeric Labesse and Guillaume Davies, as well as the historic shareholder Saïd Lounis.\r\n
          SERAPID is a French company created in 1972. As the creator of the rigid chain technology, SERAPID designs and manufactures telescopic mechanical links used for the horizontal and vertical displacement of heavy loads and the rapid change of press tools. Thanks to its intrinsic advantages (clean, reliable and compact technology), the rigid chain is a real alternative to traditional mechanical and hydraulic solutions that meet the needs of various industries (automotive, nuclear, aerospace, medical and entertainment).\r\n
          Building on its success, the company reached €26m of sales in 2016, of which 70% in industrial equipment and 30% in scenic and architectural.\r\n
          Headquartered in Dieppe, the company already has a very strong international presence, with 59% of its revenues generated in Europe, 37% in North America and 4% in Asia. The company employs 116 employees.\r\n
          In order to accelerate its development in the coming years, SERAPID has identified three major axes:\r\n
          - Accelerating the international deployment of historical applications;\r\n
          - Deployment of new applications in the medical, defense and lift markets for freight, trucks and cars;\r\n
          - Strengthening the existing organization.\r\n
          <strong>Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>« This primary LBO, negotiated off-market in the frame of a proprietary transaction, illustrates our small cap strategy perfectly. We support French companies willing to expand abroad. » </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France team : Jean-Marie Leroy, Partner Small Cap LBO France\r\n
          Louis de Lummen, Investment Manager\r\n
          Karine Callec, General Counsel\r\n
          - Finance : EY : Jean-François Nadaud\r\n
          Guilhem de Montmarin\r\n
          - Legal : Jeantet : Philippe Matignon\r\n
          Pascal Georges\r\n
          - Strategic : LEK : Serge Hosepian\r\n
          Maxime Julian\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France</strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          Press Contacts For LBO France - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 - Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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          <strong>Paris, 26 July 2017</strong> – LBO France and Abenex announced today that they have signed an exclusive agreement aiming at the acquisition by LBO France of the majority stake in RG Safety Group (“the Group”) currently held by Abenex.\r\n
          Founded in 1987, headquartered in Saint Priest, and now managed by Pierre Manchini (CEO), RG Safety Group is the French leading specialized distributor of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The group distributes a wide range of products (35,000 references) covering 6 main protection fields: Head, Hand, Foot, Body, Breathing, and Hygiene &amp; Safety in the working environment. The Group is also successfully selling products under its own brand, Ergos, which today accounts for ca. 30% of total sales. Main clients comprise of large corporations, SMEs from the industry and service sectors and public sector entities.\r\n
          Operating through 27 branches (of which 20 in France), the Group employs 430 employees. In 2016, RG Safety Group saw sales growing by 17% to reach over €180M, notably further to the acquisition of Italian A+A Monferrato. International (outside France) sales now account for ca. 20% of total sales.\r\n
          To spur growth, RG Safety Group intends to rely on both organic and external growth to create the European leader within the PPE market by 2022, driven by:\r\n
          - consolidating the French PPE distribution market (market share gains, development on new segments and multi-channel offering);\r\n
          - expanding commercial operations in Europe with a more direct access to local clients and assistance to international clients;\r\n
          - integrating acquisition targets, primarily in Europe.\r\n
          The transaction remains subject to consultations with employee representative bodies and approval by relevant competition authorities.\r\n
          <strong>Jérôme Guez, Partner at LBO France</strong>, commented: <em>"We would be pleased to partner with Pierre Manchini and his teams to support RG Safety Group in its continued growth and innovation capacity, enabling it to become one of Europe’s leading distributors of Personal Protective Equipment." </em>\r\n
          <em>"We are very excited about the possibility to enter in a new partnership with LBO France to continue to execute the strategic plan we have initiated 3 years from now, and together, accelerate, organically and through targeted acquisitions, RG Safety Group’s growth trajectory and geographic expansion in Europe."</em> added <strong>Pierre Manchini, CEO of RG Safety Group</strong>.\r\n
          <strong>Johann Dupont, Partner in charge of Operating team at Abenex</strong> said: <em>"Abenex is proud to have supported the growth and development of RG Safety Group during these past 4 years, paving the way for a true European leadership." </em>\r\n
          Parties involved:\r\n
          LBO France\r\n
          - LBO France team: Jérôme Guez, Simon Couturier LBO Mid cap White Knight, and Gilles Taldu, Head of the Operating team\r\n
          - Finance : Deloitte : Frédérique Chenevoy\r\n
          - Legal: Mayor-Brown : Emily Pennec, Xavier Jaspar and Laurent Borey\r\n
          - Strategic : Advention : Alban Neveux\r\n
          - Abenex team: Johann Dupont and Matthieu Balaÿ\r\n
          - M&amp;A : Rothschild &amp; Cie (Transaction R) :\r\n
          o M&amp;A : Pierre Sader, Benjamin Osdoit, Guillaume Marquet de Vasselot, Cyril Petit\r\n
          o Financing : Mathilde Paoli\r\n
          - Legal : DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal\r\n
          - Vendor Due Diligence :\r\n
          o Finance : Deloitte : Eric Boucharlat, Thomas Gorguis, Kevin Profit and Noémie Picaud\r\n
          o Legal, Social, Tax: DLA Piper : Michel Frieh, Matthieu Lampel, Anaïs Vidal, Jérôme Halphen, Eva Amor, Guillaume Valois, Emilie Renaud ;\r\n
          o Strategic: Indefi : Julien Berger, Charles-Antoine Dreyfus Management\r\n
          - Finance : Canacord : Nadim Barouki\r\n
          - Legal: Delaby : Emmanuel Delaby\r\n
          - - -\r\n
          <strong>About LBO France </strong>\r\n
          As a key player in private equity with €3.6bn of capital under management, LBO France is an independent company that has been supporting French companies in their growth for more than 30 years. Its strategy is based on 4 investment approaches in non-listed assets, managed by dedicated teams: (i) Mid Cap buyout through the White Knight funds and Small Cap buyout through the Hexagone funds, (ii) Innovation-Capital through the Innovation Capital funds, (iii) Real Estate through the White Stone and Lapillus funds, (iv) Debt. LBO France is 100%-owned by its management and employs almost 60 professionals.\r\n
          <a href=""></a>\r\n
          <strong>About RG Safety Group</strong>\r\n
          With more than €180 million in revenue, RG Safety Group operates through 27 branches in France and in Europe with ca. 430 employees and serves 40,000 active clients.\r\n
          RG Safety’s Group products cover 6 main protection fields:\r\n
          • Head protection (hardhats and ear defenders, goggles)\r\n
          • Breathing protection (masks, respirators…)\r\n
          • Hand protection (tear/heat/chemical resistant gloves…)\r\n
          • Body protection (professional, safety and short use clothing)\r\n
          • Foot protection (safety shoes)\r\n
          • Safety and hygiene (consignment and safety of the work environment…)\r\n
          RG Safey Group is also known through the following brand names: FIPROTEC, GERIN, AMIET, CEVENOLE DE PROTECTION in France, A+A MONFERRATO in Italy, KNOLL ARBEITSSCHUTZ in Germany, LISAP in Belgium, RG SAFETY IBERICA in Spain, RG SWISS in Switzerland, MIDITECH in Slovakia et RG Tunisia in Tunisia.\r\n
          <a href=""> </a>\r\n
          <strong>About Abenex</strong>\r\n
          Abénex is a fully independent private equity firm. Abénex makes long term investments alongside managers in high growth and operational improvement transactions. Abénex specialises in capital development and buy-outs with or without financial leverage. With a strong focus on corporate strategy, operational excellence, and financial performance, Abénex leverages its network, resources and experience to help build value for customers, employees, and shareholders. The team benefits from a proven know-how in external growth projects, public-toprivate transactions, and in partnering with family owners. Abénex invests in companies valued up to €300m, either through majority or minority stakes.\r\n
          <strong>Press Contacts For LBO France</strong> - Citigate Dewe Rogerson\r\n
          Robert Amady - +33 1 53 32 78 91 - +33 6 72 63 08 91 -\r\n
          Daiana Hirte - +33 1 53 32 78 90 - +33 7 60 90 89 12 -\r\n
          <strong>For RG Safety Group </strong>\r\n
          Marie Patricio - +33 4 72 23 24 40 –\r\n
          <strong>For Abenex </strong>\r\n
          Johann Dupont - +33 1 53 93 69 04 - +33 6 23 38 46 46 -\r\n
          <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Read Press Release</a>
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